Ignorant? It is about perception. Men are not perceived as victims in a rape where as women are. Men have no rights or say in an abortion because their input into the pregnancy is completely null and void where the wish of the woman are concerned.
I understand that perception.
It is ignorant.
Also, you are talking about how that ignorance translates into idea that men have no say on rape, which is perpetuating ignorance. Men can certainly be raped. If rape means (only) vaginal penetration, then a) men cannot be raped and b) not all women who meet with sexual predator are being raped and c) this means we might want to distinguish this as clearly as possible in consideration of this thread.
The final intent is what we are talking about here and it is the victims perception of that intent that leads to their reaction.
You are not talking about final intent. I think you think you are, but someone who is acting outwardly aggressive about sex is demonstrating an intent. That could lead to a few things (perhaps whole bunch), but I really think seeing this as only a rape issue, and seeing that as only a woman issue, is narrow approach that cannot be appropriately judged. To the degree we allow for 'shoot first, ask questions later,' would allow for rather violent and despondent society. It essentially tells would be rapists, plan on killing them or you will be killed. I'm not saying, rapist would not do it if we didn't have this 'fight back attitude' and I do realize you and others are doing all you can to get across that because rapist may kill, then killing them needs to be an option. I really do get that. But what I don't think you and some others are getting is that violence is not going to solve the matter, and in many ways could exacerbate the problem. A person (would be victim) could be taught to hurt / subdue instead. That might not stop all, and even that isn't best solution. But to jump to "kill or be killed" sends a message to all of society, and certain faction that essentially is saying, "if I can do rape, yeah, I think I can do killing too."
Sexual assault is sexual assault but the penetration is the ultimate violation of a woman's (or mans) person gets into rape. The act of destroying a person and degrading them by stripping away their choice where an act of sex is concerned. Molestation is on another level completely and best talked about in another thread.
I apologize to anyone reading, but I can't go along with "destroying a person." That doesn't mean I don't realize significance of violation that rape is, but I do believe healing is possible, and redemption (of sorts) is achievable.
I am also going to ask you a question and do realize I am probably not going to get a truthful answer and that is fine because I do not expect one.
Have you ever been raped? I mean forced to preform sexual acts or forced to accept someone into you? Have you been forcibly sodomized? Have you been forced to preform oral sex on another person?
By this definition - no.
By another definition (less emphasis on physical force) - yes.
I am fortunate enough to have never been a victim but I know one man and three women who have been sexually violated (molested) and three women who have been raped.
Two of the four molestation victims turned out fine and two are still dealing with it decades later. One has been very promiscuous and had some major emotional issues that are directly to the violation.
The two that have been raped are opposites. One is very passive and kind but has some socialization issues and the other is strong and her strength helped her daughters who were also raped.
I have seen up close the innocence stripped from a child as well as the confidence and self esteem stripped from a woman causing her to withdraw and attempt suicide. You seem to be twisting and making light of a very real problem.
I can understand why you say this. But I have familiarity with this topic as well. Perhaps not as much as you, then again, maybe more. Not sure if there is ******* contest in there that I'd care to get into. You seem to me to be twisting and making things darker than need be to find actual solution (in society) and real healing for individual(s).
Have you been there and/or do you know the real impact? Have you felt a childs tears and seen them grow up dealing with it always feeling they have something to be ashamed of? Have you?
Your arguments are completely illogical as it directly pertains to this thread and the fact is if it were that easy we would see more of it. It is already legal to defend yourself and use deadly force if necessary.
Do not make a game of this.
I do not. And given how sensitive you appear, I simply do not feel I can speak as openly on this thread, perhaps on this site as I would like to. I've been down this road before on other forums, and people (like you) are fully convinced their way of understanding the hurt and pain is only way to understand this issue. That what I'm bringing to the table is 'airy fairy, wishful thinking mumbo jumbo.' Well, for now, I'm backing off on how utterly direct I would confront your ill fated logic and cut through such BS that I observe (not just think, but observe based on perpetual BS reasoning) is making things worse.
Fortunately there is more than one way to resolve this issue in way that I am getting across, but in the intellectual one that we are having, I assure you that whatever venom you can bring to the table, I can make you look like little school kid who simply doesn't know any better. Again, I've been down this road and seen how sensitive types will get bent out of shape if anyone dare question their inferiority complex masking as superior understanding. Me, I feel sense of righteousness in how I relate to this issue, but realize I get to continue living in 'your world' where might is right, and kill or be killed is the 'good logic' we all get to agree on. When the 'bad guys' use this logic, we are quick to call them bad and evil, but when the good guys use this logic, we make up half *** excuses of how totally right we are in demonstrating use of force, as way to resolve issues.
With all this said, I'm bowing out. I'll monitor this thread perhaps for awhile, but I just don't see realistic solution that changes anything coming about here. Doesn't even change perceptions, doesn't really address reality. It is playing a game of another sort, and one where 'winners' are kept hidden while 'losers' get to see reflection of themselves in mirror they call 'enemy.'