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stories that make you cry


i cry at dora the explorer. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WATCH IIT AGAIN. other than that i just dont realy find movies that sad ,if itll make you cry why watch it. id rather laugh.


Well-Known Member
Hard question, i would have to say prousts one novel about that middle class guy in france, what a way to suffer silently :(


Well-Known Member
I am a lot more in touch with my emotions since my daughter was born... more sentimental.
Life is Beautiful, Spirited Away, Hero, Gladiator, Batman Begins, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Finding Nemo, Ninja Scroll, Lord of the Rings...


Veteran Member
willything said:
i cry at dora the explorer. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WATCH IIT AGAIN.

Next time that mean QTR makes you watch Dora...ask her if you can bring your teddy and blanket. They will make you feel better I promise. ;)


Citizen Mod
When I was younger, some episodes of Little House On The Prairie used to do it for me. (who just snickered?)

Now that I am older there is one movie that makes me draw fluids like Pavlov's dog. There is a movie called Electric Dreams (1984) about a guy named Miles (Lenny von Dohlen) who buys a computer (voice provided by Bud Cort) that falls in love with Miles’ neighbor Madeline (played by Virginia Madsen) who is a musician (actually she’s a cellist) and the only way the computer can express it’s love for this woman is through music. There is a song towards the end of the movie entitled Madeline’s Theme (Original Soundtrack composed by Giorgio Moroder) that is very sad and very touching and always s makes me cry. I own the soundtrack to this movie and if I play the song anywhere else, you can catch me crying.



Flaming Queer
i also cried when reading harry potter, when sirius died........ he was just the best character, and they killed him.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Well, anyone who knows me will know that I'm just a big girlie sook - tug on my heart strings but a little, and I'm a weeping puddle - it doesn't even have to be a sad occasion! As a result, it'd take me months (at least) to compile a list of music/movies/books that have made me cry in my 30 years of life.

One that springs to mind that others haven't already posted, is the book The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton. We had to read it for school, and I was one of the few who loved it. I've lost count of how many times I've read it (it'd have to be 20+), but it makes me cry every single time...where Johnny dies and he tells Ponyboy to "stay gold"...*sniff*...when Dally sees that Johnny is dead and goes off and gets shot by the cops for no good reason...at the end when Darry and Soda and Pony work things out... :sad4: I've seen the movie (an all-star cast for its day), and it's not a patch on the book. In fact my only vivid memory from the movie is Emilio Esteves as Two-Bit, pointing and laughing at the pants a 'Soc' is wearing - and that makes me laugh, not cry lol.

Buttercup said:
"Dances With Wolves" is coming to mind for some reason. I remember one of the Native American chiefs up on a hill on horseback shouting down to Kevin Costner that he will forever be his friend....that really got to me.
Yep, that gets me too.

michel said:
Music sets me off (Land of Hope and Glory sung at the last night of the proms, every single time)
:biglaugh: Land of Hope and Glory just reminds me of The Goodies, with Tim off on one of his rants.

QTR said:
I Heard The Owl Call My Name...always makes me cry. Always. To the point where I can just go to the correct place in the book and read two pages and I'm howling.
I've read that...and I reckon I cried less than you there. That'd have to be a first!

Feathers said:
A few scenes in the "Return of the King;" when Pippin finds Merry on the Pellenor (sp) Fields, when Sam attempts a Frodo-lifting marathon outside of Mount Doom (the flute in the background, recalling the Shire? Ow! It hurts my heart, but in a good way) and when Frodo and Sam have come to the end of all things, have survived an incredible journey and almost all the wretchedness Middle Earth holds (including wearing uber-silly helmets), Sam starts to cry that he thinks that he might like to marry Rosie Cotton... Okay, tearing up, just thinking about it.
There are scenes in all three LOTR movies that made me cry (I've watched them all since I got sick on Sunday - killed some time on the couch lol). The above ones got me, and also at the end of Return of the King when they go down to see off Bilbo at the boat...and Merry, Pippin and Sam realise that Frodo is going too. Oh, and when Aragorn realises that Arwen is alive and they pash...and when Aragorn tells the hobbits "you kneel to no-one"...and...and...I'm just a big ******* crybaby lol.

*edit* And in The Two Towers, when they get to Helms Deep, and Eowyn asks Gimli where Aragorn is, and he says "He fell..." all choked up like...even though I know he's not dead, I still get teary! And then when Aragorn shows up and Leggy gives him back the Evenstar...oh, and in RotK when Denethor sends Faramir and the others back to Osgiliath and Pippin is singing that song...I wanna get my hands on the extended versions of the movies so much now. *sigh* I wanna see all the Faramir/Boromir/Denethor stuff!

standing_alone said:
Phantom of the Opera
I've seen several movie versions (the most recent one with Gerry Butler as The Phantom is my favourite), and listened to the Original London Cast recording (with Michael Crawford as The Phantom) about a million times. Movie makes me cry, recording just leaves me sad.

c0da2006 said:
The storyline in Boys N The Hood is incredibly sad. I almost cried watching that!
I (surprise, surprise) did cry watching that.

Mike182 said:
i also cried when reading harry potter, when sirius died........ he was just the best character, and they killed him
*sigh* Yes...

I'm truly pathetic...I cried watching The Biggest Loser last night (the Aussie version). The final four contestants had a bunch of overweight people come in and they gave them a pep-talk. Well, Harry was saying how he'd sent in his entry to be on the show because he realised that his son was really embarassed by him, and he didn't want his son to ask him to stop the car round the corner from the school to drop him off cause he was too ashamed of his fat dad. Harry was crying, I was crying...hate to see a grown man cry, gets me every time lol. :help:


That One Guy
What Dreams May Come was a tear-jerker for me.
Man On Fire probably has the happiest/saddest endingof all time.
I can help but have tears well up when the ant dies in Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Strange part is, I have a phobia of insects.
Finding Nemo absolutely kills me.

Lots of Cruxshadows- "Citadel", "Winterborn", and "Dragonfly" all make me tear up.
Every once and a while VNV Nation's "Beloved" and "Endless Skies" pull my heartstrings.
"Heaven" by DJ Sammy always brings tears of joy (Its mine and my fiance's song)

Devil May Cry- Most powerful scene in any game ever. "This was my mother's. Now I'm giving it to you. My father is also here now. Rest in peace."
EarthBound- Second most powerful scene in any game ever. "Suddenly all the world stopped and prayed for the safety of Ness and his friends."
The opening movie of Rygar for the PS2 makes my eyes water. Not really very sad scene though. Just very moving and powerful.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries for Finding Nemo. The song Beauty is Within Us by Yoko Kano always makes me cry, as well as the openning to Serial Experiments: Lain.


High Priestess
When I was in High School (some 19 years ago) my mom and I would cry together everyday watching Little House on the Prairie? Old Yeller, The Red Pony, the Yearling, Black Beauty, all bring me to tears.

Songs that make me cry:
Love, Me - Collin Raye
Wildfire - Michael Murphy
Lady in Red - Chris DeBurgh oh, wait, is songs off topic, I'll go back to movies . . .

LadyHawke . . . What Dreams May Come . . . Liar's Moon . . . All Dog's Go to Heaven . . . Shane . . . E.T.

There's more, I just can't think of them right now.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Cerrax said:
Man On Fire probably has the happiest/saddest endingof all time.
That movie ****ted me fair up the wall. They've had two goes at it so far,and screwed it up royally both times.
Read the books...Creasy is a very tragic figure, gauranteed you'll tear up at least once in every book.


Vile Stove-Toucher
FeathersinHair said:
Bastet, you reminded me of The Song! *starts crying*

Oooo, chills run down my spine every time I see that.
Oops, sorry! :hug:

EnhancedSpirit said:
*sigh* Yes...love that movie, it's one of my favourites.


Wonder Woman
The movies: Powder, The Green Mile, and most of all...I Am Sam. I Am Sam makes me bawl. I can barely stand to watch it. And if I watch it by myself I'm depressed for hours afterwards. I have to have someone else there to help cheer me up and usually go straight to a comedy to watch to get my mind off of it.


Active Member
First I am a big cryer--I generally find it very cathartic. I cry reading books, watching movies and listening to music. There are some movies I watch just because they do make me cry.

E.T.--sets me off at the very beginning when the spaceship leaves and the man with the keys is chasing him--it goes down hill from there.

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Dances with Wolves
Old Yeller
Titanic (yeah I know)
Too many more to list.

Books--The Outsiders is an old standby, The Velveteen Rabbit, I have cried a few times in the Harry Potter books, Gone with the Wind (when Melanie dies) and again to many more to list.

Music is very emotional for me (heck what isn't) so the piece that plays at the end of Gallipoli will get me anywhere any time its classical and I don't recall what it is called, the Wind Beneath my Wings, Amazing Grace, The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkle, Honey by bobby goldsboro--the list goes on. After 9/11 they played Lee Greenwood's "God bless the USA" I cried all the way to work a couple of times.


Junior Member
Ok so to all those who say Songs don't make me cry I have a challenge
Get yourself a box of tissue and try "Little boy blue" by Lacy J Dalton it is on her Last Wild Place cd. I'll defiy any son's mother not to have a tear in her eye and I'll wager that a few fathers will have a lump in their throats too. It's the voice that will do it for you
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Little Boy Blue[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Lacy J. Dalton
J. Adam Croston
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
(The Last Wild Place)
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hey little boy I’m so proud of you
The things you are and the things you do
You’re my little boy blue - My little boy blue
No matter what comes down, I’ll always love you
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The moon is dark the midnight deep
Miles to go before I sleep
But I’ll dream of you - My little boy blue
No matter what comes down, I’ll always love you
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A hundred thousand miles
Down some ol’ highway
I stop just long enough to understand
While I let all the years go flying by me
The little boy I loved turned into a man
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But safe inside me I will keep
A vision and you’ll always be
My little boy blue - My little boy blue
No matter what comes down, I’ll always love you
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And I will be here for you
When the whole world
Would turn its back and leave you all alone
‘Cause in my soul your song is always singing
And here within my heart of hearts
You’ll always have a home
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So listen to the words I say
Save them for a rainy day
And they’ll pull you through, My little boy blue
No matter what comes down, I’ll always love you
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]No matter what comes down, I’ll always love you[/FONT]


Vile Stove-Toucher
Draka said:
The movies: Powder, The Green Mile, and most of all...I Am Sam. I Am Sam makes me bawl. I can barely stand to watch it. And if I watch it by myself I'm depressed for hours afterwards. I have to have someone else there to help cheer me up and usually go straight to a comedy to watch to get my mind off of it.
Oh yeah, 'The Green Mile' kills me. And I've only seen 'I Am Sam' once, but I remember howling my guts out watching that too. :sad4:


I wish I could remember that movie with Clint Eastwood as the manager of the girl boxer.. I must have blocked out the name, it was a killer. I cried so hard at the end. I don't think I can ever watch it again.

Last of the Mohicans

Meet Joe Black

Wow, so many.... Phenomenon and Michael come to mind. The animal ones: Bear, Black Beauty, March of the Penguins.

And these are really, really old:

The Yearling
Old Yeller
