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Stuff Republicans say.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
A good friend of mine who's Republican-leaning most of the time, works six months out of the year in Antarctica (he's there now) and has done so for a decade now, and he says that if people could only see what he has seen over these years this would tell anyone with a brain and a set of eyes the global warming is real.

BTW, the above version of what he said has been modified by myself because if I used his words to describe the "deniers", I'd be kicked off RF for several lifetimes.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
This I agree with. Though the evidence is clear, global warming/climate change has become such a heavily politicized topic that it has become an obstacle for needed switches. On the other hand, there are so many good reasons for switching to green energy that it makes no sense to oppose it. The biggest reason, which I'm not sure if I've even heard a politician mention, is the biggest and most obvious, and that is we have only a limited amount of coal, oil, gas, and any other natural resource. I would think that alone would get people drawing up plans to start working towards sustainable energy, but it apparently hasn't.

why oppose either? let both compete on their own merits. coal, oil and gas were 'limited' 200 years ago, you could have made the same arguments then, stuck with a medieval reliance on sun and wind to determine when and where can produce energy..
.. and missed out on a revolution of mobility, productivity and standards of living worldwide. It was fossil fuels which powered the 'green revolution', thwarting Malthusian predictions of unsustainability.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
A good friend of mine who's Republican-leaning most of the time, works six months out of the year in Antarctica (he's there now) and has done so for a decade now, and he says that if people could only see what he has seen over these years this would tell anyone with a brain and a set of eyes the global warming is real.

BTW, the above version of what he said has been modified by myself because if I used his words to describe the "deniers", I'd be kicked off RF for several lifetimes.

did he notice this?

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA

Oct 7, 2014 - Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists ...

ask half a million Bostonians what they've seen in recent years, and what words they may have to describe Al Gore!


aged ecumenical anthropologist
did he notice this?

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA

Oct 7, 2014 - Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists ...

ask half a million Bostonians what they've seen in recent years, and what words they may have to describe Al Gore!
Yes, I've known about this for several years now, but you are interpreting what's happening in the wrong way.

What's been happening is that huge chunks of ice, clearly noticeable from space, are breaking off because of the warming, thus expanding the area covered by ice. This does not deny global warming but actually is a by-product of it.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Yes, I've known about this for several years now, but you are interpreting what's happening in the wrong way.

What's been happening is that huge chunks of ice, clearly noticeable from space, are breaking off because of the warming, thus expanding the area covered by ice. This does not deny global warming but actually is a by-product of it.

is that meant to be satire?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
To the above, let me also add that the same is happening in the Arctic, especially along the Greenland coast. Also, my oldest daughter and her husband have a cabin close to Glacier National Park, and they've seen a dramatic change there with the glaciers receding. Somewhere I ran across the estimate that at the present rate the park may be ice-free at some point in the summer maybe in as early as the next ten years.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
I'll assume it was satire then, otherwise by that rationale, diminishing sea ice is a sign of global cooling!
I live on the great lakes year round and they have record ice for the 2nd year running...

is this man made global cooling or warming? whatever it is it's the opposite of what was happening a few years ago- which was loudly declared a result of man made global warming

That there is such a thing as natural fluctuation, which couldn't care less about an extra molecule in 10000.. would seem a less silly conclusion

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I agree in principal. But I'm willing to allow some subsidy because energy independence & decentralization have strategic self-defense ramifications. As an ex-weapon system designer, I look at green energy as another defensive weapon in our arsenal. Now, & even more so in the future, we face new weapons, eg, EMP (to take out electronics & power systems), hacking (to sabotage everything), airborne carbon particulates (to take out electronics).
I own a hybrid-electric because the feds are giving me $7500, the state of California gave me a chunk of change and the local electric power utility gave me a break on energy costs after I switched to time-of-day pricing.

Now we do most of our energy intensive things when costs are cheapest and our overall monthly bill has decreased markedly from last year. When faced with a peak cost of about 40c versus offpeak of 10c, the motivation was obvious!


Not Religious
I'll assume it was satire then, otherwise by that rationale, diminishing sea ice is a sign of global cooling!
I live on the great lakes year round and they have record ice for the 2nd year running...

is this man made global cooling or warming? whatever it is it's the opposite of what was happening a few years ago- which was loudly declared a result of man made global warming

That there is such a thing as natural fluctuation, which couldn't care less about an extra molecule in 10000.. would seem a less silly conclusion
Please source your 'extra molecule' claim you repeat over and over. Someone told you that and I'd like to see where you got your information. In the meantime, I'll stick with global scientists and experts.

"The debate over climate change is over. The U.N.'s Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a report, written by 800 scientists from 80 countries, that summarized the findings of more than 30,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers and concluded:

"Human influence on the climate system is clear; the more we disrupt our climate, the more we risk severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts; and we have the means to limit climate change and build a more prosperous, sustainable future."

TV meteorologists, say it loud & clear: Climate change is hereTV meteorologists, say it loud & clear: Climate change is here

The Department of Defense says climate change is an "immediate risk" to the nation. Adm. David Titley talks with NPR's Rachel Martin about how the military must respond.
DOD: Climate Change Is A Volatile Factor In International Security | WYSU

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Please source your 'extra molecule' claim you repeat over and over. Someone told you that and I'd like to see where you got your information. In the meantime, I'll stick with global scientists and experts.

nobody told me, we can do the math ourselves, it's not hard- is that not the point of science? not having to take anybody's word for it?

current CO2= 400+- ppm
pre industrial= 275+-ppm

difference= 125 ppm (parts per million)


= 1.25/10,000


or .125 molecules for every post I've made here so far!:)

pretty simple, yet believers are invariably incredulous at how tiny the addition is, which is why I keep repeating it
'gobal expert's' apparently don't do a great job informing people of this, can't imagine why...

sticking with 'global experts' would have also put you on the side of global cooling, canals on mars, and static universes

don't let anybody tell you you're not smart enough to figure this stuff out for yourself, you are

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
I own a hybrid-electric because the feds are giving me $7500, the state of California gave me a chunk of change [] the motivation was obvious!

the problem, as they say about socialism, is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend

sustainable energy is energy that can survive without handouts


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I own a hybrid-electric because the feds are giving me $7500, the state of California gave me a chunk of change and the local electric power utility gave me a break on energy costs after I switched to time-of-day pricing.

Now we do most of our energy intensive things when costs are cheapest and our overall monthly bill has decreased markedly from last year. When faced with a peak cost of about 40c versus offpeak of 10c, the motivation was obvious!
The bad news is that I would favor more cost effective subsidies than such cars.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I'll assume it was satire then, otherwise by that rationale, diminishing sea ice is a sign of global cooling!
I live on the great lakes year round and they have record ice for the 2nd year running...

is this man made global cooling or warming? whatever it is it's the opposite of what was happening a few years ago- which was loudly declared a result of man made global warming

That there is such a thing as natural fluctuation, which couldn't care less about an extra molecule in 10000.. would seem a less silly conclusion

No what it means is you've been interpreting the data incorrectly. Antarctica is melting but to those of us that's been following along it isn't news. We've known this for years...

Warming Seas Drive Rapid Acceleration of Melting Antarctic Ice

Antarctic Ice Melt — OSS Foundation

AP PHOTOS: Antarctica's spectacular glaciers melting faster - Yahoo News

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
is that meant to be satire?
Is suggesting the limitedness of natural resources as not being a concern satire? Oil, coal, and gas are hardly the only natural resources we use, and are hardly the only ones in limited supplies.
And, yes, to be honest I'd rather the industrial revolution had not happened. There has been so much widespread destruction, exploitation, and death that all the "wonders" that we tout as making it worth it seem to be really only something we use to blind ourselves from reality: We are killing our Mother, and many of her children, just for a buck. We can communicate across the world instantaneously now, but only because someone made a few pennies working long days in a sweat shop and because materials that can only be found at a few locations on earth were extracted in ways that scar the earth.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
No what it means is you've been interpreting the data incorrectly. Antarctica is melting but to those of us that's been following along it isn't news. We've known this for years...

Warming Seas Drive Rapid Acceleration of Melting Antarctic Ice

Antarctic Ice Melt — OSS Foundation

AP PHOTOS: Antarctica's spectacular glaciers melting faster - Yahoo News

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA

which just goes to show you, not only does every possible observation 'support' global warming, every possible observation is also made concurrently!-

so without any empirical objective falsifiable evidence whatsoever, what's the whole movement based on? what's the goal here?

And, yes, to be honest I'd rather the industrial revolution had not happened

there you go, that speaks for itself

past generations were all too aware of the hardships of everyday real life-the simplest conveniences were godsends, life savers. people grow up today with literally no concept of how much better their lives are because of the industrial revolution. plentiful food, comfort, medical care, ease of travel, are all taken as granted.