As cosmologists study the origins, the universe has given some very good clues. Creationists suppose a creator responisble for the universe and everything in it. It makes sense to me that the energy and everything that is the universe to be god.
When looking deeper into the universe the trick of time allows us to see the beginning. Theory of relativity shows time doesnt really exist because the energy and matter at speed of light or huge mass is timeless. Only at the high enough energy rates like that of a singularity would qualify as god like power. Everything else would be a temporal version of god, trapped in a material state, but within being divine. In the beginning of the big bang, time would not exist until the high energy states cooled down enough to form what we know as matter.
When looking deeper into the universe the trick of time allows us to see the beginning. Theory of relativity shows time doesnt really exist because the energy and matter at speed of light or huge mass is timeless. Only at the high enough energy rates like that of a singularity would qualify as god like power. Everything else would be a temporal version of god, trapped in a material state, but within being divine. In the beginning of the big bang, time would not exist until the high energy states cooled down enough to form what we know as matter.