What would that be?There is a rational basis for arguing for the existence of god....
Self-evidence is naught but the argument of obviousness.....it is a dis-service to theists to think that it is necessarily based on 'blind' faith in the authority of scripture. For thousands of year, it was taken as self-evident that there was a god. It is only since the 18th/19th century that Atheism has had a adherents outside of the realm of philosophers. Most argue that a belief in god is not rational and crudely oversimplify the problem by assuming that the existence or non-existence of god is self-evident based on the truth. it isn't; it involves considerable philosophical and subjective elements about how we interpret the objective world and the evidence (often a conflict between idealism and materialism). What I can't figure out is how someone can 'prove' those philosophical propositions.
I'm not surprised that commies (a rather irrational bunch) would state that atheism is objectively true (an irrational belief).I've spent a long time familiarizing myself with Communist philosophy (which is atheist by default) but I am missing a piece of the puzzle; how they actually got to the point where atheism was accepted as an objectively true statement, was 'scientific' and the debate was therefore closed, to the point where they were violently anti-religious.
Strong atheists are rare creatures. For the vast majority of us, we disbelieve in gods (all of them) without proof as more of a speculative position.