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Study: Science and Religion Really are Enemies...


Thank you brother.

I don't claim to always be right, but I do try and follow reality as close as possible


The methods of knowing & investigating stuff are quite different,
but ideally the areas of "stuff" are different. When they tackle
the same fields, that is where mischief lies.
The "mischief" lies not in the fields but in the "news reports"" the "who, what, where, why and how." Religion has real problems with those five questions and invariably (depending as the religionists do on an omnipotent fairy-in-chief or similar character to guide the mouth and or hand of a long line of tale spinners, authors, scribes, and translators, etc., each with their own axe to grind) the religious answers to the question rub up against the reality that history has recorded, or the reality that science has documented, and then the religionists start to scream whatever the contemporary equivalent of "off with his head" is. The areas of "stuff" are not different ... there are some areas of non-overlap, but the areas of actual overlap are only reduced by the religionists giving up ground and they do not seem to like that.


Veteran Member
As opposed to unreal science and untruthful religion? Just what distinguishes each of these from their counterpart? And what friendship do you see between the two?

And just to be clear,

Friendship: the state of being friends

: a person who you like and enjoy being with
: a person who helps or supports someone or something
(Source: merriam-webster.com/dictionary)

No religious founder like Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, Socrates, Muhammad ever opposed science.

Why you want to create distance between religion and science?



No religious founder like Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, Socrates, Muhammad ever opposed science.

Why you want to create distance between religion and science?

Because science tends to debunk the special and supernatural claims that religions often have at the core of their belief system.


Veteran Member
No religious founder like Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, Socrates, Muhammad ever opposed science.

Why you want to create distance between religion and science?

Because they have no operative similarities that unite them.

The preeminent core of religion is faith, whereas evidence is the core of science.
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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Study: Science and Religion Really are Enemies...

It is faulty. Science does not deal in the whole, it deals only in the physical and material.

Religion has broader and meaningful realm.

Real science and the truthful religion are always friendly.


So, do you agre that one of our remote ancestors was a fish? No theological problem there?

Because this is what real science says. Unless, as usual, religious people picks the part of science they like and label them as "real science" while the rest is not real.

In this case science will always agree with religion. Basically, everything else would, as well.


- viole


Veteran Member
as discussed elsewhere, unveiling the greatest secrets of the universe has been largely a battle of science versus atheism.
Tee Hee!
Good one.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
... and where has this comedy routine been running?

several threads, atheists v scientific progress - e.g. Hoyle v Lemaitre-

the comedy of errors inspired by 'no creation = no creator' otherwise known as static, eternal, steady state, Big Crunch etc -


Peace be upon you.
The article's title is over the top for such inconclusive data.
Science & religion are more like bickering spouses than "enemies".
I'd love an opportunity to bash religion, but this ain't doing it.

Peace be on you.
Your courage is great. Congratulation.

What is meant by religion in above studies? Religion in nascent form or religion in twisted form with anti-practice or no practice.

Why once US and others were on top in science, yet they were good in ethic and morals?
Why once China was low in science and why it is high? Same check for Russia?
Why once Muslims were high in science?..Why they are low now?

There are several factors to look at.

World Intellectual Property Indicators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do not just change the name of RForums to AForums?

True religion is word of God, proven science is work of same God.

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Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Why once US and others were on top in science, yet they were good in ethic and morals?
Why once China was low in science and why it is high? Same check for Russia?
Why once Muslims were high in science?..Why they are low now?

I'd say freedom, religious and economic has a lot to do with this?


Peace be upon you.
No religious founder like Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, Socrates, Muhammad ever opposed science.

Why you want to create distance between religion and science?


In fact Holy Quran has hundred of place where it asks believers to ponder over natural phenomenon to the good of humanity.

Few examples:
[2:165] Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of night and day, and in the ships which sail in the sea with that which profits men, and in the water which Allah sends down from the sky and quickens therewith the earth after its death and scatters therein all kinds of beasts, and in the change of the winds, and the clouds pressed into service between the heaven and the earth — are indeed Signs for the people who understand.

[14:33] Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and caused water to come down from the clouds, and brought forth therewith fruits for your sustenance; and He has subjected to you the ships that they may sail through the sea by His command, and the rivers too has He subjected to you.

[14:34] And He has also subjected to you the sun and the moon, both performing their work constantly. And He has subjected to you the night as well as the day.

[14:35] And He gave you all that you wanted of Him; and if you try to count the favours of Allah, you will not be able to number them. Verily, man is very unjust, very ungrateful.


Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked followers to learn from cradle to grave.

If today Muslims are low, it because of their fanatic clergies and political leader and lack of Will. Once they were doing good for humanity.

In Promised Messiah Mahdi's Ahmadiyya reforms under Khilafat reforms are in progress in all human related areas.

One is sure, other religions too has stressed on learning in their true form of education.


several threads, atheists v scientific progress - e.g. Hoyle v Lemaitre-

the comedy of errors inspired by 'no creation = no creator' otherwise known as static, eternal, steady state, Big Crunch etc -
Rather more likely that no creator equals no creation. Does not theisim invoke static, eternal, steady state (at least with respect to the fairy king of everything?)

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Rather more likely that no creator equals no creation. Does not theisim invoke static, eternal, steady state (at least with respect to the fairy king of everything?)

I'd agree that no creator would mean no creation, & yes the creator would transcend time as we know it since he would not be bound by the laws of his own creation


pro scapegoat
I'd agree that no creator would mean no creation, & yes the creator would transcend time as we know it since he would not be bound by the laws of his own creation
But you are mistaking 'creator' for some kind of being. The creator need he nothing more than some physical force - like gravity for example. So the creator (if there is one) does not in fact require any of the characteristics of a god at all. There is no reason to imagine the creator to be a person or an intelligence.

Saying that creation needs a creator does not in any way suggest that an intelligent being was involved.