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Stuff Republicans say.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I wonder if all those people who contributed to Zimmerman because of his support from Fox want their money back?

Yeah...I see Fox and the rest aren't jumping on his bandwagon now. They probably realize now what we were saying about him back then.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yeah...I see Fox and the rest aren't jumping on his bandwagon now. They probably realize now what we were saying about him back then.
But they would never admit this, I'm sure.

I watched about 30 minutes of O'Reilly and Hannity last night (I do have masochistic tendencies), and I really have a hard time understanding how anyone can watch this nonsense. They say the average prime-time program is geared to a seventh grade level, but I don't think they even reach that "high standard". It's not just a matter that I so often disagree with them, but that their banter is really childish clap-trap. I do admit it can be entertaining at times, but that's a lousy excuse to watch non-news that claims that it's "fair and balanced" news.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
But they would never admit this, I'm sure.

I watched about 30 minutes of O'Reilly and Hannity last night (I do have masochistic tendencies), and I really have a hard time understanding how anyone can watch this nonsense. They say the average prime-time program is geared to a seventh grade level, but I don't think they even reach that "high standard". It's not just a matter that I so often disagree with them, but that their banter is really childish clap-trap. I do admit it can be entertaining at times, but that's a lousy excuse to watch non-news that claims that it's "fair and balanced" news.

Well your tolerance level is better than mine. I can only stand about 5 minutes of that stuff before I'm bored or irritated at the misinformation. It's usually Barack Obam bad..grrrrr or the liberal agenda this, the liberal agenda that.....grrrr!!!! usually without much in the way of facts. Shucks...cartoon network is more enjoyable than torturing myself to sit there and listen to them.


Veteran Member
Well your tolerance level is better than mine. I can only stand about 5 minutes of that stuff before I'm bored or irritated at the misinformation. It's usually Barack Obam bad..grrrrr or the liberal agenda this, the liberal agenda that.....grrrr!!!! usually without much in the way of facts. Shucks...cartoon network is more enjoyable than torturing myself to sit there and listen to them.
Watch Newsmax then.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
It looks to me that Repubicans are slower than Democrats and purge people like this and the offenses on the right are worse and more frequent. And in this case it's notable that only now, when the next Presidential campaign looms are they trying to oust him.

The Republican National Committee’s executive committee voted Wednesday to censure a party leader who has repeatedly posted racist and homophobic material to social media.
In recent years, Agema posted an article on his Facebook page that describe gay people as “filthy,” followed with posts supporting Russia’s anti-homosexuality laws and questioning whether Muslim-Americans have ever contributed to American society. The latest effort to unseat Agema began on New Years Day, when Agema reposted an article from a white supremacist magazine that he called “very interesting.”

For more than a year, Agema has refused calls from local officials and Priebus to step aside. On Wednesday, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a 2016 hopeful who will address the committee Thursday evening, added his name to the chorus. Republican Party rules do no permit the national party to remove a committee member from office.

Dave Agema: GOP Censures Member for Racist Posts, Asks for Resignation


Veteran Member
It looks to me that Repubicans are slower than Democrats and purge people like this and the offenses on the right are worse and more frequent. And in this case it's notable that only now, when the next Presidential campaign looms are they trying to oust him.
So, you don't consider attacks against Mia Love, Dr Ben Carson, Colonel Allen West, and many other prominent Republican African Americans as vile? Hmmmm


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well your tolerance level is better than mine. I can only stand about 5 minutes of that stuff before I'm bored or irritated at the misinformation. It's usually Barack Obam bad..grrrrr or the liberal agenda this, the liberal agenda that.....grrrr!!!! usually without much in the way of facts. Shucks...cartoon network is more enjoyable than torturing myself to sit there and listen to them.
If you can stand even 5 minutes of that stuff, then you must be a closet conservative!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
If you can stand even 5 minutes of that stuff, then you must be a closet conservative!

I have some conservative positions. I consider myself more of a moderate. That stuff they spew is wackado....I usually like getting my news from a locals local paper or local TV news to get the gist of what is going on in their town, city or state. Some of the more mainstream news sources has a level of bias but I can tell when it's over the top or highly opinionated. I don't like to use those as sources. They tend to come off like it's from someone's blog. The TV infotainment is usually worse than the papers...so I tend to stay away from those as well.


Veteran Member
I have some conservative positions. I consider myself more of a moderate. That stuff they spew is wackado....I usually like getting my news from a locals local paper or local TV news to get the gist of what is going on in their town, city or state. Some of the more mainstream news sources has a level of bias but I can tell when it's over the top or highly opinionated. I don't like to use those as sources. They tend to come off like it's from someone's blog. The TV infotainment is usually worse than the papers...so I tend to stay away from those as well.
As far as I'm concerned there are no non-biased media sources whether it is local ,state, national, or international. There is always going to be some hint of bias, that is unless they only report the facts and nothing but the facts in a robotic manner. And that's just not going to happen.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I have some conservative positions. I consider myself more of a moderate. That stuff they spew is wackado....I usually like getting my news from a locals local paper or local TV news to get the gist of what is going on in their town, city or state. Some of the more mainstream news sources has a level of bias but I can tell when it's over the top or highly opinionated. I don't like to use those as sources. They tend to come off like it's from someone's blog. The TV infotainment is usually worse than the papers...so I tend to stay away from those as well.
Of course, the main problem with those Hannity type shows is the personalities & fulmination. It's perfectly OK to hold some conservative values.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
So, you don't consider attacks against Mia Love, Dr Ben Carson, Colonel Allen West, and many other prominent Republican African Americans as vile? Hmmmm
That's not what I wrote about (or believe). Unwarranted attacks on people (not positions) is vile. But attacks on entire races or religions is much worse. And when you have a political party which tolerates such racist/religious bigotry until it becomes a political liability, then it says something negative about that political party.


Veteran Member
That's not what I wrote about (or believe). Unwarranted attacks on people (not positions) is vile. But attacks on entire races or religions is much worse. And when you have a political party which tolerates such racist/religious bigotry until it becomes a political liability, then it says something negative about that political party.
Well it appears that your original post on this issue basically said that Republicans are less likely to denounce racial slurs. Did you not? I believe your quote was "It looks to me that Repubicans are slower than Democrats and purge people like this and the offenses on the right are worse and more frequent. ". The media is quick to point these out yet give a pass to non-Republican So why does the Democratic party tolerate and even foster these attacks.

The Secret War On Black Republicans - The Daily Beast

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
So the problem that Ben Carson has with ISIS is not their actions but their philosophy. I'm really starting to wonder how long it will be until Republican terrorists start trying to blow up the White House. After all, we need to "learn from their example". And what is their example? Terrorism, murder, rape, intolerance and above else being martyrs (dying for the cause)? And what is the cause for Republicans? Destroying America in the name of re-creating their distorted image of the 1950's.

Yeah yeah yeah now they're blaming the media and defending his statements as nothing special - what else can one expect from those supporting such outrageous statements.

And, yes, the "political correctness" these days is an extremist right-wing political correctness which seeks to purge the party of heretics just like Communist parties used to purge those who violated the rigid party line.

Republican Party Chairman Defends Comparison Of America’s Founding Fathers To ISIS

Physician Ben Carson, a likely Republican presidential candidate who has captured the imagination of the conservative base, favorably compared the terrorist group ISIS to the founding fathers of the United States. Carson praised ISIS for being “willing to die” for their beliefs, just like America’s founders, and not compromising for “the sake of political correctness.” He said that while ISIS had the “wrong philosophy,” Americans could learn from their example.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And, yes, the "political correctness" these days is an extremist right-wing political correctness which seeks to purge the party of heretics just like Communist parties used to purge those who violated the rigid party line.
One thing most people don't realize is that these "Communist" parties, such as Lenon, their purgings included the Communists who were more in line with Marx and Engels. Within today's Republican party, we have already seen many of their more sane and moderate/center party members being denounced and demonized by the much farther right members of the party who have been growing in strength and influence at least since Regan.

Republican Party Chairman Defends Comparison Of America’s Founding Fathers To ISIS

Physician Ben Carson, a likely Republican presidential candidate who has captured the imagination of the conservative base, favorably compared the terrorist group ISIS to the founding fathers of the United States. Carson praised ISIS for being “willing to die” for their beliefs, just like America’s founders, and not compromising for “the sake of political correctness.” He said that while ISIS had the “wrong philosophy,” Americans could learn from their example.
I just wonder where we find these nut cases? For praising ISIS, this man should probably be psychologically evaluated, not heading a political party.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I do wonder if some in the Republican party are slowly getting a clue that cutting taxes is not always a good idea and can result in a fiscal catastrophe. Witness Kansas. Of course, since cutting taxes is an article of faith amongst conservatives, the example of California which is booming and has high taxes versus Kansas will be ignored or explained away.

Sam Brownback reverses course, proposes new taxes
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, whose massive tax cuts became a cause célèbre for conservatives but threw his state’s budget into disarray, announced Friday that he would pursue tax increases.

In a stark turnaround, the Republican called for higher taxes on cigarettes and liquor as part of his annual budget while proposing to make future tax cuts contingent on revenue projections.

Brownback’s cuts to a number of state taxes in 2012 failed to boost the economy like he had hoped, triggering a backlash when the huge budget shortfall that resulted forced major decreases in government services. His state’s credit rating was lowered, and Brownback nearly lost his job in the November elections.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Rand Paul says many disability recipients are just 'gaming the s - WDRB 41 Louisville News
In comments made at an event in New Hampshire Wednesday, Paul said many people on disability are just "gaming the system."
"What I tell people is, if you look like me and you hop out of your truck, you shouldn't be getting a disability check. You know? Over half of the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts -- join the club, you know? Who doesn't get up a little anxious for work everyday and their back hurts? Everybody over 40 has back pain," Paul said.
Because, ya know, someone schooled in ophthalmology is the perfect person to know if someone's back pains or anxiety is disabling or not. But then again, his idea that it's a "little anxious" really suggests he should just leave that one for a psychiatrist to decide. And maybe he should let those with an orthopedic background decide what is normal aging-related back pains and what back pains are not.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Rand Paul says many disability recipients are just 'gaming the s - WDRB 41 Louisville News
In comments made at an event in New Hampshire Wednesday, Paul said many people on disability are just "gaming the system."
"What I tell people is, if you look like me and you hop out of your truck, you shouldn't be getting a disability check. You know? Over half of the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts -- join the club, you know? Who doesn't get up a little anxious for work everyday and their back hurts? Everybody over 40 has back pain," Paul said.
Because, ya know, someone schooled in ophthalmology is the perfect person to know if someone's back pains or anxiety is disabling or not. But then again, his idea that it's a "little anxious" really suggests he should just leave that one for a psychiatrist to decide. And maybe he should let those with an orthopedic background decide what is normal aging-related back pains and what back pains are not.
Home schooled in medicine? No, that wouldn't be a path to being a licensed physician. He graduated from Duke University School Of Medicine.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Home schooled in medicine? No, that wouldn't be a path to being a licensed physician. He graduated from Duke University School Of Medicine.
Yes, he did, as an ophthalmologist. This means his background, as far as disabilities goes, would deal with vision impairment and few other things that can be diagnoses through the eye. Mental disorders and ailments of the bones, not so much. His comment of "a little anxiety" suggests he hasn't really the first clue about what a clinical anxiety really entails (and, yes, it is disabling when it's severe enough). "Everybody over 40 has back pains." Oh, really? He deserves the "Captain Obvious" award over that one. But not everyone has fused discs, slipped discs, eroding discs, pinched nerves, or other things that can severely hinder mobility.
I also have no idea where you got this "home schooled in medicine" from because I never stated such a thing.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes, he did, as an ophthalmologist. This means his background, as far as disabilities goes, would deal with vision impairment and few other things that can be diagnoses through the eye. Mental disorders and ailments of the bones, not so much. His comment of "a little anxiety" suggests he hasn't really the first clue about what a clinical anxiety really entails (and, yes, it is disabling when it's severe enough). "Everybody over 40 has back pains." Oh, really? He deserves the "Captain Obvious" award over that one. But not everyone has fused discs, slipped discs, eroding discs, pinched nerves, or other things that can severely hinder mobility.
I also have no idea where you got this "home schooled in medicine" from because I never stated such a thing.
My brain added "home" before "schooled". It isn't the first time this organ has misbehaved!

But having worked in the auto industry, & being an employer, I'd say Paul is right. Many abuse the system with bogus claims of disability.

And yes, I have medical expertise....I was landlord to many docs (my specialty).

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Yes, he did, as an ophthalmologist. This means his background, as far as disabilities goes, would deal with vision impairment and few other things that can be diagnoses through the eye. Mental disorders and ailments of the bones, not so much. His comment of "a little anxiety" suggests he hasn't really the first clue about what a clinical anxiety really entails (and, yes, it is disabling when it's severe enough). "Everybody over 40 has back pains." Oh, really? He deserves the "Captain Obvious" award over that one. But not everyone has fused discs, slipped discs, eroding discs, pinched nerves, or other things that can severely hinder mobility.
I also have no idea where you got this "home schooled in medicine" from because I never stated such a thing.
I volunteer on projects with people who have severe back (and other) issues. But when anyone uses a false generality to gloss over people's real issues, he becomes a pandering doufus.

Do people abuse the system? Yes to all systems. Look at the games the wealthy and corporations play to abuse systems. Now if he wanted to start with the largest abusers of the public trust and pocketbook, the bribery system that is in place where people and company in effect buy politicians, I'd be with him.

And if he had specific suggestions about how to have a better constructed system for disability, fine, I'll listen.

But to ignore the powerful and well connected elephants producing tons of dung in the room to attack the weak and powerless, then he's a menace to society or worse.

And when he asserts utter self-interest, selfish-interests, over everything else, he becomes at best immoral in my book.