I find your use of sarcasm disturbing.
I find disturbing the amount of people who would trust the government to mandate religious upbringing.
Regardless of the sarcasm, the point stands, you should be prepared for the philosophy you espouse in this thread, that government should intervene in familial religious upbringing to bring about the least amount of harm, to be used in a manner in which you do not see fit.
You would not like it at all if the Christian majority of this country tried to tell you that you could not teach non-Christian religious ideas to your hypothetical children because of the possible harm you would be doing them.
According to the bible, your allowed to own slaves. Adulterers should be killed
That has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand... and no, according to the Bible, which includes the NT, adulterers should not be killed. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all...
This is of course, without even going into the laughable premise, that teaching an eternal hell necessarily psychologically scars children. Sure some can be, but that is not the teaching itself, but the manner in which it is presented.
I for instance, never feared going to hell as a child, it was viewed with sadness as the final place of punishment for the unrepentant, of which I knew I was not one of.
Not at all. All that is required is to stop giving religions immunity from the law.
Which would require a constitutional amendment altering the First Amendment to remove the clause barring infringement on the freedom of religion.