Hi Folks..
Lyndon; According to you I should be a retard drop out whos not capable of even holding this conversation with you let alone running a business raising kids or being a RESPONSIBLE or CONSCIENTIOUS adult at all..According to you - because I smoke hash I should be a "parasite" who needs you decent Folk to take care of me - right..??..Clearly you are wrong on all counts there...
As you can see my mind works fine and Iam often fully motivated as my long posts will attest - no problems with thinking cognition or motivation then..lol...to the point that as said, I run my own business and have a family to boot - was even a single parent for a long long time - and even though the child protection social services looked in and investigated for a while, still, THEY found no problem with my smoking habits at all and felt perfectly comfortable leaving my two young children in my sole custody...Go figure...Apparantly this stoner here with zero productivity and nothing but a parasite according to you, was deemed acceptable by those "authorities" that get to decide our welfare and they agreed to let this parasite stoner be a lone single unsupervised parent - apparantly smoking hash didnt stop me at all from fullfilling MY obligations and duties - and indeed I will tell you directly - it actually helped a great deal if anything..
I will tell you directly from VAST experiences from multiple sources there is no actual thing as any kind of "manic depressive illness" - its all self delusion, trust me Im surrounded by such people daily and see their truths intimately up close and personal - all "depressive illness" really is, essentially, is LIFE itself Im afraid - pulling us too and fro as we lie and delude ourselves - strip it all away and admit that truth finally though, whatever it was that we hid from ourself to begin with, and all those "depressive illnesses" just disappear and cease to be a problem at all..
Above all things as my Mate said - KNOW THY SELF - become FULLY KNOWN - and to be honest - hash is the perfect tool for that - no hiding or deluding the Self when you are stoned on marijuana - every truth you hold will be stripped bare and looked at in a naked way..THIS is what causes the problems for most - NOT the hash itself - but the truth of the things it personally reveals - things once hidden now revealed....These inner truths - inner demons - are the REAL cause of all those "depressive illnesses" - NOT the hash - that just stripped back the lies we told oursrlves to begin with.....If being sober means having a clear and focused mind - then again hash is the perfect tool for that - its not the hash that causes the problems - they already existed buried deep within - the hash is just the tool that allowed those secrets to surface again...It will indeed give you back your whole ENTIRE mind again, as opposed to those highly limiting self enclosed circling depressive type modes that are normal every day modes in the mind for most..
If we want such depressive illnesses to TRULY stop ,the only feasable answer is to quit deluding and lying to the Self to begin with - and that starts by quit listening to those who profess to "lead" you and DEFINE you - such as when they defined you as first "mentally ill" or when they defined later you as "mentally normal" - as He said KNOW THY SELF - become fully known - this will indeed allow you to DEFINE your Self to - take responsibility for and thereby CREATE the Self in truth - when we do that there will be no such thing as "depressive illness"