What do the facts show? Physical laws dictate the natural tendency is for order to break down. To build a house, one must intelligently direct energy. The same is true of building anything. ANYTHING. Evolutionists do not simply claim that somehow a living cell "came to life" unassisted, (some claim aliens may have seeded life on earth), but say that completely without intelligent direction, ALL living things came into existence. Scientists can barely begin to understand the complexity in a single cell, yet blithely attribute the existence of all things to random events unaided by any intelligence. Houses require builders.
I really shouldn't have to point this out, but:
Living systems are not houses.
Honestly, do you really believe comparing something that we know is the result of design to something that we do not yet understand the cause of is honest? I assure you, it is not. No matter how many times you make a false, uninformed analogy, it is still false and uninformed. The fact is that we do not yet know - naturalistic or otherwise - the initial cause of life, and your assumption that life is inherently designed is presumptive and ultimately flawed. What we
do know is that 1) the proteins which are required for life can be formed through unguided, naturalistic methods, 2) such methods can be reproduced by imitating early earth conditions, 3) life reproduces naturally, without inherent design, 4) there has never been any instance of any life form of any kind ever magically appearing via the divination of some divine agency - or indeed any evidence of any such agency existing in any form whatsoever.
Design requires a designer.
That's based on the a-priori assumption that life is inherently designed.
Here's a question for you. Let's say I present you with two objects. Neither object you have ever seen before, and neither object you have been appraised of the origin of. I tell you that one of the objects is designed and the other occurred naturally and give you the task of trying to determine which is which. How, exactly, do you go about determining which of the two objects is designed and which occurred naturally? What criteria do you use to qualify either position?
No one (sane and honest) would see a name crudely carved in a tree and attribute it to chance events.
Names crudely carved in trees do not naturally replicate or evolve. Stop the false analogies, we are talking about
All living things with their incredible abilities display engineering skills men cannot fully understand, much less create.
And yet you keep comparing life to houses and carvings in trees. If life is so much more complicated, then surely it is feasible that the method by which life formed is also far more complicated than just "God did it". Sounds reasonable, no?
The fact we didn't see God do it is not a valid reason for not following the evidence to it's logical conclusion,
What evidence?
any more than not seeing someone carve his name in a tree means no one did that, and the name appeared via a "naturalistic origin". (Hebrews 3:4)
If you cannot tell the difference between naturally occurring systems and graffiti, that's your problem. Not ours.