What I find odd is that so-called "Christians" will use the Bible as a moral guide in certain ways, but will never answer the following three questions with complete honesty and truthfulness to show me that they are abiding by the "truth". If they had done so, then they would also realize that what they have been told is vague, unfounded, untrue, and quite far from what they "believe".
Where does "God" specifically states whom is inspired and whom is not?
Where does "God" specifically states which texts are more holier than others?
Where does "God" specifically states which texts are scripture and which are not?
A couple of other pertinent questions are:
Why do you think "God" could inspire only a handful of people out of millions and millions?
If you think this is possible, why do so-called "Christians" rebuke those who are trying to help inspire others with non-Christian values?
Do they limit "God" because they choose, because they are scared to know that "He" still may? Thus causing a conundrum within their minds - "How is this possible?"
Remember - so-called "Christian values" are based in unfounded stories written by men, approved by men to be presented, and then told to men to believe. Most so-called "Christians" HAVE NOT researched their religion in any amount, except what has been told to them in a certain way. If they had, they would not be "Christian".
Jesus warned the world with two key philosophical quotes - by an inspired original Apostle - Thomas, but those men who "created "Christianity" failed to realize what Jesus taught entirely, so they cut its followers short as well.
Gospel of Thomas - Patterson & Robinson Translation -- Nag Hammadi Library
(2) Jesus says:
(1) "The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds.
(2) And when he finds, he will be dismayed.
(3) And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished.
(4) And he will be king over the All."
(3) Jesus says:
(1) "If those who lead you say to you: ‘Look, the kingdom is in the sky!’
then the birds of the sky will precede you.
(2) If they say to you: ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fishes will precede you.
(3) Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and outside of you."
(4) "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known,
and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
(5) But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty."
There is no smoking gun "against" so-called "Atheists" or non-believers - it is just another ruse that so-called "Christians" will advance, without proof of what they express. If one were to keep questioning these folks for their proof, you will only see avoidance, deflection, maybe a "shiny object" every now and then, or maybe some other BS that they know has no bearing to the end result, but will still present it as such. It is usually at this point in the game they are playing, that they will begin to include THEIR OWN QUALIFIERS, "alternative facts" in order to make what they say, "true".
It is quite simple....no religion is required to have wonderful morals like love, kindness, caring for others, helping others when they need it, being a friend or a friendly voice. etc....etc....etc.. Religion will not provide you with these traits......you have to. We as individuals CHOOSE to make a decision - whether right or wrong. We also have to take responsibility for the decision we make - right or wrong. So-called "Christians" put the blame upon "God" and "His Plan"....or will never be responsible for what they "preach". It is their way of life that we need to focus on and change, if there ever will be a peaceful world without religion trying to take control of people's lives.
We need to show them their dishonesty, hatred of others, and how it is affecting the world.
They have chosen the path we are all on now. For them it is a path of "truth and honesty". For me (us) it is one to help them realize that antiquated beliefs are no more helpful than throwing a coin into a fountain for luck.
I for one, will not allow my road to be dictated by false beliefs, rituals or "mystery". They will either be honest with me or I will expose their dishonesty to the public.
Peace and light to all.