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Shoe is on the other foot: Prove there is not God.


Well-Known Member
How do you know it was true? Did you experience evidence you could test, and let other independent people test those evidence as well, or did you just assume it from page one?

Just as science has standards it must go by and adhere to so must everything also stand up to the standard laid out by ones belief. In my case the scriptures are the highest standard and everything must not contradict it, including science because science {edit here: change from is to can be} another revelation of God just like all those extra biblical books out there. If there is something in one of those books that contradict the scriptures or any of it precepts, although it may contain some truth in it, it is ultimately not true. The same goes with science. Now if the science is true and you read something in a bible that doesnt match or mesh then either the interpretation is wrong or the translation may be wrong.

Although i hold the scriptures as the highest standard, science, true science, is a close second because it is something we can prove physically.

The way i know if a "vision" or "esperience" is true is if it doesnt contradict anything in any field whether biblically, scientifically or philosiphically.
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Well-Known Member
To cottage (or anyone else interested)

You asked me to explain one of my experiences with God a couple weeks back. I still cant come with a direct answer on how to explain it, but i will just wing it right now.

Its not just a single point of time i experienced, it was more like a experiencing ones past present and future at once, but the big difference to my experience [imo] is that i think everyone has experienced this is some form or another, even i have before yet now since i have been shown the truth of God and came to know the truth of the doctrines of christianity and the world, when i experience the past not only do i see my errors, but i see the errors of other as well who were searching for the truth and they came to a truth but forgot to apply that truth with all the other truths without contradicting any other truth spelled out by the scriptures. In otherwords i experience not only my past but in a way i experience and see how others who came to a truth and then let their imaginations just run wild and not stay grounded on the foundation of Gods word. I am able to see why they came to their thoughts and then God shows me there error or reminds me of a scripture or precept that they broke in their imaginings. This also applies back to me.

Let me interject here. One of the major principles of the Word is contrast. To know the truth, you have to know whats false. I was just as duped into a lot of the false doctrines of not just christianity but the world. I know the false or the lies or half lies of the world (not saying i know them all, but on major ones God has shown me the light). Thats why we have verses like Ecc 1:13 and 2 Th 2:11 to learn and understand whats happening around us.

(lost my train of thought again, trying to recover) Experiencing the present and (possible) future is what is truly to the experience because it can feel as if you are in the future yet you know you are in the present like Paul stated, and of course i doubt mine was on his level.

Well i got interrupted again so i guess to make a long story short, learning the truth about freewill and reading and actually believing what the scriptures say and knowing the reason why Jesus only spoke in parables and how that makes peoples imaginations flow, some stay grounded in the scriptures when this happens but most dont, this is the experience. You can almost let your mind go free as long as you notice the what can be true and what is false.

With respect are these really ‘experiences with God’? You appear to be making a circular argument to the Bible: ‘Reading and believing what the scriptures say.’ So, you hold the Bible to be true and say your experiences point to the Bible and the truth of its verses! But if verses in the Bible are true, then they are true independent of experience. Although you allude to acquiring through religious experience knowledge of what is true and what is false you give no examples, and so I cannot really comment on that unless you provide some instances.

The best way to explain it i guess would be like having the feeling that those who are still immersed in the delusion of freewill feel, where they feel as if they are in control of everything. Take that feeling minus the myth of freewill and input God there and its like being one with God.

There’s a problem with this line of argument. There are any number of determinists who are atheists or otherwise not in the least religious. And nobody believes we can be entirely in charge of our own destiny, even to the extent that it affects our day-to-day lives. When we speak of free will we mean freedom within certain constraints, such as those imposed by our physical and intellectual limitations. All things answer to something, humans to the laws of the universe, and even God must answer to the laws of logic.


Well-Known Member
Just as science has standards it must go by and adhere to so must everything also stand up to the standard laid out by ones belief. In my case the scriptures are the highest standard and everything must not contradict it, including science because science {edit here: change from is to can be} another revelation of God just like all those extra biblical books out there. If there is something in one of those books that contradict the scriptures or any of it precepts, although it may contain some truth in it, it is ultimately not true. The same goes with science. Now if the science is true and you read something in a bible that doesnt match or mesh then either the interpretation is wrong or the translation may be wrong.

Although i hold the scriptures as the highest standard, science, true science, is a close second because it is something we can prove physically.

The way i know if a "vision" or "esperience" is true is if it doesnt contradict anything in any field whether biblically, scientifically or philosiphically.

But that isn’t a criterion of truth! For example one might have an experience exactly of a piece with the biblical verse ‘I will be with you’ (Ex 3:12). There is nothing contradictory about that, but it doesn’t make it true that God is with you.

I’m very surprised indeed, astounded actually, where you say: ‘Now if the science is true and you read something in a bible that doesnt match or mesh then either the interpretation is wrong or the translation may be wrong.’

It seems that you want to hold gospel as an article of faith and yet use science to judge it, as if the physical world sets out the terms of reference for what can be true of an almighty God! Science is only humans’ very imprecise way of trying to make sense of the material world and what we believe to be knowledge is greatly exceeded by our ignorance. So, once again, rather absurdly God seems to be dependent upon the material world, rather than the other way about. But if ‘God exists’ is true and some experimental reasoning (science) contradicts that statement, then it will be the reasoning that is wrong and not the statement.


Well-Known Member
With respect are these really ‘experiences with God’? You appear to be making a circular argument to the Bible: ‘Reading and believing what the scriptures say.’ So, you hold the Bible to be true and say your experiences point to the Bible and the truth of its verses! But if verses in the Bible are true, then they are true independent of experience. Although you allude to acquiring through religious experience knowledge of what is true and what is false you give no examples, and so I cannot really comment on that unless you provide some instances.

There can be a big difference between bible verses and scripture. Believe me there is. You say "But if verses in the Bible are true, then they are true independent of experience." No, Jesus answers this by saying "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Also in Revelation it states "those written in the book of the life of the Lamb" and we know Jesus lived before us so in a sense we all may be living what Jesus experienced before He was given all the power and glory He obtained. I know christian theology doesnt teach this and its not easy to spot in the scriptures on how Jesus became the Lord God but some clues are in there. So to get to my point the scriptures teach we are to "be like Him" and "suffer like Him" and most think that this is only talking about we He appeared 2000 years ago, but as the verse in Hebrews state "He learned obedience through suffering", Jesus was already obedient before He appeared to thousand years ago so by implication He must have suffered even before His earthly appearance, so in essence the experience is not independant.

One example of whats true and false is the teaching of freewill. Basically if you believe in freewill, you dont believe in the Sovereignty of God and Him working in everything single thing, but the opposite is true for not believing in freewill

There’s a problem with this line of argument. There are any number of determinists who are atheists or otherwise not in the least religious. And nobody believes we can be entirely in charge of our own destiny, even to the extent that it affects our day-to-day lives. When we speak of free will we mean freedom within certain constraints, such as those imposed by our physical and intellectual limitations. All things answer to something, humans to the laws of the universe, and even God must answer to the laws of logic.

Yeah they call it limited freewill which is a contradiction or oxymoron in itself. You cant have a limited free something. Limited and free are complete opposites.

Truthfully i dont fully understand athiests who are determinists and what exactly it is they believe because to me it just like saying we are here and thats it, no hope no nothing. Its just another way of saying what it says in the scriptures "eat and drink for tomorrow we die". No purpose for nothing.

and even God must answer to the laws of logic.

I can agree with that because in essence God is logic.

But that isn’t a criterion of truth! For example one might have an experience exactly of a piece with the biblical verse ‘I will be with you’ (Ex 3:12). There is nothing contradictory about that, but it doesn’t make it true that God is with you.

The thing with this is even though it plainly states "I will be with you", alot of people dont believe it. It can still remain a statement of fact or truth regardless if one believes it or not. For instance many state they have the Spirt of God and will say others dont have it, yet while in a sense this may be true but reality is that everyone has some of the Spirit of God in them because it is God who gives and sustains life.

It seems that you want to hold gospel as an article of faith and yet use science to judge it, as if the physical world sets out the terms of reference for what can be true of an almighty God! Science is only humans’ very imprecise way of trying to make sense of the material world and what we believe to be knowledge is greatly exceeded by our ignorance. So, once again, rather absurdly God seems to be dependent upon the material world, rather than the other way about. But if ‘God exists’ is true and some experimental reasoning (science) contradicts that statement, then it will be the reasoning that is wrong and not the statement.

You gotta understand the perversion done in the translating of the scriptures. For instance the Noahs flood and bible like KJV using earth where land should have been put. The true science shows there was no global flood but bibles like the KJ say otherwise. The truth of science demands that there must have been a translation error and when one studies this out you see the error of the translation and science proving the flood account.

Its not that God is dependant on the material world to prove He exists because even those who hear Him speaking to their spirit can accept only that as revelation but the material world is like another key or revelation to what the is speaking to your spirit. The material world becomes another proof to them, not THE proof. Actually according to the scriptures God speaking to your spirit first will then help you recognise His hand in the material world, not the other way around. I cant directly prove that last statement for anyone else because i dont know their past but for me i can see it was Him first calling before anything else.

But if ‘God exists’ is true and some experimental reasoning (science) contradicts that statement, then it will be the reasoning that is wrong and not the statement.

Agreed. If something i know something is absolutely true that is stated in the scriptures and some science says something otherwise then i know the science is wrong. For instance the universe being eternal. Like i said if science found this to be absolutely true then this would severly hurt all religions dealing with a God if not completely destroy it. So eternal universe, until conclusively proven, must be false.

ps Sorry for the long delay to answer and i still didnt answer the experience the way i wanted. Its just so hard to explain.


Thou art That
How do you know that? If there isn't any evidence for it, how come you don't accept the un-proven statement that "god does not exist"? Why are they both not equally valid, what makes your statement more valid than the other?

I was talking about the spiritual experience, which does not necessarily include God or a god.

I accept neither that god exists, nor not-exists. To do so would put me in a position of contention. Contention involves defense, which leads to offense. Now there is conflict, and distancing oneself from reality. Better to stand exactly between the two, but being attached to neither. Now I can see both positions while retaining freedom of mind, and liberation is what the authentic, doctrineless spiritual experience is all about, not contention of one's position about doctrine.

How does these different things work? Have you proven that through these methods you do come closer to god through rational means, such as the scientific method? While your at it, could you explain the science and/or the evidence behind this statement as well:

Put simply, the thinking mind, upon which knowledge is based, is conceptual, while the nature of the Infinite is non-conceptual. One cannot encapsulate the Infinite with concept or theory. One must first learn how to see, and it is thought and knowledge that stand in the way. I try not to use the word 'god' or 'God' because those are already encapsulations. Buddhists have a saying: "Every time you say the word 'Buddha', you should wash your mouth out with soap!":D

Thanks in advance.

This occurs when your thinking, grasping, restless, inquiring mind is quieted down, and another kind of mind comes into play. The ideal is for a spiritual awakening to occur. When this happens, one is where one has always been: in the eternal Here and Now, but also in the Ordinary world. The two are seen and understood as one. There is no 'this world' and 'that world'; it is all 'one world'. 'This' and 'that' are only in the mind as illusions.


Thou art That
If that's the case, then why use the term "God" to describe this at all? What reason do you have to use it?

I use it as a means of communicating with others who understand God as being a reality.

It is? :sarcastic

Yes. Can you show me a belief that is not?

Hmm. It seems to me that you're talking about knowledge, but while taking away any tool we have to obtain knowledge. To me, this is contradictory.

I am not talking about knowledge; I am talking about seeing, without thought, without belief, without knowledge.

I take it you're not a fan of history, then. That's fine - different strokes for different folks. I do disagree with your idea that "spirituality" is distinct from religion, though.

I am neither 'for' nor 'against' history. It is simply that it is not a living experience. It is fine, but it is still dead.

Religion is the vehicle, but spirituality is the experience itself that is beyond all religion. Religion is about doctrine and belief, while the spiritual experience is about neither. It is about the spiritual experience.

And what's wrong with either of these things?

In terms of the apprehension of reality, they are obstacles. Reality itself cannot be encapsulated by an encapsulator, because the menu is not the meal, and because the encapsulator (ie; the self) does not actually exist.

Right - there's no point "embarking on a path" for something that's readily at hand.

You're trying to make a false equivocation here, and I'm not buying it. There's a big difference between accepting something because the evidence is so overwhelming that you never bother to question it and accepting something simply because you never bother to question the complete and utter lack of evidence for it.

Yes, but where your original analogy fails is that the kind of evidence for the New World does not work to demonstrate the existence of God.

Fine; so we're "immersed in water". This doesn't imply we can't measure the water.

You will only end up with a description of water, without any real understanding about its true nature.

There is a famous Buddhist story about a man fatally shot with an arrow. A doctor, passing by, stops to remove the arrow, but the man protests, inquiring about the kind of wood the arrow is made of; about the kind of bird whose feathers are attached to the arrow; about the man who made the arrow, and on and on. By the time these questions are answered, the man would be dead, instead of paying attention to his immediate predicament.

IOW, all your fancy analogies about being immersed in evidence weren't really correct, were they?

I never said we were immersed in evidence; I said we are at one with the divine essence itself, whether we think so or not. The nature of the divine essence is such that it is beyond the five senses. No evidence provable by ordinary means is available, and yet, the divine essence is right in front of you.

Great - then it's beyond knowledge as well. Any concept of God, including the one you've described here, can be rejected as being totally without foundation.

An experience is not a concept.

After all, if you can know about a thing enough to talk about it at all, then it's not "beyond the senses" or "beyond reason".

Yes, it is. Talking about it is not the actual reality. That has always been the problem. Scripture is not the spiritual experience; it is ABOUT the spiritual experience. It cannot be intellectualized. Jesus tried to tell his audience that they were mistaken to think they would find eternal life within the scriptures. He knew they had the cart before the horse. Therefore, we go and get the spiritual experience FIRST. That way, we know what we are talking about.

In contrast with the ancient Greeks, "moderns" also don't see earth, air, fire and water as elements. Guess what? The ancient Greeks were wrong and the "moderns" are right.

Not really, as the modern's view of these things is a revival of the ancient view.

That's a foolish statement. "Ancient man" had just as much acquired knowledge as we do; it's just that their acquired knowledge was more often of poor quality.

Modern man has quite a refined knowledge, and in abundance, but we are further away from spiritual fullfilment than ever. Why do you think that such intuitive spiritual views such as Gnosticism, Zen, Yoga, etc, are all enjoying renewed interest? Because they nourish man's spiritual hunger where 'knowledge', as superior as modern man's is, cannot. In fact, it has become a great obstacle to such fullfilment, because it is a fragmentation of reality, rather than an apprehension of its wholeness intact as it actually exists.


Woke gremlin
Yes. Can you show me a belief that is not?
"God exists because the Bible says he exists."
"The earth is the center of the Universe."
"God exists, and in spite of the fact that there is no evidence of God's existence I will continue to believe this even in light of contrary evidence."

Rationality is reaching a conclusion with observation, reason, logic and deduction. Belief forgoes observation in favor of imagination, reason in favor of bias, logic in favor of fallacy and deduction in favor of preconceived answers.

I am not talking about knowledge; I am talking about seeing, without thought, without belief, without knowledge.
Seeing without thought or knowledge is called illusion. Without the faculty to understand or reason with what we are seeing, we have absolutely no means of establishing whether or not what we are seeing is real or imagination.

That is not a good thing, no matter how you try and spin it.

In terms of the apprehension of reality, they are obstacles. Reality itself cannot be encapsulated by an encapsulator, because the menu is not the meal, and because the encapsulator (ie; the self) does not actually exist.
Evidence, please.

Yes, but where your original analogy fails is that the kind of evidence for the New World does not work to demonstrate the existence of God.
Hence indicating the nonexistence of God.

You will only end up with a description of water, without any real understanding about its true nature.

There is a famous Buddhist story about a man fatally shot with an arrow. A doctor, passing by, stops to remove the arrow, but the man protests, inquiring about the kind of wood the arrow is made of; about the kind of bird whose feathers are attached to the arrow; about the man who made the arrow, and on and on. By the time these questions are answered, the man would be dead, instead of paying attention to his immediate predicament.
This is a huge non-sequitur. In measuring something we quantify it's existence - we need not make any effort to demonstrate anything else. Why do you not propose a way we might discern the "true nature" of something?

I never said we were immersed in evidence; I said we are at one with the divine essence itself, whether we think so or not. The nature of the divine essence is such that it is beyond the five senses. No evidence provable by ordinary means is available, and yet, the divine essence is right in front of you.
So, in other words, God exists but there is no reason or evidence that suggest their existence?

Have you ever heard of the phrase "something equal to nothing is zero"? It means that even if something exists, if we have no means of discerning it's existence in any way shape or form it make no difference whether it exists or not. The way you describe God, the world would be exactly the same whether he existed or not, and we would have just as little reason to accept God either way.

In other words: your definition of God is no different to my definition of a Jabberwocky or a hobgoblin in terms of how we can demonstrate their existence. If you cannot validate your claim that God exists, then we remain validated in our opinion that God does not exist.

Modern man has quite a refined knowledge, and in abundance, but we are further away from spiritual fullfilment than ever. Why do you think that such intuitive spiritual views such as Gnosticism, Zen, Yoga, etc, are all enjoying renewed interest? Because they nourish man's spiritual hunger where 'knowledge', as superior as modern man's is, cannot. In fact, it has become a great obstacle to such fullfilment, because it is a fragmentation of reality, rather than an apprehension of its wholeness intact as it actually exists.
The reason such practices are enjoying renewed interest is simple: worldwide communication allows for the sharing of ancient ideas from a variety of culture. That, combined with the pretentious need for people in the west to bottle-up whatever chunks of pseudo-eastern spirituality happen along their path and sell it to badly-informed people looking for a alternative to mainstream religion in favor of supposedly more liberal belief structures. Or did you think that the Zen practices of today are the same the Zen practices of hundreds of years ago?

People believe things like that today for more-or-less the same reason they believed them thousands of years ago: gullibility, pretension, ignorance or the desire for there to be "more to life".

Oh, and because yoga's actually quite good for you, apparently.


Active Member
Just as science has standards it must go by and adhere to so must everything also stand up to the standard laid out by ones belief. In my case the scriptures are the highest standard and everything must not contradict it, including science because science {edit here: change from is to can be} another revelation of God just like all those extra biblical books out there.
I'm not quite sure that I would agree that the scriptures have proven themselves as well as the scientific method...
If there is something in one of those books that contradict the scriptures or any of it precepts, although it may contain some truth in it, it is ultimately not true. The same goes with science.
Wait a minute, are you saying science contradicting the sciptures means that science is the one that's false? How has the scriptures been proven to be just as rational and empirically proven as science? No, excuse me, how has the scriptures been proven to be more rational and empirically proven than science?
Now if the science is true and you read something in a bible that doesnt match or mesh then either the interpretation is wrong or the translation may be wrong.
... or *gasp* the Bible's wrong?

Although i hold the scriptures as the highest standard, science, true science, is a close second because it is something we can prove physically.
So why doesn't the scriptures have to stand the same rigurous testing as science? You know, science doesn't have to be "physically proven", it just has to be rationally proven. Mathematics and theoretical physics for example don't rely on physical proof at all.

godnotgod said:
I was talking about the spiritual experience, which does not necessarily include God or a god.
Ok ... how come you find the statement "spiritual experiences are real" more valid than "spiritual experiences are not real"?

One cannot encapsulate the Infinite with concept or theory.
We do it all the time in mathematics and theoretical physics.

This occurs when your thinking, grasping, restless, inquiring mind is quieted down, and another kind of mind comes into play. The ideal is for a spiritual awakening to occur. When this happens, one is where one has always been: in the eternal Here and Now, but also in the Ordinary world. The two are seen and understood as one. There is no 'this world' and 'that world'; it is all 'one world'. 'This' and 'that' are only in the mind as illusions.
Everything you've said is a statement that "this is how it works". Where is the evidence the world and spiritualism works that way? Is the model falsifiable? How?
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Well-Known Member
There can be a big difference between bible verses and scripture. Believe me there is. You say "But if verses in the Bible are true, then they are true independent of experience." No, Jesus answers this by saying "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Also in Revelation it states "those written in the book of the life of the Lamb" and we know Jesus lived before us so in a sense we all may be living what Jesus experienced before He was given all the power and glory He obtained. I know christian theology doesnt teach this and its not easy to spot in the scriptures on how Jesus became the Lord God but some clues are in there. So to get to my point the scriptures teach we are to "be like Him" and "suffer like Him" and most think that this is only talking about we He appeared 2000 years ago, but as the verse in Hebrews state "He learned obedience through suffering", Jesus was already obedient before He appeared to thousand years ago so by implication He must have suffered even before His earthly appearance, so in essence the experience is not independant.

What I’m saying is if the Bible (or scripture, or God) is true, then that truth obtains independent of experience. But your argument begins from faith and so you hold the Bible to be true, and then say your experiences confirm the truth of the Bible, which is merely arguing in a circle (your last sentence exemplifies this). In other words you are not beginning from a demonstrable truth but with an assumption that you repeat again as your conclusion.

One example of whats true and false is the teaching of freewill. Basically if you believe in freewill, you dont believe in the Sovereignty of God and Him working in everything single thing, but the opposite is true for not believing in freewill

Yeah they call it limited freewill which is a contradiction or oxymoron in itself. You cant have a limited free something. Limited and free are complete opposites.

Truthfully i dont fully understand athiests who are determinists and what exactly it is they believe because to me it just like saying we are here and thats it, no hope no nothing. Its just another way of saying what it says in the scriptures "eat and drink for tomorrow we die". No purpose for nothing.

There is of course no absolute free will, and it is certainly not true to say determinists necessarily believe in God!
And there is nothing contradictory in the notion of limited freedom. For example, God is omnipotent but his power is limited to what is logically possible.

The thing with this is even though it plainly states "I will be with you", alot of people dont believe it. It can still remain a statement of fact or truth regardless if one believes it or not. For instance many state they have the Spirt of God and will say others dont have it, yet while in a sense this may be true but reality is that everyone has some of the Spirit of God in them because it is God who gives and sustains life
But it isn’t a statement of fact or truth, and it isn’t the reality that everyone has the spirit of God in them. It’s a belief!

You gotta understand the perversion done in the translating of the scriptures. For instance the Noahs flood and bible like KJV using earth where land should have been put. The true science shows there was no global flood but bibles like the KJ say otherwise. The truth of science demands that there must have been a translation error and when one studies this out you see the error of the translation and science proving the flood account.
The Bible is full of anomalies, which is why theist scholars use exegesis to explain errors, contradictions and inconsistencies. Almost everything can be interpreted to mean something different or be explained away as symbolism or simple allegory. The Bible is for believers; it isn’t an argument or a demonstration of what is true or real. And (in complete disagreement with Richard Dawkins) science cannot be the litmus test for a Supreme Being. Science is about empirical reasoning and probabilities whereas non-physical transcendent entities can only be described in terms of logical concepts. Therefore, and I really cannot stress this point enough, to judge a deity on the basis of what is known scientifically is to place it in the realm of the physical world along with all the constraints and limitations that implies. God must be entirely other. Can you think of one thing, an exact characteristic or similarity that God must have (other than his compliance with the laws of thought) that we observe in the material world?

Its not that God is dependant on the material world to prove He exists because even those who hear Him speaking to their spirit can accept only that as revelation but the material world is like another key or revelation to what the is speaking to your spirit. The material world becomes another proof to them, not THE proof. Actually according to the scriptures God speaking to your spirit first will then help you recognise His hand in the material world, not the other way around. I cant directly prove that last statement for anyone else because i dont know their past but for me i can see it was Him first calling before anything else

Agreed. If something i know something is absolutely true that is stated in the scriptures and some science says something otherwise then i know the science is wrong. For instance the universe being eternal. Like i said if science found this to be absolutely true then this would severly hurt all religions dealing with a God if not completely destroy it. So eternal universe, until conclusively proven, must be false.

I’m sorry but that’s not correct. If ‘God exists’ is true and some experimental reasoning (science) contradicts that statement, then it will be the reasoning that is wrong and not the statement - but the statement ‘God exists’ isn’t true; it’s simply a belief. And to say the universe being eternal is false unless proven true is specious reasoning. ‘The statements: There is no God’ or the ‘universe is not eternal’ imply no contradiction if denied. There is no more a proof for the existence God than there is for an eternal universe (but at least we know the universe actually exists!)


Thou art That
"God exists because the Bible says he exists."
"The earth is the center of the Universe."
"God exists, and in spite of the fact that there is no evidence of God's existence I will continue to believe this even in light of contrary evidence.

All of these are a form of rational thought, though they may be erroneous. Someone may say: "I can carve a wooden tool, but I cannot create a tree. Therefore, there must be a powerful being who is responsible for it." This is reasoning.

Rationality is reaching a conclusion with observation, reason, logic and deduction. Belief forgoes observation in favor of imagination, reason in favor of bias, logic in favor of fallacy and deduction in favor of preconceived answers.

Rationality does not necessarily need to be correct. It is the method that is important. The key is that it is thought out to formulate a particular belief or doctrine.

Seeing without thought or knowledge is called illusion. Without the faculty to understand or reason with what we are seeing, we have absolutely no means of establishing whether or not what we are seeing is real or imagination.

Illusion is based upon thought. It comes about because of what one thinks one sees, which is erroneous. Without thought or knowledge in the way of our vision, there is no chance of error. We then see reality exactly as it is, not as we think it is.

That is not a good thing, no matter how you try and spin it.

What spin? All I am saying is to see directly. Have you never stopped the ceaseless chatter of your thinking mind so that there is only pure vision?

Evidence, please.

It is quite simple. There is reality as it actually is. There is the seeing of it, without a see-er, and without a formulated concept of it. If you want conclusive evidence, go see for yourself.

Hence indicating the nonexistence of God.

Yes, but I am not the one who initiated a belief in God.

This is a huge non-sequitur. In measuring something we quantify it's existence - we need not make any effort to demonstrate anything else.

Excuse me, but the discussion is about the existence of God. It was suggested that God can be measured. In measuring God, you only end up measuring the idea of God. You cannot quantify the existence of the immeasurable via measurement. You can only confirm the existence of God via of direct experience.

Why do you not propose a way we might discern the "true nature" of something?

Go see for yourself. Just make sure your vision is clear.


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure that I would agree that the scriptures have proven themselves as well as the scientific method...

Depends on who you listen to or have been taught by. The person who showed me the truth in the scriptures uses pretty much something just like the scientific method but using the principles taught by the scriptures to prove or should I really say disprove all the doctrines taught out there in the world. For instance one principle is from this verse

10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: 11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Now as science has it theories or facts that it sets its standards by so does the scriptures with a lot of verses. Heres another that sets a principle in proving who is Jesus and who is the Father and it disproves the trinity, there are multiple verses that say this in various ways but the principle is “no man has seen God at anytime nor heard His voice”. Now just as one does the science apply that principle to any doctrine of the trinity. One of my favorite principles is “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do” now apply that to EVERY Christian doctrine out there and see what happens.

Wait a minute, are you saying science contradicting the sciptures means that science is the one that's false?

Not always and it depends on what it is. For example, the big crunch theory, this ultimately goes against scriptures and if one closely scrutinize it, its just another way of repeating or explaining the doctrine of reincarnation.

How has the scriptures been proven to be just as rational and empirically proven as science? No, excuse me, how has the scriptures been proven to be more rational and empirically proven than science?

I wouldn’t say more, but if you have the right person show you, then you would see it takes just about the same amount if not more rationale to understand the things of spirit and what the physical is symbolic of the spirit.
... or *gasp* the Bible's wrong?

Bibles are translations, that’s why concordances and interlinearies are needed to know what the word may have meant. Either way science and scripture must mesh.

So why doesn't the scriptures have to stand the same rigurous testing as science?

It does, believe me it does, yet mainstream Christendom doesn’t teach the principles so one can know how to do the rigorous testing. I believe that is why those who dont believe the scriptures say christians just have blind faith and in a sense they are right. But someone like me knows that is not just what God wants, He doesnt just want blind faith.
You know, science doesn't have to be "physically proven", it just has to be rationally proven. Mathematics and theoretical physics for example don't rely on physical proof at all.
A lot of the things in the scriptures can be done the same way. Again an example, Jesus never said specifically that He was [a] God, but if it is real easy, at least for me, to find many many verses where you can deduce or rationally prove that He is our Lord God, but not God the Father.


Intentionally Blank
Here is the answer from the scriptures, from Jesus, which is the opposite of what those stuck in the christian religion teach.

Mt 10:34 - Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Christ also said He came to set father against son, daughter to mother etc etc. Christ came to set the world afire or as it states "start a fire". How He did this is by bringing the absolute truth and truth battling against the lies taught by the world and its religions causes this sword or fire to come about.

Thats why religions clash. Even traditional and orthodox christianity clash because they have let the truth from Jesus be intermingled with paganism and other egyptian practices. Its so bad that even when they [all religions and non-religions] pray for world peace they are going against the scriptures.
Well that sucks. I know, let's get rid of it and have peace!


Active Member
The person who showed me the truth in the scriptures uses pretty much something just like the scientific method but using the principles taught by the scriptures to prove or should I really say disprove all the doctrines taught out there in the world.
No, what you describe is not something that even remotely resembles the scientific method. Let me explain:
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: 11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Now as science has it theories or facts that it sets its standards by so does the scriptures with a lot of verses.
This scripture is evidence as long as you believe it's evidence, science does not work that way. All the theories and facts that science has come up with are all met with scepticism all the time, they are always subjected to rigurous attempts of falsification and when one shows to be contradictory to current knowledge, it's thrown away like yesterdays paper.

How are your scriptures subjected to falsification? Who falsifies them? Is that part independent or biased? What would happen if scriptures would contradict current knowledge, would it too be at least reworked (you allready answered that something must be wrong with the interpretation or the knowledge, and if you stick to that, the scriptures are not comparable to science)?

Not always and it depends on what it is. For example, the big crunch theory, this ultimately goes against scriptures and if one closely scrutinize it, its just another way of repeating or explaining the doctrine of reincarnation.
Or, it could be independent of any spiritual meaning and just be objective facts?

I wouldn’t say more, but if you have the right person show you, then you would see it takes just about the same amount if not more rationale to understand the things of spirit and what the physical is symbolic of the spirit.
Really? There's so much empirical evidence it takes just about the same rationale? Like, what for example?

It does, believe me it does, yet mainstream Christendom doesn’t teach the principles so one can know how to do the rigorous testing.
Forgive me for not taking your word for it, but what independent part is rigulously testing the scriptures?

A lot of the things in the scriptures can be done the same way. Again an example, Jesus never said specifically that He was [a] God, but if it is real easy, at least for me, to find many many verses where you can deduce or rationally prove that He is our Lord God, but not God the Father.
That's not enough. Why can't you use the scientific method to prove it? It's not hard if you actually have rational evidence for it.

Because, you do know how you prove something through the scientific method, right?


Thou art That
Ok ... how come you find the statement "spiritual experiences are real" more valid than "spiritual experiences are not real"?

One is first hand, the other is not.

We do it all the time in mathematics and theoretical physics.

Yes, and then we conceptualize the mathematical model. Now we are two steps removed from reality.

Everything you've said is a statement that "this is how it works". Where is the evidence the world and spiritualism works that way?

YOU are the world. YOU are the spiritual experience. How do YOU work?

Is the model falsifiable? How?

There is no model. Religion and Science attempt to provide models, but they fall far short of actual reality. The spiritual experience is the direct apprehension of reality itself via of seeing. The hard work is in getting one's vision clear. A great deal of that work is in quieting down the thinking, logical, rational mind. It can only be approached via the intuitive mind.


Thou art That
So, in other words, God exists but there is no reason or evidence that suggest their existence?

I don't think you have been following the discussion properly. I am not here to prove that God exists or not-exists. As I stated earlier, I neither believe, nor not-believe; I assume no position of contention as regards "God". You can continue to refer to "God" if you wish, and I will use the word only as a means of communicating with you. All I am saying is that the nature of the Infinite is not an object, and it is as close to you as dye in water. YOU are the Infinite nature, but you may or may not realize it, that's all, and that's OK too. No one is coercing you into any belief system or doctrine.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "something equal to nothing is zero"? It means that even if something exists, if we have no means of discerning it's existence in any way shape or form it make no difference whether it exists or not. The way you describe God, the world would be exactly the same whether he existed or not, and we would have just as little reason to accept God either way.
As it so happens, the world is perfect just as it is, warts and all, right at this very moment, in terms of the spiritual viewpoint. You want to keep talking about some "God", but all I am referring to is what is right in front of you right at this moment, and that is the Ordinary. What you call "God" is none other than the Ordinary. You make a distinction between God and the world, but the reality is that there is no such distinction. They are one and the same, rendering the physical not just the physical as it becomes transformed by the spiritual. When you are able to see the world thus transformed, it will appear completely different than the objective view of Science, Logic, Reason, and Analysis; it will appear as it actually is.

In other words: your definition of God is no different to my definition of a Jabberwocky or a hobgoblin in terms of how we can demonstrate their existence. If you cannot validate your claim that God exists, then we remain validated in our opinion that God does not exist.
I never defined any such "God", nor did I claim validation of such God. However, I did say that you can, via of your own direct experience, validate the authenticity of the spiritual experience, but first you must awaken. The difference between the goal of the Religion Game and the goal of what is termed the Master Game, is that the goal of the former is salvation, while that of the latter is spiritual awakening, no God required.

The reason such practices are enjoying renewed interest is simple: worldwide communication allows for the sharing of ancient ideas from a variety of culture. That, combined with the pretentious need for people in the west to bottle-up whatever chunks of pseudo-eastern spirituality happen along their path and sell it to badly-informed people looking for a alternative to mainstream religion in favor of supposedly more liberal belief structures. Or did you think that the Zen practices of today are the same the Zen practices of hundreds of years ago?
Increased communication is certainly part of the spread of mystical interest, but the main reason is that the hard line patriarchal practices of previous centuries fail to satisfy people's spiritual hunger. Their happiness always lies in some future time and place, after death. Zen, Yoga, Kundalini, Kabbalah, Taoism, etc, are open up the female side of consciousness, and are more in balance with nature, and happiness is to be found right here, right now. They are not stern moralistic practices as Christianity and Judaism are.

People believe things like that today for more-or-less the same reason they believed them thousands of years ago: gullibility, pretension, ignorance or the desire for there to be "more to life".
I don't disagree that there are many who adopt a superficial view of these practices, but that does not make then unauthentic.

Oh, and because yoga's actually quite good for you, apparently.
Some practice yoga only for that purpose, as elderly heart patients in hospitals across the country have learned. There is nothing that coerces a belief in any doctrine of yoga. Yoga simply means 'union', and if one wishes to pursue its practice beyond it's obvious health benefits, there are several types of yoga and several levels of attainment.

You might want to look a bit deeper to discover exactly what it is about yoga that causes this increased good health, however. You may learn something. Or even better, you may un-learn something.:D
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Well-Known Member

What I’m saying is if the Bible (or scripture, or God) is true, then that truth obtains independent of experience. But your argument begins from faith and so you hold the Bible to be true, and then say your experiences confirm the truth of the Bible, which is merely arguing in a circle (your last sentence exemplifies this). In other words you are not beginning from a demonstrable truth but with an assumption that you repeat again as your conclusion.

Not necessarily. There were A LOT of things I knew from science or experience first before I knew exactly what the scriptures taught or before I had a real interest in God. These experiences came first, hence this is somewhat what I was trying to explain in my “experience”. Now I can look back at those experiences (and somewhat experience them again, this time only with a new mind) and see how I was wrong in my thinking or doings or whatever. Basically to be straight forward I experienced life “without” God first, and now I “experience” life with God.

There is of course no absolute free will, and it is certainly not true to say determinists necessarily believe in God!
And there is nothing contradictory in the notion of limited freedom. For example, God is omnipotent but his power is limited to what is logically possible.

But then who made the what is logical to be logical. He did. Actually the scriptures do say in a sense that the logic of the wise will be turned on there heads or the wisdom of the world is foolishness. That last example doesn’t fit a God definition, why? Because if He is a God what would be illogically impossible for Him to do? So the old adage comes in “can God make a rock too big that He cant lift it?”. Limited freedom is not what freewill is. Freewill is "the doctrine that the conduct of human beings expresses personal choice and is not simply determined by physical or divine forces."

One would not say this about limited freedom.

But it isn’t a statement of fact or truth, and it isn’t the reality that everyone has the spirit of God in them. It’s a belief!

Okay lets not call it the spirit of God, lets call it something scientific lets just say it’s the hydrogen atom. Even when hydrogen is fused to make something else, still hydrogen was present at the very start. Does it become a statement of fact or truth now?

The Bible is full of anomalies, which is why theist scholars use exegesis to explain errors, contradictions and inconsistencies. Almost everything can be interpreted to mean something different or be explained away as symbolism or simple allegory.

Its funny because this is what Jesus said to the thiest scholars who use exegesis to explain errors, contradictions and inconsistencies during His time, which also is applied to those of our time

Mt 23:24 -"You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!
Actually read this whole passage (Matthew 23:13-33) and see what He had to say about those scholars.

The Bible is for believers; it isn’t an argument or a demonstration of what is true or real. And (in complete disagreement with Richard Dawkins) science cannot be the litmus test for a Supreme Being. Science is about empirical reasoning and probabilities whereas non-physical transcendent entities can only be described in terms of logical concepts. Therefore, and I really cannot stress this point enough, to judge a deity on the basis of what is known scientifically is to place it in the realm of the physical world along with all the constraints and limitations that implies. God must be entirely other. Can you think of one thing, an exact characteristic or similarity that God must have (other than his compliance with the laws of thought) that we observe in the material world?

A spirit of one or as we call it an esprie de core [ I know I spelled it wrong]. Gods word, although made up of many scrolls must have a esprie de core. Militaries, the US marines say they have an esprie de core. Gods word MUST have this. A lot of things on the surface in the bible may seem contradictory to those who don’t really know the principles of the Word yet they are not if one knows how to use the principles or is knowledgeable of the Foundation.

I’m sorry but that’s not correct. If ‘God exists’ is true and some experimental reasoning (science) contradicts that statement, then it will be the reasoning that is wrong and not the statement - but the statement ‘God exists’ isn’t true; it’s simply a belief. And to say the universe being eternal is false unless proven true is specious reasoning. ‘The statements: There is no God’ or the ‘universe is not eternal’ imply no contradiction if denied. There is no more a proof for the existence God than there is for an eternal universe (but at least we know the universe actually exists!)

The major proof of God existing is the scriptures, and lets just say its the OT. Its not a coincidence that a few different people of a people who claim to be chosen of God write A LOT of bad stuff about their own bad people and make “predictions” or prophecy about them and there destruction, which a lot of have come to pass. If that’s not a proof I don’t know what is. Now for the eternal universe, we have nothing in creation to support the notion of eternal. So in essence we have more proof of God existing than an eternal universe.


Well-Known Member

No, what you describe is not something that even remotely resembles the scientific method. Let me explain:
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: 11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Now as science has it theories or facts that it sets its standards by so does the scriptures with a lot of verses.

This scripture is evidence as long as you believe it's evidence, science does not work that way. All the theories and facts that science has come up with are all met with scepticism all the time, they are always subjected to rigurous attempts of falsification and when one shows to be contradictory to current knowledge, it's thrown away like yesterdays paper.

Is this not done with the doctrines of religions, even inside the same religions? Theology or theologians come up with doctrines, “present them” for peer review, some reject it some accept it or believe it. Same thing with science is it not? It just amazes me how those who believe in a God is discredited as people who don’t think or just blindly believe in something. Now I know a lot of people do do this, but what about those who actually do “search for the truth”. What does the word search mean?
This scripture is evidence as long as you believe it's evidence, science does not work that way
What?! If that was true then you wouldnt have those who disagree in science. In otherwords from some who disagree in science "this [place whatever you want here] is evidence as long as you believe its evidence"

How are your scriptures subjected to falsification? Who falsifies them? Is that part independent or biased? What would happen if scriptures would contradict current knowledge, would it too be at least reworked (you allready answered that something must be wrong with the interpretation or the knowledge, and if you stick to that, the scriptures are not comparable to science)?

Answering your questions in order
1 & 2 & 3. Bad translations by so called scholars, biased and non biased.
4. In a lot of ways it does. And I said bible translations and some interpretations can be wrong, I didn’t say the scriptures.

Or, it could be independent of any spiritual meaning and just be objective facts?

Some could also say this for the study of ghosts and the paranormal, Do you know that also is just another way of repeating and explaining the doctrine of the immortal soul? Not many realize how much of theology has infiltrated even science.
Really? There's so much empirical evidence it takes just about the same rationale? Like, what for example?
Well that would take probably a full post to fully explain just one. Maybe to better explain why it could take more rationale is because you have to unlearn all that you had learned all your life about something taught by the churches out there and start anew, learn the real truth and still keep the faith even with all the “so called” evidences out there to disprove what you believe.

Forgive me for not taking your word for it, but what independent part is rigulously testing the scriptures?
Take a doctrine of a church, see if it matches all scripture and the precepts and principles without contradicting in ANY one spot. If it does, boom, then you have to start afresh and repeat the same thing. I challenge Christians all the time to do this. Here again is an example, most Christians believe in freewill, now test that to this verse and hundreds more like it “For it God who works in you to will and to do”. Now the challenge is, where does freewill fit in here?

That's not enough. Why can't you use the scientific method to prove it? It's not hard if you actually have rational evidence for it.

Because, you do know how you prove something through the scientific method, right?

Wow. Its amazing. Non-believers think believers are mindless drones and believers think the same about non-believers. I guess all believers are believers just blind believers. I guess all those who believe something done by scientists and they didn’t actually do or see the experiment or observe what the scientist observe but accept that persons word or the peer review of it are just blind believers also. Before you try to counter that think of all those who fallen for the myth of man made global warming.
We all are just mindless drones then:foot: *shaking head*