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stories that make you cry


Wonder Woman
Happier said:
I wish I could remember that movie with Clint Eastwood as the manager of the girl boxer.. I must have blocked out the name, it was a killer. I cried so hard at the end. I don't think I can ever watch it again.

Last of the Mohicans

Meet Joe Black

Wow, so many.... Phenomenon and Michael come to mind. The animal ones: Bear, Black Beauty, March of the Penguins.

And these are really, really old:

The Yearling
Old Yeller


Meet Joe Black and Phenomenon and Micheal are all good and can bring a tear to your eye. I have to completely agree with Last of the Mohicans though. I forgot about that one. It does make the tears flow.


Not your average Mormon
It's funny, but I seldom cry in movies. I remember one, though, in which I just about bawled my eyes out. It was called "Empire of the Sun." In it, a little British boy whose family was living in Hong Kong when WWII broke out, got separated from his parents and didn't see them again for probably about five years. When they were reunited at the end, he didn't even recognize his mother. She recognized him, though, and just threw her arms around him. I just kept imagining how that would be. It just tore me up. If I were to see it again, I know it would affect me the same way exactly.

Oh, and there was a made-for-TV movie called "The Gathering" about a family meeting at Christmas after most of the kids had been estranged from their father for a number of years. It starred Maureen Stapleton and Ed Asner. I finally bought the video of it so I can watch it every Christmas and have myself a good cry.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Happier said:
I wish I could remember that movie with Clint Eastwood as the manager of the girl boxer.. I must have blocked out the name, it was a killer. I cried so hard at the end. I don't think I can ever watch it again.
'Million Dollar Baby'...**** yeah, add that to my list. :sad: I was warned in advance it didn't have a happy ending, though.


Active Member
OOo--I forgot a few--Last of the Mohicans is a good one--Empire of the Sun--An old one is Bridge on the River Kwai. An early Bette Davis called Dark Victory.


Active Member
Meet Joe Black...thats was a good teary ending,and Ghost,and one that just does me everytime The Green Mile.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Oh, I'm so glad someone else mentioned "Hero" with Jet Li in it. I saw it twice, and both times I was sobbing throughout, but I completely lost it at the end.

Last of the Mohicans

(how could I possibly forget that?)

Schindler's List

Talk about "howling my guts out"...........this movie made an extraordinary impact on my life and my views.


I have to keep mentioning LOTR as the books that took me by surprise with their emotional impact on me. My sig gives away how I view Faramir in the books as opposed to how he was portrayed in the movies. But in the books, when his character was thought to have been killed, and Prince Imrahil is carrying him up to Faramir's father, Denethor, he says to him:

"My lord, your son has returned from performing great deeds." (not an exact quote, but still)

I really thought Faramir was dead the first time I read it. And I lost it right then and there. I'd never experienced having to put a book down on a table so I can weep in my hands, but I did. I also cry openly at the end when Frodo tells Sam in the book where he intends to go:

Sam: "Where are you going Master Frodo?"
Frodo: "To the havens, Sam............"
Sam: "And I can't come."

*cue tears streaming down face*


Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
kateyes said:
OOo--I forgot a few--Last of the Mohicans is a good one--Empire of the Sun--An old one is Bridge on the River Kwai. An early Bette Davis called Dark Victory.
The only thing I can remember about Bridge On The River Kwai is everyone whistling the song to the Bonox ad. That and my grandfather telling me how the POWs were ****** with the allies for blowing up the bridge, because the Japanese just made them build the thing again.