There is a misleading impression you're giving that because some neo Nazi parties advocate leftist economic positions, they are leftist. That is just ignorant frankly.
Nay, I'm
correcting misimpressions promulgated by the left.
Ignorance comes when the evidence I've offered is either
ignored or just denied out of hand.
Fascism advocates a mixed economic system wherby private corporations are under the direct control of the executive, the government, as are nationalised public bodies.
You're describing traits of socialism.
This is not what Engels and Marx espoused. Fascism is the traditional militaristic protectionist economic system of the Nazi party of Germany and of the dictatorships of Italy and Spain.
Marx & Engels can espouse what they want, but socialism
is what it is...not forever some historical original fantasy.
Dictionaries are useful to learn the standard meaning of words.
The same can be said of capitalism. It too isn't what early
advocate Adam Smith said, ie, that it's guided by the invisible
hand of God. It's actually the "invisible hand" of stochastic
What makes Nazis truly right wing, are their ultra conservative reactionary anti liberal authoritarian ethno-nationalist ideological narratives. Not their economic position, which is not Marxism.
And what makes them also left wing is their wanting a command
economy (socialism). Moreover, nationalism doesn't know any
strictly left or strictly right can afflict any system,
eg, N Korea, Germany, USA.
Their singularly most important identifying characteristics. That differentiates them from socialists, especially democratic or liberal socialists.
I'm not the one denying the identifying traits of either socialism
or naziism, ie, the shared goal of a command economy. Moreover,
both also tend strongly towards authoritarianism & oppression.
To deny this is to ignore the historical reality of both.