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Spiritual questionnaire-humor me here.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I thought it might be fun to get y'all's opinions on different spiritual subjects. Feel free to expand as much as you want. Here goes:

What are the attributes of God(s)?

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Are humans good or bad?

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

What is your worship/service like?

Are good works important?

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Do you pray?



Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
1. Eminent and Unknowable.
2. They exist without my belief in them ;)
3. Does 'good and bad' exist? :p
4. Finalisms are schisms from the business of living.
5. Worth my effort to be there.
6. Inasmuch faith as I enter into them with.
7. Yes.
8. Yes.


New Member
I thought it might be fun to get y'all's opinions on different spiritual subjects. Feel free to expand as much as you want. Here goes:

What are the attributes of God(s)?

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Are humans good or bad?

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

What is your worship/service like?

Are good works important?

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Do you pray?


What are the attributes of God(s)?

Love, mercy, justice, omnipotent, omniscient, knows us individually, looks upon us with paternal affection.

Do you believe in angels/demons?


Are humans good or bad?


Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

Yes, both.

What is your worship/service like?

There are differrent kinds of worship services. One is to take the sacrament of the Lord's Support and contmeplate his grace in our lives and contemplate how we can draw closer to God. We sing hymns of worship. I participate in temple ordinances which are symbolic and reflective.

Are good works important?
Yes, God wants us to do good.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Jesus Christ is an incarnation as the Son of God. We have a lot of teachers, prophets, apostles, etc. who are called of God to teach.

Do you pray?
Yes, frequently.


What are the attributes of God(s)?
Powerful, ineffable, the end-all of rational discussion.
Do you believe in angels/demons?
Are humans good or bad?
Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
What is your worship/service like?
Are good works important?
Of course they are, but not to my religion.
Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Infinite numbers of them
Do you pray?


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?
God is a paradox, knowable and unknowable at the same time.

We assign many attributes to God, but I tend to see them as how we relate to the specific role we are asking God to play at that given time.

There are a set of attributes of mercy we often assign to God, however, based on Exodus when God set Moses in the cleft of the mountain and passed by him:
— compassion before a person sins;
— compassion after a person has sinned;
— mighty in compassion to give all creatures according to their need;
— merciful, that humankind may not be distressed;
— gracious if humankind is already in distress;
— slow to anger;
— plenteous in mercy;
— truth;
— keeping mercy unto thousands;
— forgiving iniquity;
— forgiving transgression;
— forgiving sin;
— and pardoning.

Do you believe in angels/demons?
Angels as the messengers of God, yes. Demons not so much.

Are humans good or bad?
Both. Humans have both a good inclination and a bad (or possibly better described as a physical) inclination. We need both to survive, but which we choose to follow is up to us.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
I have no clue, and it really doesn't matter to me.

What is your worship/service like?
A set liturgy, public reading from the Torah, the rabbi and others expound on the Torah portion, some times a study session on the Talmud or Jewish philosophy.

Are good works important?
Extremely important.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
No incarnations, but we have many, many teachers.

Do you pray?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I thought it might be fun to get y'all's opinions on different spiritual subjects. Feel free to expand as much as you want. Here goes:
Just remember, you asked. :cool:

What are the attributes of God(s)?
The so-called attributes of god are actually variables that are different from every perspective that can be taken. There are no meaningful "catch all" attributes that can be ascribed to god(s) aside from perhaps god being a projection of the psyche of the human animal.

Do you believe in angels/demons?
Nope. They are certainly amusing concepts though designed to buttress a sense of order in what is essentially a chaotic system.

Are humans good or bad?
Good and bad are simply value judgments that can change over time. In itself the question is pretty meaningless. We are what we are and in such limited terms we would be a liberal mixture of both elements.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
In the mind's of some human animals, for sure. In reality no such places exist as existential realms inhabited by "deserving" souls. Reality just doesn't work that way, sorry.

What is your worship/service like?
I reject the very concept of worship and am hard pressed to think of a valid reason to worship "the other". Once you realize that there is only being, this whole god thing just melts away in a smelly cloud of mental debris.

Are good works important?
Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Good works done with the expectation of rewards is little more than egotistical twaddle. Do something really great without any thought to rewards and now you are acting properly... in those limited terms, of course.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Just a few trillion... every being is both teacher and student. Is there any other way?

Do you pray?
Nope and neither would it EVER occur to me to pray. That said, I am an avid booster of taking part in an open dialogue between the inner self and the focus personality. It might seem perilously close to prayer, but it's more like having a chin wag with a future aspect of your identity, that is looking "back" and seeing itself as the "you" you are, neatly ensconced in your current sense of now.


What are the attributes of God(s)?

Nonexistent. But this depends on how you're defining god.

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Not really.

Are humans good or bad?

Inherently good; pragmatically bad.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

Not literally; they are states of mind.

What is your worship/service like?

Chanting the Lotus Sutra.

Are good works important?


Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?


Do you pray?

Not in any traditional sense.

You're welcome.


Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?
I believe God to be beyond human understanding.

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Are humans good or bad?
People are neither good nor bad, they are human. We live by our flesh.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
I think there is. Heaven is the reconciliation to God and hell might be the separation from God.

What is your worship/service like?
Baptist. Lots of singing of songs, prayer, and a sermon.

Are good works important?
Yes. But it is more important if you do it because you want to rather than you have to.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Do you pray?
Yes, all the time.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I thought it might be fun to get y'all's opinions on different spiritual subjects. Feel free to expand as much as you want. Here goes:

Awesome! I like these kind of threads to compare and contrast my opinions among other members' opinions :)

What are the attributes of God(s)? A pantheistic, fate-like God.

Do you believe in angels/demons? No

Are humans good or bad? Answers may vary - In a similar way to "Are books fun or boring?"

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell? Don't think so, but I am lenient on an afterlife.

What is your worship/service like? I worship by practicing to get better at accepting my fates when they happen.

Are good works important? Good is important, but what is good is undefined.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations? I'm sure there had been people preaching in the past about individual bits and parts of my beliefs.

Do you pray? Sometimes.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Are humans good or bad?

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

What is your worship/service like?

Are good works important?

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Do you pray?

You're welcome.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?

Transcendence (including apparently transcendente from existence itself), Will.

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Not as such.

Are humans good or bad?

Yes, both.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

Not as such.

What is your worship/service like?

Sincere and serious.

Are good works important?


Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Not incarnations. Everyone is a teacher, though.

Do you pray?

Not as such.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?
Depends entirely on the specific god in question. However, my theology rejects certain ideas about god-concepts that are common in my culture. The gods are not supernatural. The gods collectively are omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, but individually are not. The gods are immanent, not transcendent. The gods are not necessarily eternal, immortal, or unchanging.

Do you believe in angels/demons?
In what fashion?

Are humans good or bad?
Neither. Humans are.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?
In what fashion? You see, it is never a good idea to ask me "does X exist." My answer is always yes. If you can experience it or know it in any fashion, it exists. Existence as idea is still existence. That we are even talking about it and naming it necessitates existence. Better way to frame the question for me: does heaven or hell play a role in your path? No. No, it doesn't.

What is your worship/service like?
Highly varied. Usually simple, non-scripted, and solitary. I'm not one of those Neopagans who goes crazy with scripted, ceremonial rituals. Much of my worship is simple paying attention and everyday doing of things, not formalized practices.

Are good works important?
To whom or what? For what purpose? I mean, it seems pretty self-evident to me that not being a dick is not a good idea and that being an honorable sort is a good idea.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?
Teachers? Sure. Incarnations? I don't really know what you mean by that.

Do you pray?
Depending on what is meant by prayer? Yes? Sometimes? Rarely? Never?


I thought it might be fun to get y'all's opinions on different spiritual subjects. Feel free to expand as much as you want. Here goes:

What are the attributes of God(s)?

The Unknown God is the supreme consciousness of the universe, infinitely loving, the source of all truth, and totally outside the influence of space and time, although His essence pervades it. So He's both transcendent and immanent.

Do you believe in angels/demons?


Are humans good or bad?

Neither, really. We just are, just like God is.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?

Yes. There are heavens, hells (and I'm pretty convinced this may be one of them), and the Heaven where we all return back to the Unknown God.

What is your worship/service like?

I don't attend any services. My own personal worship consists of prayer, reading, meditation, etc.

Are good works important?


Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?

Yes. Jesus is the best-known, at least in the West, but I think the spirit of Christ has descended into human form many, many times in the past.

Do you pray?


You're welcome. :)


What are the attributes of God(s)?

He's the imaginary god of the gaps. Anything happens that can't be explained or has no evidence; god did it.

Do you believe in angels/demons?


Are humans good or bad?

Neither. We are what we are, just like the lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?


What is your worship/service like?

I worship the planet. I serve it by trying not to damage it and by not hurting anything or anyone.

Are good works important?

Not really. But, the practitioners of bad deeds must face earthly justice.

Does your faith have any teachers?

Oh my, life is my teacher every minute of every day.

Do you pray?

Not with hands pressed together. I just wish and wish and hope against hope that the people of this world will soon grow the hell up!




Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
What are the attributes of God(s)?

Whatever the believer believes them to be. For me, it varies depending on what I need. Mostly I deal with subjective interprestations of Egyptian gods and Jewish charaters such as Samael and Lilith, their attributes being a LHP interpretation of how their normally definied.

Do you believe in angels/demons?

Yes and no. The ideas/concepts can be powerful, but these things do not exist free of the mind.

Are humans good or bad?

There is no such thing as good or bad objectively. Humanity is not all it could be and seems to have little interest in doing so.

Is there a Heaven and/or Hell?


What is your worship/service like?

Mental and personal and too complex to waste time explaining to others in depth.

Are good works important?

Again, good is a near meaningless concept. However, I try to do things to better the lives of others in accordance with my world view.

Does your faith have any teachers/incarnations?


Do you pray?

No, I act.