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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
There is no such thing as human "oneness" as humans are inherently tribalistic and instinctively compete with each other. Sure, we're the same species and I guess you can argue we have some basic rights and dignity (as all living entities should, I believe), but it really stops there. We constantly make up ways to divide ourselves and it even approaches parody to the extent of it. I'm certainly not experiencing any "oneness" with a psychopathic rapist, torturer or serial killer. Lol
It’s common sense that we don’t befriend those who commit such atrocities but every human being is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Why should we spend $50,000 on a missile instead of feeding the poor? Because the poor are seen as ‘them and we as us’. It’s a candid acknowledgement that we are all fellow human beings. If you cut open a person on an operating table will you know if that person is Christian, Jew, Muslim, non believer American, Chinese, Indian? Fact is we are all one species but in our minds we justify war by say ‘us vs them’ which is the biggest lie ever believed.

Christ exposed this falsehood when he said to love our enemies as ourselves making no difference between us as we are all humans. The world needs to get back to Christ’s teaching of love and stop its wars and killing.


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It’s common sense that we don’t befriend those who commit such atrocities but every human being is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Why should we spend $50,000 on a missile instead of feeding the poor? Because the poor are seen as ‘them and we as us’. It’s a candid acknowledgement that we are all fellow human beings. If you cut open a person on an operating table will you know if that person is Christian, Jew, Muslim, non believer American, Chinese, Indian? Fact is we are all one species but in our minds we justify war by say ‘us vs them’ which is the biggest lie ever believed.

Christ exposed this falsehood when he said to love our enemies as ourselves making no difference between us as we are all humans. The world needs to get back to Christ’s teaching of love and stop its wars and killing.

I don't support war except as a last resort for liberation from tyranny. I admire bravery and honor in battle but war is a very visceral horror. Its conception should be approached with great trepidation and should never be a way for fat cats to enrich themselves on the death and suffering of others.

And any ethical society helps all of its citizens when they need it, including the poor.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The Lesser Peace will not be driven by the Baha'is, so there wish is granted already.

Regards Tony
Really? Because the Baha'i Faith is where I heard there was such a thing as the "lesser" peace. And the Baha'i Faith says exactly what the "lesser" peace is, and that the next step after the "lesser" peace is what Baha'is call "The Most Great Peace."

The Lesser Peace refers to a formalized international political peace agreement between all sovereign Heads of State which will be established at some point in the future. It is considered a prelude to the Most Great Peace and the establishment of a new system of international governance.​
In a Tablet Bahá’u’lláh revealed the following regarding the Lesser Peace:​
"O rulers of the earth! Be reconciled among yourselves, that ye may need no more armaments save in a measure to safeguard your territories and dominions. Beware lest ye disregard the counsel of the All-Knowing, the Faithful.
Be united, O kings of the earth, for thereby will the tempest of discord be stilled amongst you, and your peoples find rest, if ye be of them that comprehend. Should any one among you take up arms against another, rise ye all against him, for this is naught but manifest justice."​

In a letter Shoghi Effendi noted that the Lesser Peace can be established without the Bahá’í Faith, contrasting it with the Most Great Peace which requires the Bahá’í teachings:​
"No machinery falling short of the standard inculcated by the Bahá’í Revelation, and at variance with the sublime pattern ordained in His teachings, which the collective efforts of mankind may yet devise can ever hope to achieve anything above or beyond that “Lesser Peace” to which the Author of our Faith has Himself alluded in His writings."​

In a 1974 letter the Universal House of Justice addressed concerns in the American Bahá’í community about the Lesser Peace being established through an imminent calamity quoting a 1946 letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi:​
"All we know is that the Lesser and the Most Great Peace will come—their exact dates we do not know. The same is true as regards the possibility of a future war; we cannot state dogmatically it will or will not take place—all we know is that mankind must suffer and be punished sufficiently to make it turn to God.​

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I believe the contradictions come from man not God.
The contradictions are within the various Scriptures of the different religions. I can believe they came from man and not God. But is that what the Baha'i Faith is saying?
So only in recent history has humanity had any verifiable written and recorded Words of God with which to verify oral traditions handed down the centuries.
"Verifiable"? So, the Baha'i writings are "verifiable" and whatever they say is true of the other religion then that is what is true about them? But not what a religion believes about its own Scriptures? Then all religions had these false beliefs mixed in with the true teachings?

That makes the Baha'i concept of "progressive" revelation kind of useless. People were going by what they thought was "The Truth", but it was only partially true. But thanks to the Baha'i Scriptures, we know which parts were false. How absolutely convenient for the Baha'i Faith to make all the other religions say exactly what the Baha'i Faith wants them to say. And the Baha'i Faith does do that.

My usual examples are... that Krishna was a "manifestation" not an "incarnation", and he didn't teach about reincarnation. And Jesus didn't rise physically from the dead, but only his spirit rose. His body died and rotted away. And for sure... he isn't God.

And who knows, maybe that's all true. But for sure, it takes away all the "contradictions" and miraculously makes all religions line up perfectly with the teachings of the Baha'i Faith.
This is a condition that can be brought about by making the oneness of humanity legal. Just as nationhood has become an institution, so world unity and oneness but be on a universal legal level not just nice words and beliefs. As people become more broad in their outlook and their vision world embracing, which is happening now, this unity will become established. Baha’is are just giving it a nudge but we cannot establish it. It’s up to the people of the world.
In the U.S. we sort of have laws that say all people are one. Yet... we still argue and even fight with each other.

People within a religion still argue and fight with each other.

Married people take vows saying they are "one" and will honor and cherish each other. Yet, they argue and fight with each other.

This "oneness" of humanity is an important part of the Baha'i teachings. But there is so much more that is expected of people. By the time the Baha'i Faith is done with people, they are expected to obey all the laws and teachings of the Baha'i Faith and be pure-hearted, loving people.

Well, which religion doesn't teach similar things? Has it ever gotten all people to do that? No. Has it gotten enough people to do that? I don't think so. Can the Baha'i Faith do a better job at getting its people to actually become loving, spiritual people?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It’s common sense that we don’t befriend those who commit such atrocities but every human being is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Why should we spend $50,000 on a missile instead of feeding the poor? Because the poor are seen as ‘them and we as us’.
Hey, your God created this mess. He made people and put them in a world where they need to fight and protect themselves from other people and from animals. Whether it spears and swords or guns and missiles, the need is still there.

Even in the Baha'i peace plan they allow for weapons to maintain security within a nation but expect the nations to disarm themselves, so they don't use those weapons on each other. Yet, if one nation rises up against another, all the other nations are expected to rise up and put a stop to that aggressor nation. With what? They've disarmed.

So, I guess it is those weapons they have kept to maintain the security within their own borders? Which are what? Which weapons are allowed in the Baha'i peace plan? Whatever they are, they are still weapons. And people are still going to have to go out and fight the evil, aggressor nation. And what if that evil nation hid some tanks and missiles and machine guns, and all the other nations disarmed themselves?

They're going to have to go back to making weapons to combat the evil nation. And maintain enough weapons and a ready military to deter any aggressive nation from trying to invade another nation.

How do Baha'is plan on "educating" people out of that cycle? All it would take is one evil charismatic leader to get people riled up and wanting to go fight somebody. Or... some religious leader getting the people to go kill and destroy some other people they believe to be evil and godless.

Oh... and "feeding" the poor? The poor are kind of used to "feed" the rich. Poor, powerless people are needed to go work the fields and the mines and do all the "dirty" jobs, so the rest of the people can eat and live in comfort. I'm sure the Baha'i Faith has a plan to remedy that. But... what is it?
Or is it to "educate" them, so they don't have to work in those horrible jobs anymore.


Veteran Member
Hey, your God created this mess. He made people and put them in a world where they need to fight and protect themselves from other people and from animals. Whether it spears and swords or guns and missiles, the need is still there.
No, God did not create this mess, humans created it. God gave humans free will to choose and humans created a mess.
Baha'is are trying to fix the mess that humans created.