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Should Heterosexuals Be Allowed to Breed?


Somewhere Around Nothing
You have no playfulness. I'm sorry for you.
Sorry, but I can only see a need for this thread when it is in response to a homosexual thread calling for banning of their having children. Then this thread would make perfect sense. Otherwise, when not in the Joke section, this thread just makes me go "What?".


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Sorry, but I can only see a need for this thread when it is in response to a homosexual thread calling for banning of their having children. Then this thread would make perfect sense. Otherwise, when not in the Joke section, this thread just makes me go "What?".

If you don't like this thread, simply don't participate in it. Isn't that commonsense?


Well-Known Member
If you don't like this thread, simply don't participate in it. Isn't that commonsense?

Now you're just being silly. :bonk:

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Hello Sunstone! My problem is with deadbeat parents that have four or five or more children and they can't even take care of one child properly. If people can't handle the responsibility, then they should not have kids to begin with. I know personally of one girl who has five kids and all she does is go to the bar and get ****faced every night. She doesn't take care of her kids and they don't eat properly and live in a filthy house because she is lazy and doesn't cook or clean or anything. Her kids are turning into little selfish unbehaved animals and it is all her fault for not taking care of them properly. Often thought it would be a good idea if they made licences for parents to have kids. Probably not realistic though. Too many people who don't deserve to have kids are having kids. That's the problem.

One Truth

New Member
I think anyone who thinks humanity should stop breeding, is against humanity itself and creation, therefore they are against the Creator of this wonderous universe.
These people are generally agents of the Evil one.
If it wasn't for Hetrosexuals, these Lifestyle Homosexuals would not exist.
Satan hates humanity and wishes to destroy us, Homosexuals are just another weapon in its arsenal.


Well-Known Member
I think anyone who thinks humanity should stop breeding, is against humanity itself and creation, therefore they are against the Creator of this wonderous universe.
These people are generally agents of the Evil one.
If it wasn't for Hetrosexuals, these Lifestyle Homosexuals would not exist.
Satan hates humanity and wishes to destroy us, Homosexuals are just another weapon in its arsenal.

I believe this illustrates my point about aforementioned root of problems. Is One Truth's warped perception a result of heterosexuals parents? Or just lack of good sense?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The topic of homosexuals was bound to arise but the nature of the OP. But if you have a problem with a post then report it.

Why was it "bound to arise"? The OP can be discussed without the topic of homosexuals.


Well-Known Member
Why was it "bound to arise"? The OP can be discussed without the topic of homosexuals.

"Why was it "bound to arise"?"

If you think I am wrong just look at all the post that talk about homosexuality.

"The OP can be discussed without the topic of homosexuals."

Of course it can. Although you are not doing a very good job at it.
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Done here.
Given the obvious fact most of the world's problems can be traced back to the actions of heterosexuals, should heterosexuals be allowed to breed? And even if they are allowed to breed, is that a good thing? Why or why not?
Of course heterosexuals should be allowed to breed. After all, the majority of gay folks are born to heterosexual couples.

However, due to their unfortunate tendency impoverish their families by overbreeding, as well as their tendency to conceive unwanted children and to subsequently abuse or neglect those children, there should probably be some kind of mandatory contraception in place for heterosexuals who haven't gone through family planning counseling.

Since adoptive couples are carefully vetted by adoption agencies, though, I see no objection to heterosexuals adopting children -- AIDS babies, special needs children, minority children, and sibling groups, for instance -- when placement with gay couples is not available. Call me a liberal, but in my opinion there are many heterosexual couples perfectly capable of providing a good home to children who would otherwise not have any home at all.

If you don't like this thread, simply don't participate in it. Isn't that commonsense?
Not as common as you might think.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"Why was it "bound to arise"?"

If you think I am wrong just look at all the post that talk about homosexuality.

"The OP can be discussed without the topic of homosexuals."

Of course it can. Although you are not doing a very good job at it.

No need to be critical. I was just curious.


Well-Known Member
I was just curious.

For one thing people are drawn to the topic of homosexuality. If heterosexuality is brought into question then homosexuality is bound to be mentioned due to people's obsession with the topic and the likeness of the two. Homosexuality is heterosexualities only suitable comparison and its alter ego; the two are closely linked.


Worshipper of Athe.
Homosexuality is heterosexualities only suitable comparison and its alter ego; the two are closely linked.

Alter ego yes, but why "only suitable comparison"? According to the Kinsey studies on the subject, VERY few people are either fully heterosexual or homosexual. The vast majority are bisexual with heterosexual tendencies. So it seems quite appropriate to me to compare varying levels of bisexuality with the two extremes.


Well-Known Member
Alter ego yes, but why "only suitable comparison"? According to the Kinsey studies on the subject, VERY few people are either fully heterosexual or homosexual. The vast majority are bisexual with heterosexual tendencies. So it seems quite appropriate to me to compare varying levels of bisexuality with the two extremes.

Why? Wouldn't the two extremes be more alike then the varying levels? Also there is not much difference between fully and greatly.


Worshipper of Athe.
Wouldn't the two extremes be more alike then the varying levels?

Why would this be the case? It's not like if you became really gay, the only way to become gayer would be to become straight. Fully gay and fully straight ARE opposites. I'm just saying that there's plenty of comparison to be had in the middle.