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Should the Bible be outlawed


Suppose for one minute that the Bible has never been seen or heard of by a living being. One day the Bible appears in print and published as the truth by the author. How many people do you think would believe anything in it? It's only because of the belief of past generations who have passed this story on to us that some people believe it to be a true story. The Bible would be disregarded as trash if published today. Very few people would take it seriously because there is no proof to back up anything in it. It's the most disgusting, unbelievable and evil book ever published. It would be put on a shelf where children could not see it. I agree that it will never be outlawed but it should be.
Cencorship is not a good thing. However I do think that anything religious or philosophical should be kept out of reach from children.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I believe I'll join you.

My point was, however, that since there is so much open to interpretation in the Bible if a person truly believes in a place called Hell and they truly believe that if they don't "train up a child in the way that he should go" then they are going against their conscience by behaving in ways that might land their kids in eternal damnation (I'm talking strictly from that particular person's point of view). If they truly believe that what they are doing is the best means of saving their children from eternal torment, are they not right to behave so?

I'm not saying that what they believe is correct but if you think that there is some genetic tendency within your family toward alcoholism and you don't warn your kids against it then aren't you omitting something that could be disastrous for your kids?
I think conscientious people try to teach their kids what's best for them. But since the thread is about how evil and trashy and abusive the Bible is, I think it's very important to emphasize that not all Christians are fundigelical wackos like Carrie's mom. Just because some abuse the privilege doesn't mean that the privilege has to be banned. Unless you enjoy throwing the baby out with the bath water...


Let's go racing boys !
I am glad we have a "choice" and have the right to decide to read or not read whatever we choose......;).....Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and it is beautiful to me to read and decide if I want to believe or not......I try reading with an open mind and often find it interesting to read and find understanding in diverse beliefs other than my own.......
Why burn books? they can always act as step ladders when you stack them to reach the books that are higher on the shelf......:D


Premium Member
Disney must have sanitized those parts for my protection.

Actually, I was mistaken, in the Grimm's version of Cinderella, there was no fairy Godmother, but a tree over her mother's grave. It was a different version of Cinderella that had they eye picking and the foot cutting (one sister cut off her toe, while the other cut off her heal, and the men they could not be the ones because of all the blood). This was the version that Disney used and not the Grimm version, and yes, it was sanitized. Fairy tales can be pretty grim and moralistic- in which the evil people are punished in this way.


Well-Known Member
Suppose for one minute that the Bible has never been seen or heard of by a living being. One day the Bible appears in print and published as the truth by the author. How many people do you think would believe anything in it? It's only because of the belief of past generations who have passed this story on to us that some people believe it to be a true story. The Bible would be disregarded as trash if published today. Very few people would take it seriously because there is no proof to back up anything in it. It's the most disgusting, unbelievable and evil book ever published. It would be put on a shelf where children could not see it. I agree that it will never be outlawed but it should be.

Former= Minister,
You were a former minister?? Of what , may I ask?? Surely you are not claiming to have been a Christian minister!!
There is no book on earth that is more up to date and factual than the Bible, God's own open letter to all men.
It was written by about 40 different men over a period of 1,610 years. Each man wrote by inspiration by God, the only way that any book could be written that is in complete harmony, both the Hebrew and the Greek.
About 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy, both longrange and short. Every one of the prophecies came true or are in the process of being fulfilled right now. No one but The Almighty God could make these prophecies come true, exactly on time.
The Bible also tells of things that no man knew, at the time of their writing.
Jesus, the Son of God and the Greatest man who ever lived, fulfilled several dozen, at least, of prophecies about he Messiah. Mathematicians have stated that this would be impossible if Jesus were not who he claimed to be. They say that it would be impossible for anyone to fulfill even 10 of the prophecies, because many of them were completly out of the power of men to accomplish.
The Holy Scriptures are just as valuable today as at any time, because God had them written to be of a help to all believers, for all times. If people today obeyed the Bible there would be a paradise on this earth instead of chaos, wars, crime and violence of every kind, along with every kind of immorality.
The Bible is THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN!!! ONly God could produce a book that cannot be understood by the wise and intellectual ones, but can be understood by babes, Luke 10:21.
Daniel tells us that NO wicked one will understand, but the one having insight will understand, Dan 12:9,10.
According to the Holy Scriptures the end of this wicked system of things is very near!!! It would behoove anyone who wants to survive Armageddon to search the scriptures, before it is too late.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Former= Minister,
You were a former minister?? Of what , may I ask?? Surely you are not claiming to have been a Christian minister!!
There is no book on earth that is more up to date and factual than the Bible, God's own open letter to all men.
It was written by about 40 different men over a period of 1,610 years. Each man wrote by inspiration by God, the only way that any book could be written that is in complete harmony, both the Hebrew and the Greek.
About 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy, both longrange and short. Every one of the prophecies came true or are in the process of being fulfilled right now. No one but The Almighty God could make these prophecies come true, exactly on time.
The Bible also tells of things that no man knew, at the time of their writing.
Jesus, the Son of God and the Greatest man who ever lived, fulfilled several dozen, at least, of prophecies about he Messiah. Mathematicians have stated that this would be impossible if Jesus were not who he claimed to be. They say that it would be impossible for anyone to fulfill even 10 of the prophecies, because many of them were completly out of the power of men to accomplish.
The Holy Scriptures are just as valuable today as at any time, because God had them written to be of a help to all believers, for all times. If people today obeyed the Bible there would be a paradise on this earth instead of chaos, wars, crime and violence of every kind, along with every kind of immorality.
The Bible is THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN!!! ONly God could produce a book that cannot be understood by the wise and intellectual ones, but can be understood by babes, Luke 10:21.
Daniel tells us that NO wicked one will understand, but the one having insight will understand, Dan 12:9,10.
According to the Holy Scriptures the end of this wicked system of things is very near!!! It would behoove anyone who wants to survive Armageddon to search the scriptures, before it is too late.
1) Muslims say the same about the Qur'an.

2) The Bible also says hares chew cud, and pi = 3. Shouldn't God know better?

3) The Jews deny that Christ fulfilled any prophecies regarding the Messiah, and their arguments are convincing.

4) Proselytizing is strictly forbidden here, and you've been around long enough to know it.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think the politically correct term is "ideologically impaired."
Maybe if the Bible were rewritten in politically-correct lingo, we could "engage in rehabilitative strategies for the sexually-confused," and "see to the proper disposal of the spiritually-unattractive...":sarcastic


Well-Known Member
Maybe if the Bible were rewritten in politically-correct lingo, we could "engage in rehabilitative strategies for the sexually-confused," and "see to the proper disposal of the spiritually-unattractive...":sarcastic

A politically correct bible, that would be great! Well, we are on the way to one. I don't know if you have read the pretentiously titled "scholar's version" but it contains things like "congratulations to the poor" and "ok, you're cured!" I wouldn't be suprised if the Jesus seminar or a like-minded organization put out a politically correct bible.


Well-Known Member
2) The Bible also says hares chew cud, and pi = 3. Shouldn't God know better?

What, you think god can't round down? Sheesh. The guy was just trying to help us. Have you ever had to memorize Pi to the 60th decimal place?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It think it's some Asian country, but whatever nation it is, due to the Bible's violent and sexual content, you have to be 18 or older to buy one.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, it depends on how they do it.

I am not for ANY form of government interference,.)

Just in religious matter or in general? If just in general than your saying you don't support children being tacken from abusive parents? And if religious, what about people like the poor boy who's mother ran with him because chemo was against their religion? She was basically sacrificing him to her god for crying out loud.


Just in religious matter or in general? If just in general than your saying you don't support children being taken from abusive parents?
That all depends on how you define abuse. About 15 years ago there was a case in Sacramento, CA of a father being brought before the court for abusing his son in public. The son had intentionally slammed his sister's hand in the door and the father immediately beat the boy's behind. The court threw out the case and the judge basically lambasted the people who pressed charges saying that the reason for the justice system is to prevent crimes and to punish those who commit them and that what the father had done was entirely appropriate as he was teaching his son the proper ways to behave.

So, yeah, there are people who think that a spanking is abusive but I think those people are nuts.