Conservatives feign such a dramatic response to intrusions on gun right because once you take our weapons, they are gone for good.
The same is true of any rights in a tyrannical state. If you keep the weapons, but don't oppose tyranny, you've missed the point of having the right to bear arms in the first place. And you're a coward.
Why do many Conservatives show outward support for warrantless wire taps? Perhaps because they understand that there never has been a reason to believe that our conversations are private in the first place.
That is sheer idiocy. Private conversations are private under the law. Wiretapping without a warrant IS ILLEGAL, Rick. So they are trying to change all the laws and write in provisions that apply them retroactively to their illegal conduct. Sorry, but when the law forbids illegal searches and seizures and requires a warrant before government can intrude into my private conversations, then the expectation is that the government will abide by the law. That's a naked grab for power, placing government officials above the law - i.e. that is tryanny, and supporting it in the name of the "war on terror" is cowardice. All the gun rights zealots may as well hand over their guns, since they don't have the fortitude to use that right for its intended purpose.
The trade off is that we are able to admit we do what we have always done and will continue to do above or below the law, and if that makes it harder on terrorist attacking us so much the better.
The purpose of gun rights laws is so that citizens can become insurgents should the need arise. Without privacy of communications and the ability to organize, or the spine to stand up to tyranny, your gun rights are pretty much useless for any purpose other than stroking your ego.
Sexual morality? I'm not even going there in this thread. There are plenty of other threads addressing this issue and I do not want to see this thread derailed further.
Private conduct that is none of the government's business, Rick. Not just sexual morality - legislating private conduct and intruding on private and family affairs. It's tyranny and supporting it is cowardice.
habeas corpus? I guess American Citizen rights should be applied to non citizens outside United States soil right? That sounds like United Nations talk to me which I will have none of. We are not one world government and will never be. Anyone who is against the sovernty of this nation is a traitor to this country IMHO.
That's an idiotic straw man. The military commission act enables the government to declare U.S. citizens on U.S. soil to be "enemy combatants" and hold them indefinitely without formal charges, trials or habeas corpus. That could include you or me. All that needs happen is some pencil pusher with a grudge get you labeled in the computer system as either a "domestic terrorist" or an "enemy combatant" and since there is no habeas corpus, proving you have done anything wrong is completely irrelevant. You've let your fear cloud your judgment, Rick.
Torture? Why are you so worried about people if released would kill your whole family the first chance they got.
Really, which trial determined that about any of the people who were tortured? Don't be silly, Rick. This is a perfect example of how cowardice of so-called "conservatives" plays right into the hands of Islamic extremists. Don't be a sucker, Rick.
Separation of church and state? You will need to explain that one to me.
Look at Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan under the Taliban or Pakistan.