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Should faith without an authority be banned?


Glass half Panda'd
Do you mean to say that if there's no leader to a group, that the belief should be nullified?

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Personal experience is a fine authority. Inevitably, we are all our own authority when it comes to interpretation. Attempting to ban a faith is futile anyway.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean to say that if there's no leader to a group, that the belief should be nullified?
I don't think any faith should be nullified due to the characteristics of a leader. Most belief is incidentally ignorant of the "leader" BTW.


Done here.
If you must have faith, better to have it without an authority. If you have faith with an authority, then ultimately you must have faith in your authority. And then you've set yourself up for Very Bad Things to happen to you and through you.


Obstructor of justice
What's so fantastic about religious authority? What's so terrible about religions without it that makes them not on the same level as ones that do?

Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
The cult of follow the leader isn't what I'd consider a virtue. It's too easy for a person of great charisma to take over a group of followers and led them to destruction with their consent, even if naively and ignorantly.

There are two different questions being asked here. 1) "Should faith without an authority be banned? " and 2) "Is faith without an authority feasible ( atheism is included here in "faith")? "

I don't see how one could ban a faith that has no person of authority.So why would you ban it? On what grounds would a faith require banning? Who would be doing the banning...government..other religions...who thinks they have that authority? Public harm..? What would be the criteria?

I don't see how it would cause public harm at all. I don't understand how a ban on a particular faith would even work. It wouldn't wipe out the faith, just drive it underground for awhile until it reemerges or dies out.

OK faith without authority...it is feasible if your asking does it work, function as a working faith for a person; assuming the authority is an outside authority, not the self. Faith is belief, emotionally based so I don't see how an outside authority figure is even required.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I learned to question authority as a kid.

As an adult I finally figured out that they don't even know the answers!


Active Member
I think you should be able to worship what you like with the proviso that you are not harming others!


authority is the one/ones holding the authorship rights.

Every faith, belief, whatever has to have SOME author/authors... right?

Now "SELF AUTHORITY" ie... self authorship of faith and belief...

Any guesses why?