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Stuff Republicans say.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Dude? I even reposted it, as it originally is, and it is not a sequential post. You're either intentionally trying to be stupid or are somehow seeing my post in some other form than how it actually is.

It can't be the former. I have an IQ of almost 70.
The way you even reposted it is not accurate. Seriously, what the hell is your problem? You even admit it seemed odd, but you couldn't scroll back up and see that there is the two are not a reply to the same thing?
I can't even believe I'm having to debate this!
Nah. I think I'm going to use this for awhile. I could use black, but I have no desire to.
I don't know why you see something different from what I see, but calm down. Note that I questioned my inference, & left it up to you to clarify. You said you intended otherwise, & that makes sense. So I accept it. Really, toots, it's time to move past a misunderstanding which appears to be a display problem.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I predict 2015 will be the year Republicans begin taking credit for a lot of the recovery happing in the "Obama Economy"..

Look. It's already begun...

Michele Bachmann takes credit on Twitter for America’s low gas prices
“Under President Bachmann you will see gasoline come down below $2 a gallon again,” Bachmann said at a South Carolina rally in 2012. “That will happen.”

A column at “birther” hub and far-right conspiracy theory website World Net Daily claimed Friday that Bachmann is getting the “last laugh at her critics.”


Michele Bachmann @MicheleBachmann Follow
$2 gas, anyone?

11:37 AM - 2 Jan 2015

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
The problem will be that if there is an upswing at all this year or next year it will be all the evidence idiots need to see how great the republicans are and how terrible Obama was.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The problem will be that if there is an upswing at all this year or next year it will be all the evidence idiots need to see how great the republicans are and how terrible Obama was.
Anyone who says Obama (or even Bush) was the worst president ever does not know history. Afterall, neither one criminalized opposing political parties, nor have they shown extreme hostility and brutality towards and entire ethnicity. The way the Republicans harp on about how the must stop Obama one would think Obama was a combination of Buchanan, Jackson, Adams, Johnson, and Fillmore.

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
Anyone who says Obama (or even Bush) was the worst president ever does not know history. Afterall, neither one criminalized opposing political parties, nor have they shown extreme hostility and brutality towards and entire ethnicity. The way the Republicans harp on about how the must stop Obama one would think Obama was a combination of Buchanan, Jackson, Adams, Johnson, and Fillmore.
Obviousy. Typically most presidents are benign.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
The problem will be that if there is an upswing at all this year or next year it will be all the evidence idiots need to see how great the republicans are and how terrible Obama was.
There has been an upswing for the last 2 years or more, but the press (conservative propoganda machine) has only started ro take note of it now that pugs have control of both houses.
And they are tooting their own horns already, as their "leader" has now blasted.... Mitch McConnell: Midterm elections may be behind economic boom | MSNBC


aged ecumenical anthropologist
There has been an upswing for the last 2 years or more, but the press (conservative propoganda machine) has only started ro take note of it now that pugs have control of both houses.
And they are tooting their own horns already, as their "leader" has now blasted.... Mitch McConnell: Midterm elections may be behind economic boom | MSNBC
Yes, and does anyone here really think that the Republican leadership would really try to end the ACA, thus eliminating roughly 9 million Americans and counting from having insurance?

It's kabuki theater at its finest.

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
There has been an upswing for the last 2 years or more, but the press (conservative propoganda machine) has only started ro take note of it now that pugs have control of both houses.
And they are tooting their own horns already, as their "leader" has now blasted.... Mitch McConnell: Midterm elections may be behind economic boom | MSNBC
Actually there are still problems. We have seen a slight upswing but its in all the wrong places. Its like a dude who is fat going to go work out and he looses all of the weight in any existing muscle and gains it back in fat.

Our under-employment is a massive problem. We have a huge number of people in part time work. We have a huge number of people in jobs that are significantly less than what they had before such as minimum wage jobs and jobs just above minimum wage (8-15 dollars per hour). And those that are still in the same job or got similar jobs after the recession have seen significantly less pay. Those that have stayed through the recession has seen little to no increase in pay.

What has done well is Wall Street. Raising minimum wage would be a good start but addressing the wage gap needs to be a fundamentally important part of the discussion


aged ecumenical anthropologist
We need to stop the outsourcing of jobs by making it a lot tougher for companies to close operations here in order to satisfy their investors.

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
We need to stop the outsourcing of jobs by making it a lot tougher for companies to close operations here in order to satisfy their investors.
Huge tax cuts need to be ended. Loophoes are usually bad. Not all are bad but many are. We need to end the offshore tax immediately and find ways to make it more expensive for companies to ship out to China without destroying our ability to trade.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Found this interesting. Republicans I Michigan havery a bill going before the governor that will allow some people with protection orders against them to be able to apply and carry concealed firearms......

Bill Passed In Michigan Would Allow Gun Permits For People With A PPO Out Against Them
Such is the literal insanity of the Michigan Republicans in Michigan's Congress, whereas even Republican Gov. Snyder has found them very difficult to deal with. The above is only the tip of the iceberg with their madness. Check out what they've done with charter schools that are not being monitored and performing poorly, or road repairs that are not being performed (we've been rated the worst in the nation).


Forum Relic
Premium Member

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
One of the very big reasons I think the right wing is the tool of evil is their big lie technique against scientists. They would rather have America weak and stupid than to admit what is going on. If they take that one more step into actually killing people rather than threatening them, then they will have become fully the American Taliban. Michael Mann: Swiftboating Comes To Science - Slashdot

Michael Mann writes about the ad hominem attacks on scientists, especially climate scientists, that have become much more frequent over the last few decades. Mann should know: his work as a postdoc on the famed "hockey stick" graph led him to be vilified by Fox News and in the Wall Street Journal. Wealthy interests such as the Scaife Foundation and Koch Industries pressured Penn State University to fire him (they didn't). Right-wing elected officials attempted to have Mann's personal records and emails (and those of other climate scientists) subpoenaed and tried to have the "hockey stick" discredited in the media, despite the fact that the National Academy of Sciences reaffirmed the work, and that subsequent reports of the IPCC and the most recent peerreviewed research corroborates it.

Even worse, Mann and his family were targets of death threats.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm glad I looked in on this thread today. This bill looks like a great idea to end some problems seen here with people losing a civil liberty without due process.[/QUOTE]
If they already have a PPO against them, they probably shouldn't have a gun. And because a PPO must go through the court, and a reason established to legally require someone to stay away (very typically violence and stalking), due process was given.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Nice to see the Left wing brigade is alive and kicking. Pity they all stayed home during the mid-terms fawning over pictures of Hillary and Liz Warren.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
A protection order IS the outcome of due process.
Not for the person who loses gun rights. Moreover, if someone is bent on mayhem (which is illegal in the extreme), a prohibition against being armed is no deterrent against said mayhem. A PPO is granted on scant evidence, & without consideration of the rights of all concerned. PPOs are even used as a tool to harass the object of someone's scorn.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Not for the person who loses gun rights. Moreover, if someone is bent on mayhem (which is illegal in the extreme), a prohibition against being armed is no deterrent against said mayhem. A PPO is granted on scant evidence, & without consideration of the rights of all concerned. PPOs are even used as a tool to harass the object of someone's scorn.
What about meeting Anti-gun activist's half way and having all the guns taken away from Democrats?