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Speaking in Tongues

Today, in the car, on the way home from school (while I was driving of course), my Mom started speaking in tongues.
Now, I know it mentions tongues in the Bible, but I don't know that much about it.
But what my Mom was saying sounded like an actuall language.

Lately I have been studying Islam and Christianity closely, because I can't make a decision on which holds the truth.
Things in both religions make sense to me, it's extremely stressful.
There's no way I can decifer the validity of the two.
On one hand, the Bible was there before the Qur'an, I was raised as a Christian, and I like the idea of Jesus and what he did.
On the other hand, the Bible changed a lot, the Qur'an has never changed.
Apparently original Christians thought of Jesus as just a prophet, and the old and new testament are supposed to be perversions of that original message.
So, my strategy has been to read the Qur'an and the Bible, and talk to people of both faiths, and see what makes most sense outside of the concept of Jesus, and make my decision that way.

ANYWAYS, my point is...

I don't know of any mention in Islam about speaking in tongues.
If I could write down what my Mom said, and could randomly find a translation of it, or have someone intrepret it, and I actually found something, I would be even more confused.

What do muslims think about speaking in tongues?
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
On the other hand, the Bible changed a lot, the Qur'an has never changed.

As far as I know, the Bible matches up with the earliest manuscripts we have...
Hmph, more for me to be confused about.

I've heard there were numerous versions of the Bible for a while until it was decided that there should just be one version.


Not your average Mormon
Mister Emu said:

As far as I know, the Bible matches up with the earliest manuscripts we have...
Yes, but what about the earlier ones? The ones we don't have?

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
I've heard there were numerous versions of the Bible for a while until it was decided that there should just be one version.

I've heard the same about the Quran...


Reason, and reason again
I don't know what Muslims think, but as an atheist I think you should talk with her about it and possibly find some medical help. No offence.


Mister Emu said:
I've heard the same about the Quran...
Never happened

Dear thriftypassenger, welcome to RF, it seems like you really seek the truth here despite some people coming here just to offense others religions..:rolleyes:

Anyway, the Quran didnt change, even a word of it...And you should really consider reading it, as well as reading the Bible....and decide fairly..

About this Speaking in Tongue thing, I didnt hear about it before, and I think it doesnt exist in islam...Im not really sure though

And wellcome again to the forums :)


Per my understanding glossolalia, "speaking in tongues", has been a part of human mysticism and channeling long before the advent of the church.


Also, practically every world religion has some form of meditative incantation. Although not all recognize these acts as a valid form of worship within the confines of orthodoxy, many adherents will still perform such exploits for many different reasons. Including certain Muslim sects.


Well-Known Member
I guess one could say that I speak in tongues when I pray. Because without a tongue you can't speak. And if your going to pray outloud then you have to speak. Therefore I pray in tounges. My own tounge. Hallelujah!


Jesus in me
I speak in tongues when the spirit is moving in me. I tried to get a linguist to help find out if it were a real language but there are over 10,000 languages and he couldn't know them all. Then there are the languages from ohter worlds that no one on earth would know. Sometimes my tongue speaking sounds a little like chinese but not very often.

As for the Qu'ran I don't remember seeing anything about it in there. I have never asked a Muslim about it becuase Muslims don't have mcuh in the way of concepts of spirtual things. Maybe a Sufi would have some knowledge but other Muslims don't consider Sufis to be othrodox.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Muffled said:
As for the Qu'ran I don't remember seeing anything about it in there. I have never asked a Muslim about it becuase Muslims don't have mcuh in the way of concepts of spirtual things. Maybe a Sufi would have some knowledge but other Muslims don't consider Sufis to be othrodox.
What makes you say that we don't have much in the concept of spritual things? This is common misconception #487 that Islam is a religion based only on very strict rules that don't have much to do with spirituality. This is definately not true. Behind the rules are vast concepts of spiritual enlightenment, that all muslims should attain to as much as possible.


thriftypassenger said:
Today, in the car, on the way home from school (while I was driving of course), my Mom started speaking in tongues.
Now, I know it mentions tongues in the Bible, but I don't know that much about it.
But what my Mom was saying sounded like an actuall language.

I first started speaking in tongues while driving my car. Funny.

I still have the ability to speak in tongues, but I only use it when I am praying, and usually only in intense prayer. I can stop it and start it whenever I wish, but I cannot control what I am saying....it just comes out, and just like with your mother, it does sound like a language. I hear myself repeating phrases and words. It really frightened me at first, but now I am used to it. Sometimes when I pray in tongues I feel incredibly powerful emotions, and start to cry as well. My belief is that it is the Holy Spirit within me, uttering the prayers through me.


Well-Known Member
I have, on occasion, spoken in languages not known on this Earth in any culture; @ time when I felt divinely inspired. It is a sort of psychosis in fact: I can't say anymore here for it would be misunderstood.

A woman or man in the throes of a nervous breakdown will often do the same thing, especially if it is sexual in origin.

It is all dangerous territory: "daemonic" languages are amongst those known to most people subconsciously.

If you could find a Catholic theologian or demonologist to talk to about it, that might help.


Well-Known Member
when i have channeled a spirit through my body to answer someones question, it is almost always in tounges, after the ordeal is over i will return in control of my body and see the person in front of my often with their jaw to the floor and who will eventually say "......whaaaat???" so i often have the spirit write down what he/she spoke...that often does not help, because either the language has no written style or it is still utterly unknown to me.


Well-Known Member
I have witnessed so called 'speaking in tongues' on quite a number of occasions, and feel it is some quirk of the brain and absolutely nothing to do with any deity!
I think it's utter rubbish.

An in-law once was discussing speaking in tongues with my then-wife and me. I fought to not roll my eyes as he explained it to her. She asked him what it sounded like, and wouldn't you know? He can do it on command, like doing an Elvis impersonation or something.

My understanding of the concept is that it is largely involuntary and cannot be done on command, rather only when the spirit overtakes you. This cat thought he could just do it whenever.

By the way, I laughed heartily when someone here said it sounded Chinese.


Well-Known Member
What sort of deity encourages its followers to make complete idiots of themselves in this way? When taken to extremes you end up with the 'Toronto blessing' where some poor souls were on all fours barking like dogs!