I have no idea what's up with that website.
The info may just be out of date. A lot of the prohibitions for activities around prostitution got struck down by the courts several years ago.
In any case, legal brothels exist all over Canada (though their locations are regulated by zoning bylaws and the like, just like any other class of business). Escort services operate openly and legally as well.
Says similar here....
"Current laws passed by the
Parliament of Canada in 2014 make it illegal to purchase or advertise sexual services and illegal to
live on the material benefits from sex work. The law officially enacted criminal penalties for "Purchasing sexual services and communicating in any place for that purpose"
"It is the first time in Canadian history that the exchange of sexual services for money is made illegal. The
Canadian Department of Justice claims that the new legal framework "reflects a significant paradigm shift away from the treatment of
prostitution as 'nuisance', as found by the Supreme Court of Canada in
Bedford, toward treatment of prostitution as a form of sexual exploitation".
[2] Many sex workers' rights organizations, however, argue that the new law entrenches and maintains harm against sex workers since sex workers are still committing a crime, albeit there is an immunity from arrest for material benefits and advertising."