Do you know why we have affirmative action and the history of it? I'm sure you probably do so here's a reminder for people:
And how does the draft affect you now? It hasn't been used since Vietnam. My question was about now. Not years ago. So you can only point to three things?
Again, see affirmative action for your last point.
So your solution about the courts is to ***** to women who have nothing to do with it? Do you know how many women are judges who make decisions on these things? How many are in state and federal legislators making these decisions? We live in a male dominated society. You should be talking to your fellow men with your grievances honestly speaking. It's great when men and women can work together on things. But the issues you've brought about are things that have come as a result of your fellow men as a gender group over time.
Because the thread was talking about it? Maybe why? And, again, I was using the general you. Not you specifically. And again with the words used it's the history of the words.
See what Mystic says. She says it better than I could. And, again no you're not the type from talking to you over time and I appreciate that a lot. You're always respectful and I couldn't see you being that way. I'm talking, again, in general.
Well, this was my first time hearing about it. Not in terms of what the word means. I've seen that going on for as long as I've been self-aware but with the word itself. I'd never heard of that before. But no it's not rare at all. Especially when you're dealing with sex and violent crimes against women.
You're kidding right? I'm called a **** and whore all the time on the internet by ridiculous people when they don't like what I'm saying. They'll call me all the typical things. Even when I did nothing to warrant it. Even if I did warrant it that's your first thing to go to is calling a woman a whore and a ****? It's sexual and it's meant to demean a woman and men aren't treated in the same in that manner. Women aren't supposed to embrace sex and their sexuality. If she doesn't behave or say things that a male thinks women should or challenges a certain type of male that's the words they go to. I can't tell you how many times over the yrs I've been called that. Thankfully it's only been online and not by people in my every day environment so say what you will about that.
Your last sentence said it perfectly.