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Stuff Republicans say.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The madness continues. They've become utter extremists with the same psychological makeup as ISIS although with different actions (at least so far).

Senator says restaurant employees shouldn’t be required to wash their hands

Senator says restaurant employees shouldn’t be required to wash their hands - The Washington Post
Even though I know that if anything you should wash your hands before getting your fingers on a nice, damp, warm, moist surface, and if your hands are clean enough to not wash them before hand then they're probably clean enough to not need washing either, I don't trust the overall cleanliness of a lot of people to do away with required hand washing, which is required even before you get to your station anyways, and pretty much anytime you touch something that isn't a glove.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Now, have you seen anyone actually push legislation to allow conduct which would drive Jerry Seinfeld nutso? No, of course not. But the philosophy of informed risk is a useful one as I pointed out regarding the lead situation, which was passed with a bi-partisan majority.
We libertarians are viewed as crazy extremists by normal folk, but remember that we're the ones (not the Dems or Pubs) opposing the surveillance state, endless useless foreign wars, unhindered police brutality, etc.
I have no problem with rational libertarians and informed consent. But things like the handwashing proposal are way more than "one toke over the line" as we used to say back in the 60's. A lot of the crazyiness surrounding the way kids are being treated for coming to school with certain toys is way way stupid and backward, for example.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Even though I know that if anything you should wash your hands before getting your fingers on a nice, damp, warm, moist surface, and if your hands are clean enough to not wash them before hand then they're probably clean enough to not need washing either, I don't trust the overall cleanliness of a lot of people to do away with required hand washing, which is required even before you get to your station anyways, and pretty much anytime you touch something that isn't a glove.
In Judaism, we must wash our hands before eating a meal according to halacha (Jewish Law).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Actually many of us who aren't politicians do oppose those things but it's easy for people to say we don't......

We've have many discussions on these matters...and I'm not in favor of the surveillance state, the police state, I think there needs to be some serious cuts to the military industrial complex.....

I'm for a serious reduction in corporate welfare, consolidated government agencies/services....and a host of other initiatives.
I'm speaking about party tendencies, & recognize that individual voters will sometimes differ.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I have no problem with rational libertarians and informed consent. But things like the handwashing proposal are way more than "one toke over the line" as we used to say back in the 60's. A lot of the crazyiness surrounding the way kids are being treated for coming to school with certain toys is way way stupid and backward, for example.
If we were all that rational we'd likely pick a winning party instead of ours.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Meanwhile back to the OP topic started, the Republican kabuki continues apace:

Republicans' Losing Game on Homeland Security Bill

Republicans in Congress have, once again, successfully painted themselves into a corner. Even though they've done exactly this previously (in exactly the same way), they now have absolutely no idea how to get out of this dilemma (which they created for themselves). They've got a few weeks to figure something out, but at the moment it appears they have no clue. That's not just liberal snark talking, either. I've seen multiple Republicans interviewed in the past few days and they all universally offer up some form of: "We have no idea what plan B will be."

The Republican base, if history is any guide, is not going to be happy being schooled in the realities of how Congress actually works. You can almost hear the cries now: "We control both houses of Congress -- why aren't we forcing Obama to bow to our will?" Boehner and McConnell are going to have to explain this to the base, and my guess is that it won't be the only time in the next two years that this reality is going to have to be defined in such a fashion.

This is all self-inflicted, though. It could easily have been avoided, but the Tea Partiers demanded their protest vote against the "tyrannical and unconstitutional" president. But somewhere along the way, they started believing their own rhetoric on how effective their effort would be. The idea was oversold. Once again. Their plan was never going to work. It was doomed from the start. Republicans don't have 60 seats in the Senate, and even if they did they hold nowhere near a veto-proof two-thirds majority in either house of Congress. That is the mathematical reality of the situation. And that reality is why "let's defund Homeland Security" was always going to be a losing game for Republicans. For the next few weeks, they're going to be locked in a Kabuki drama within their own caucus, while they pretend this reality doesn't exist. But at some point, they're going to have to accept the inevitable defeat and pass a clean bill with Democrats' help. That's when the losing Republican game will truly be over. At least, until they paint themselves into another no-win corner, on some future issue.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
The news headline says it all

Top Aide to Aaron Schock Resigns Over Racist Facebook Comments

Top Aide to Aaron Schock Resigns Over Racist Facebook Comments - US News
Oh what a shock! :rolleyes:

I hate to say this, and I'm not exaggerating, but the vast majority of self-proclaimed Republicans that I personally know are racists, including most in my extended family and friends. Fortunately, none of this is found in my immediate family with the exception of my sister. It's rampant especially in my wife's family.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Talk about a dumb move. I can only assume they hate Obama so much that what they do to their own friends does not occur to them until it's too late.

Netanyahu' throws Boehner under the bus; Biden to skip speech | MSNBC

A senior Israeli official suggested on Friday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been misled into thinking an invitation to address the U.S. Congress on Iran next month was fully supported by the Democrats. […]

“It appears that the speaker of Congress made a move, in which we trusted, but which it ultimately became clear was a one sided move and not a move by both sides,” Deputy Israeli Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi told 102 FM Tel Aviv Radio on Friday.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Nail, meet hammer. Nick Gillespie is a libertarian and not a socialist to start with. But he utterly nails one of my top objections to the Republican party today. I'm not going to vote for a Republican, but when they go all "goo goo eyes" at people who have no track record and no demonstrated ability but can push conservative buttons from sunup to sundown, in other words be demagogues with no substance, my distaste for their political positions turns into loathing for everything they stand for.

The GOP’s Long Love Affair With Schmucks

...So America’s most-famous snowbilly [Palin] is out of the running for the 2016 Republican nomination. But what about all the other manifestly unqualified novices, jackasses, and publicity hounds that surface every four years when the GOP starts fishing for someone/anyone that can beat whatever sad sack of chum the Democrats toss in the water?

Unlike the Democrats, who never stray far from career politicians when selecting a presidential candidate, Republicans always seem to be looking for some sort of otherworldly savior to waltz in and take the country by storm. Someone unsullied by, you know, much (if any) actual experience in holding office, winning elections, and governing on a daily basis. Though GOP voters typically end up selecting major-state governors (Reagan, Bush II) or long-serving, partly mummified senators (Dole, McCain), they spend a hell of a lot time in primary season dancing with some pretty strange suitors.

Perhaps it’s the analogue to the longstanding and still-potent jibe that Republicans don’t really want to govern. They disdain the political process to such a degree that it takes them forever to pull the switch for a politician...


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That's really not even news worthy. They should just save the news space and define the Republicans as the Little Rascals all grown up and in suits, complete with a "He-Man Woman Hater's Club" sign at the door.
That was funny. Who here honestly doesn't see Boehner getting a pouty face and crying that Pelosi has cuddies?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Why are Republicans promoting Sharia law in the US? Impossible you say. Well when they ignore the obvious side-effects of their proposed laws, that's what you get. Just ask the terrorists what "perverts God's own established plan"

LONG: Religious freedom bill isn’t about religion or freedom at all

And Erickson himself says the law is needed to make sure private businesses are not “shut down because they refuse to treat as legitimate that which perverts God’s own established plan.”

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And Erickson himself says the law is needed to make sure private businesses are not “shut down because they refuse to treat as legitimate that which perverts God’s own established plan.”
And where did he get this from? Last I knew, they aren't even supposed to be of this world anyways. So let us hell-bound heathens just take over what is only going to be ours for a brief time anyways. We'll be burnt up and tossed into the lake of fire when that day comes (I've also heard that we'll just stay dead), but it's better than having to worship any god that condones hatred and discrimination.


Not Religious
At the end of the day it's really simple people. Republicans are in the pockets of greedy corporations and democrats are in the pockets of corporations.

Only 1 party is pro-education and pro-science.


Veteran Member
At the end of the day it's really simple people. Republicans are in the pockets of greedy corporations and democrats are in the pockets of corporations.

Only 1 party is pro-education and pro-science.
Hmmm it would seem that greedy corporations as well as non-greedy corporations (will not attempt to discuss your differentiation since it wouldn't do any good) would want the those with the best education that can be obtained and the best technology that science can provide so your statement doesn't seem to make sense.