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stories that make you cry


Well-Known Member
Books, movies, comics, songs, whatever. So, what do you cry at? (I know you all cry over something, 'fess up :p)

Me, it was always the Lion King when I was little. Every time. And I just finished bawling over the Sandman series, which is what brought this whole train of thought into the station in the first place...


Well-Known Member
Okay, this one is a little weird. I'm not Christian. I've never been Christian. But when I was a kid I cried over some movie (I don't know which one) in which Christ was sacrificed on the cross.

Now, I don't cry much. Okay, I don't cry at all. Oh, I think about it, sometimes, but it never happens.


Veteran Member
I cry while listening to quite a few U2 songs...they hit the emotion button just in the right spot and if I'm needing a good cry I'll play them when I'm alone and blubber my eyes out. :) Classical music can make me cry as well, but mostly because it's so beautiful.

I'm hitting a blank with movies although I know there have been quite a few that start the tear meter going. "Dances With Wolves" is coming to mind for some reason. I remember one of the Native American chiefs up on a hill on horseback shouting down to Kevin Costner that he will forever be his friend....that really got to me.


Glass half Panda'd
i'm a crybaby:

Beauty and the Beast - cause at 5, i wanted the beast to live, i liked him more than the man

Requiem for a Dream - cause... i dunno

Million Dollar Baby - :sad4:

Gladiator - he was free at last!

American Beauty - the reality and beauty within it... *geez*

.... so many more!

Scarlett Wampus

Grrr. I hate that this place makes me feel comfortable enough to say this. Anyway, tough guy to my friends when I'm alone its different - I totally indulge in being over-emotional when watching films or listening to music, 'sgreat :D

edit: Buttons, Gladiator will make me cry loads but Requiem for a Dream? I just wanna yell at those people to sort it out!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Apparently, when my Mum took me to see the Film of 'Bamby' when I was little, I turned to her half way through the film, and said "Don't cry Mummy, it's only a film".....since then, I have gone downhil fast.

Music sets me off (Land of Hope and Glory sung at the last night of the proms, every single time); I think maybe because the conductor gets the entire audience to join in, and they have to refuse to do any more repeats after about the third one!:D

Films, regularly (Fluke) is the one that immediately comes to mind........A man killed in a car crash comes back as a Dog, but with the memory of his family. He tries to get adopted by them, but then gets very upset when his ex-business partner (who actually rigged the car to crash) tries to step into his family shoes.

I don't care if I am not 'manly'....I am who I am.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
I Heard The Owl Call My Name...always makes me cry. Always. To the point where I can just go to the correct place in the book and read two pages and I'm howling.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
A few scenes in the "Return of the King;" when Pippin finds Merry on the Pellenor (sp) Fields, when Sam attempts a Frodo-lifting marathon outside of Mount Doom (the flute in the background, recalling the Shire? Ow! It hurts my heart, but in a good way) and when Frodo and Sam have come to the end of all things, have survived an incredible journey and almost all the wretchedness Middle Earth holds (including wearing uber-silly helmets), Sam starts to cry that he thinks that he might like to marry Rosie Cotton... Okay, tearing up, just thinking about it.

In both the book and the animated film of "The Last Unicorn", I cry when the prince describes his confusion while courting the unicorn (currently in the form of a lady). He recounts how he even killed a dragon and brought her the scaly head, and then- to his befuddlement- she starts to cry. I cry, too, understanding her pain.

Oh, and I always cry while playing "Final Fantasy 7" when someone gets croakeded. And "X" of the same series, when some guys that I really like are reuinited.


*Foxy Lady*
I'm not a cryer, usually, but one song/tune really gets me sobbing. Cavatina by Stanley Myers. I love the John Williams arrangement, gets me right there (I'm pointing at my chest right now).

Some moments in Titanic make me blubber like a girl...... hahaha, had you for a second there!


Well-Known Member
So much stuff makes me cry that it's hard to make a list. :p

For some reason, the short story "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" by Bret Harte makes me cry everytime I read it. It's a really good story if you haven't read it.

Moulin Rouge - yes, I like that movie.:eek:

Phantom of the Opera

Dances With Wolves

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (although it's more of an "angry-crying" - yay! I think I coined a word!)

I don't remember if A Tale of Two Cities made me cry or not... probably did. :D


Well-Known Member
Buttons* said:

Heh heh, this reminds me of when my friend and I were watching this movie a few months ago at his apartment. It was the part at the end after he died and sees his family again or whatever and my friend is about to cry and I remark about, "Hey, at least they ain't charbroiled anymore." And my friend kind of got mad at me. I have a way with ruining moods. :D


Well-Known Member
Actually, I lied. There are still a couple things that can reduce me to tears. When I read Sara Douglass's book Pilgrim, there was a beautiful moment when a man long exiled from his family is at last welcomed by his brother (after what, 4 books) with the ceremonial words that should have been said to him at birth. They will probably seem really cheezy out of context, but I love them. They remind me of the child dedications my church does, which also make me want to cry because they are so touching. "Welcome, DragonStar StarSon, into the House of the Stars and into my heart. My name is Caelum SunSoar, and I am your brother who loves you dearly. Sing well, and fly high, and may your heart and mind soar with all the enchantment that is your inheritance and your glory."


Flaming Queer
i always cry at the same point in "cinderella story" - its when her emails have been read out in front of the football team, the whole school, and the boy she is in love with (the captain of the football team)

then she gets home, to find that she did not get into the uni she wanted, and is stuck with her entire future based in a diner, under the eyes of her evil step mom..... and then she picks up the picture of her dad....


now, the chances are, most of you are asking "why is mike watching "a cinderella story"?

i think this is rooted in my early fear of loosing my parents....... i hate the idea of not having my parents around, and i cry whenever i think like that..... i'll be back in 5 minutes....


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Oh, the books of J.R.R. Tolkien, most specifically "The Lord of the Rings." His epic "The Silmarillion" gets me teary-eyed, too - especially the story of Beren and Luthien.

Others include:

Movies -
*Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and (most especially)
The Return of the King
*King Kong
*Wuthering Heights
*The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
*An Affair to Remember
*Beauty and the Beast
*The Lion King
*American Beauty
*Steel Magnolias
*Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
*House of Flying Daggers
*Brokeback Mountain
*Joy Luck Club

I have to plug an often-looked-over movie done by Disney that was forgotten in the midst of all the Disney-Pixar mega-movies. Brother Bear was so heartfelt, so beautiful, and so gut-wrenchingly sad that it took me by surprise when I saw it with my kids. I had originally thought that it would be mediocre, but the movie succeeded in grabbing my heart out of my chest and squeezing so hard that it burst with emotion.

When my kids were busy later on, I hid myself in the bathroom and wept.

The plays or musicals that I remember crying openly at were:

*The Glass Menagerie
*Rent (I sobbed)
*West Side Story (here, too)
*The Phantom of the Opera
*Les Miserables (and I sobbed here, too)

There are plenty more where all these came from. I'm a weeper, admittedly. :eek:


Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
MysticSang'ha said:
I have to plug an often-looked-over movie done by Disney that was forgotten in the midst of all the Disney-Pixar mega-movies. Brother Bear was so heartfelt, so beautiful, and so gut-wrenchingly sad that it took me by surprise when I saw it with my kids. I had originally thought that it would be mediocre, but the movie succeeded in grabbing my heart out of my chest and squeezing so hard that it burst with emotion.
Oh yeah, how could I forget that. I howled my guts out the first time I saw that, and it still makes me teary.
And that bit in Lilo and Stitch where the grand councilwoman asks who Lilo and Nani are and Stitch says,'This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.'


Lightning Crashes by Live , it reminds me of when my daughter was born. Nothing like hearing it on the radio and tearing up in traffic.:rolleyes:
I cried in the theater when ,in The Two Towers, Gandalf fought the Balrog as they fell to the Endless Stair. i


A Coco-Nut
Beautiful music can make me cry. Yanni is especially good at it.

The thing that gets me going the easiest is reading about or seeing other people cry. Like the episode on every edition of "Survivor" when they get to see home movies of thier families they haven't seen in weeks. Yeah, I'm there. :sad4: