Isn't it ironic that all of what we have accomplished takes intelligence. Yet you give credit to a natural force that actually has no real brain or actual intelligence. Regardless your problem is no matter where you go you have to get there by intelligence that Designs Engineers Programs etc. Evolution has no actual brain of intelligence. No more than mother nature does. But you give it credit as if it does. Adaptation, micro evolution, is not macro evolution and you again have no real proof step by step from one to the other proving macro like I've asked for. You can't explain the start and ending point and all the points in between and what each step entailed and the no. of steps. Yet real science can do that with processes and systems very specifically. Creationist science is exactly the same on all of that. The only difference is how it came about at the beginning. We use logic and common sense acknowledging that what we see in the world shows us that complexity of Design, Engineering Programing always takes an actual brain of intelligence. It does not occur w/o one as evolutionist claim. Evolutionist own words betray it. It is full of innuendo and just so stories and not specifics like real science. But I can't make you see what you refuse to see due to your commitment to atheism first and foremost as Dr. Lewontin admits regardless of the bad science he admits etc.
As I said, even atheist Fred Hoyle sees and admits to this and shows how mathematically evolution is impossible. But to get to the intelligence he knows it requires, to avoid God he goes to outer space. Again, evolution is more faith based than anything I know. I has to violate so many laws of science etc that you say it created in the first place. Yet those are so precise, intricate, unchanging and must be so so "evolution" can occur which must have the constant change you claim happened. Yet we are in a constant state of declining not getting better. Our life spans, DNA/RNA copying errors are getting more and more and making things worse as they build up. Yet it must work in reverse for evolution to work. What faith you have.
I just don't have that much faith. I can't suspend my common sense and logic as Dr. Lewontin says is required for evolutionist.
I find evolutionist are teaching students WHAT TO THINK NOT HOW TO THINK! That is very disturbing. What are they so afraid of by letting them be exposed to the problems and all the frauds being exposed to them. Esp when they are the pillars used to teach evolution.
The book by Jonathan Wells who is a Dr of microbiology. Who for some reason doesn't use his Dr. in title as author. Wrote "Icons of evolution" exposing all the frauds used to teach evolution and how they have had plenty of time to remove them from text but haven't. Sad commentary on real and truthful science! Really?
Evolution and Cases of Fraud, Hoaxes and Speculation - Conservapedia
Evolution Fraud and Myths
Here are three links about the frauds in evolution that are proven including the book by Dr. Jonathan Wells.
I know it is hard to admit you have fallen for frauds and been a victim. Don't blame the messenger. Be anger at those that conspired to do this to you. Don't be mad at those of us trying to wake you up to it!.