What is being said, is that you can change abortion laws. You can call it a choice and not a child. You can deny religion exists. You can deny you have a maker that will judge you.
Again, I have no idea where you are trying to go with this.
However, I would like to point out that your premise has not been proven, so you have already started on shakey ground.
Let me change the subject for a minute. Please allow me to ask you a couple of questions.
How many generations in your family have practiced your personal faith?
I am a polytheist.
Meaning that I believe that there is more than one deity that exists.
However, do not fall into the assumption that belief equals worship.
How many years have you practiced your faith?
Practice what, that I believe that there is more than one deity?
How does one "practice" that?
How much education have you received about your faith?
Quite a bit actually.
Though your definition of faith does not actually apply.
Now a question for you:
What does this have to do with the fact that a fetus is a bundle of cells?
This is much like the marriage 'debate':
Marriage is a legal contract.
Fetus is a bundle of cells.
Anything more you want to add to the legal contract is subjective window dressing.
Anything more you want to make of the bundle of cells is subjective window dressing.
Calling an embryo or fetus a baby serves no purpose other than to express emotional connections to said bundle of cells.
Using this logic we should not call eggs eggs.
We should call them chicks.