Your saying the baby in your womb is nothing more than a intruder in your body. An intruder kind of like a parasite or a disease huh? Sad really!
That is right. And you are wrong it is NOT a baby until it is born. Until that time it is either an embryo or a fetus. Baby insinuates that it can live on it's own. It is a parasite, stealing it's nutrients from the woman.
Did you ever hear of adoption?
I could ask you the same thing. I know many people that can't get kids yet I also know that if that child ends up older and in the system they don't get adopted they get shuffled from place to place and are just stuck in a loop that never ends.
And yes I have a problems with seeing how two wrongs make a right. So using your same logic, If Someone did something horrible to me and you remind me of that horrible thing, then I should be allowed to grotesquely kill you. There is no logic to your thought at all. How does two wrongs make a right. Raping someone is horrible, but killing a innocent human life because she reminds you of it is even worse. That is why we have adoption my dear. Birthright is a wonderful place that actually helps women makes the proper life decisions!
Big difference there dude. As an adult and me being an adult we can take steps to never have to see each other again. As a woman with an unwanted pregnancy there is nothing she can do to get away from it.
Women are not to stupid and many make good decisions. Many many women keep the babies or give them up for adoption instead of murdering them grotesquely. But many women act out of selfishness and kill the unborn child for convenience sake.
You make assumptions about why these women make the choice that they do. It is really none of your business what others do.
How many kids have you raised? I'm sure 5 or 6 of the 100's of thousands in the system would love you to come and save them.
Mother Teresa said it best when she said "it is a poverty when a mother decides to Kill her own child for the sake of convenience". Abortion is selfish and it is the Holocaust of our day as Pope John Paul II would say!
I'm not catholic, I never will be catholic. Please no more with pope john paul ii. And Mother teresa never had a baby nor dealt with an unwanted pregnancy. She was a nun. she spouted what was taught to her in the convent.