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Stuff Republicans say.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I'd agree we have real environmental problems to tackle, significant deforestation, overpopulation, poor sanitation, destructive farming techniques etc
but a couple extra molecules of CO2 in 10000 of air is not of them, those are firmly on the side of mother nature, plants, here. We are restoring a tiny fraction of a natural nutrient that has been long depleted, contributing to vast deserts opening up where there used to be lush vegetation, and can be again.

any temp data used by climastrologers is overwhelmingly 'interpreted, adjusted' land data, not the direct satellite data which does not agree. The fact that GISS, Nasa's Goddard institute for SPACE studies, prefers fudgeble land data over direct sateliite data is very telling in itself.
You keep on lying even though several others have posted both quotes and links to scientific sites that clearly say that CO2 counts are significantly higher and that it is know with certainty that this has affected our climate. And yet you keep coming back with dung like the above.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
You keep on lying even though several others have posted both quotes and links to scientific sites that clearly say that CO2 counts are significantly higher and that it is know with certainty that this has affected our climate. And yet you keep coming back with dung like the above.

sticks and stones metis, remember that name calling only betrays that you can never change your mind, no matter the evidence, because that would make you all the names you've called me.

I don't think you are a liar, just not particularly informed on this, which is fine, you probably have more important things to do

a couple more is actually talking about hypothetical future levels
currently it's only a little over 1 extra molecule in 10000, honestly, do the math for yourself, it's not disputed


aged ecumenical anthropologist
sticks and stones metis, remember that name calling only betrays that you can never change your mind, no matter the evidence, because that would make you all the names you've called me.

I don't think you are a liar, just not particularly informed on this, which is fine, you probably have more important things to do

a couple more is actually talking about hypothetical future levels
currently it's only a little over 1 extra molecule in 10000, honestly, do the math for yourself, it's not disputed
I'm a scientist whom operates out of science on these types of matters and not out of some sort of twisted political position or any political position at all.

Secondly, I didn't use name-calling on you so you're just fabricating another lie. This seems to be quite a bad habit you have.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
I'm a scientist whom operates out of science .

So you keep saying, then you can do the math for yourself, it's not hard. <2 extra molecules in 10,000

btw not to be a grammer Nazi, but it's best not to use 'whom' if you don't know how, comes off kinda bad


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So you keep saying, then you can do the math for yourself, it's not hard. <2 extra molecules in 10,000

Oh, and I'm sure you must believe that these 98% of the climate scientists the world over that have said there's global warming because of higher CO2 really don't know math.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
btw not to be a grammer Nazi, but it's best not to use 'whom' if you don't know how, comes off kinda bad

Well, yes I did use the wrong word, but is that really so much more important than one who lies? Between a grammatical error and telling lies, I think the first one is probably less of a moral problem than the latter, but then your depiction of what is immoral in the eyes of God might be very different than with most people.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I know I've said many times, I am not a liberal. I said it on this thread, I enjoy picking on Republicans. Republicans are pretty much the anti-GLBT party, it was a Republican who began the "Red Scare," and it is modern Republican party who give not a **** about the environment, workers, science, or other things I hold dear. And I know we have had this discussion, you and I, that I do not like Democrats either.

I'm not a defender of the Dems (even in those few regards I might think of defending, they really don't provide anymore than lip service for the most part), but this attack you tried to launch is feeble and weak.
One thing I look for in a thread is the willingness to have a conversation not just post polemics. I was asked what I would do about global warming and took the time to reply. The reply was ignored. I enjoy discussions but I don't enjoy wasting my time. When someone ignores what I've said or do not pay attention to what you've said, life is too short. And if that results in someone thinking that they've won because there was no reply, they can enjoy the feeling. I have no need to play that game endlessly.

And as a personal note, I have no particular love for the Democratic party either right now. Neither party represents the interests of the country. Both are to a greater or lesser degree instruments of special interest groups. I happen to think the Democrats are better than the Republicans here since the Republicans have to bow before their rulers, the Koch brothers, while the Democrats are quietly taking money from their own special interests with the control more indirect and less blatant. But it's a matter of degree not kind.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
So you keep saying, then you can do the math for yourself, it's not hard. <2 extra molecules in 10,000
Oh, and I'm sure you must believe that these 98% of the climate scientists the world over that have said there's global warming because of higher CO2 really don't know math.

Oh, and I'm sure you must believe that these 98% of the climate scientists the world over that have said there's global warming because of higher CO2 really don't know math.

only 98?

99.9% of paranormal investigators believe in ghosts, so they must be even truer!


aged ecumenical anthropologist
only 98?

99.9% of paranormal investigators believe in ghosts, so they must be even truer!
Oh, I see, you believe that "paranormal investigators" operate on the same basic principles that scientists do. OK, I think I see what one of your problems is.


Not Religious
not at all, paranormal investigators don't take a penny of political funding
and neither do the majority of climate scientists across the world. I get it, you think it's a huge conspiracy for American scientists to create a climate change hoax for federal grants. You were taught that by someone, you bought it.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The pro-big business (pro plutocrat) and anti small business party is at it again. But then who would expect anything different from a party which is bought and paid for and does the bidding of large corporations who really don't like a level playing field where small business has a chance. Of course they cast it as an anti-government measure but they're not ready to go all the way yet to allow and support monopolies in every field which is the ideal of those on K Street who are getting the best government money can buy.

Republicans Pledge to Fight FCC’s Open-Web Rules

Republican lawmakers pledged to try to overturn net-neutrality rules adopted Thursday by U.S. regulators, as a long-running battle over the handling of Internet traffic shifts to Congress and the courts.

The Federal Communications Commission voted along party lines to adopt a sweeping measure to ensure all Web traffic is treated equally. The vote fulfilled a goal of President Barack Obama and supporters who say rules are needed to preserve the Internet as an open medium.

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
I don't think you are a liar, just not particularly informed on this, which is fine, you probably have more important things to do
I have discussed this with you quite a bit in a few past threads to the point where I have answered your posts twice and found no response. But the issue that I have is that I have done the legitimate research on the topic. I have an understanding of the behaviors of molecules. In part its what I do for a living. And the points that you keep making on the subject are not "informed'. They are from sources, which I spent a long time tracking down, that are bunk sources that are not based on evidenced but based on misinformation and fallacies or false appeals. And do you understand why an increase in molecules at the tiny amounts we have can create change? Just saying its one in thousands doesn't actually mean that it isn't significant.
a couple more is actually talking about hypothetical future levels
currently it's only a little over 1 extra molecule in 10000, honestly, do the math for yourself, it's not disputed
The math isn't disputed. It really isn't. The problem is that the math, when worked out, does not support your position.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Yes there are those on both sides of the political spectrum that seem to have the same disease.....foot-in-mouth-disease
a sample from: 50 Dumb Liberal Quotes | The Stir
. Sheryl Crow on Environmentalism: "I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares [sic] of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required.'"

Joe Biden on culturalism: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

Whoopi Goldberg on 43-year-old Roman Polanski raping and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and [sic] when they let him out he was like "You know what this guy's going to give me a hundred years in jail I'm not staying, so that's why he left."

Joy Behar on Economics: "Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday?"

John Conyers on the Health Care Bill, which he voted for: "I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill ... What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?'

John Kerry on the troops: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Congressman Hank Johnson on Guam: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,"

I could keep going, but I think you get the picture.

Sorry...wrong thread for bashing liberals... Even so.. you guys have us beat by light years and you know it. Yours is the gift that keeps on giving...even if we don't want what you're giving.
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Sorry...wrong thread for bashing liberal... Even so.. you guys have us beat by light years and you know it. Yours is the gift that keeps on giving...even if we don't want what you're giving.
And Peter King took off on some of his fellow Republicans by claiming they're being idiots for even threatening to not pass funding for the Homeland Security Agency.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I'd agree we have real environmental problems to tackle, significant deforestation, overpopulation, poor sanitation, destructive farming techniques etc
but a couple extra molecules of CO2 in 10000 of air is not of them, those are firmly on the side of mother nature, plants, here. We are restoring a tiny fraction of a natural nutrient that has been long depleted, contributing to vast deserts opening up where there used to be lush vegetation, and can be again.

But we're not talking about a few molecules here or there in relative terms. We know exactly when all the began. Looking backward at data from the beginning of the industrial age shows us the upward progression of CO2. Back in the day we realized how harmful man has become to the environment when dealing with acid rain. We were pumping more destructive by products into our environment than the environment could naturally handle.

any temp data used by climastrologers is overwhelmingly 'interpreted, adjusted' land data, not the direct satellite data which does not agree. The fact that GISS, Nasa's Goddard institute for SPACE studies, prefers fudgeble land data over direct sateliite data is very telling in itself.

But you seem to be under the impression NASA and others are relying solely on "Landsats" and the is so far from being true. Scientist in the respective field are using a host of tools and they do in fact rely on satellites to track short term and long term weather trends.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: NASA's Role
These capabilities -- nearly 30 years of satellite-based solar and atmospheric temperature data -- helped the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change come to the conclusion in 2007 that "Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century isvery likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations." But there's still a lot to learn about what the consequences will be. How much warmer will it get? How will sea level rise progress? What will happen to soil moisture, and therefore agricultural production, in a warmer world? NASA scientists and engineers will help answer these and other critical questions in the future.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Just total dysfunction. Senate Dems and Pubs send bonehead Boehner a clean bill to fund DHS and he refused to bring it to the floor for a vote so what does he do....Yep. You guest it. He goes with "Plan B"....I seem to recall he had no luck with a Plan B of his a couple years ago...I think he's scared of the teapubtarians that actually run the House. So what happen to "Plan B"...Well, instead of the clear DHS funding bill he puts a bill on the House floor that would fund DHS for three weeks. WT...HE(double hockey sticks) is a three week funding bill supposed to accomplish. Well, like his other "Plan B" foulup this one too went down in flames. Once again apparently he was unable to WHIP pubs or dems into going for this sharade..... Had he just put a clean DHS funding bill on the floor to be voted on they all could be out o there......Just tragic..Hey, but the sheeple love them for some reason even though it's clear theyre having a hard time actually governing given the fact they have both houses...oh and a supposed "mandate"...LOL!!!!


Not Religious
This is what happens when you vote in a republican majority. They already had horrible approval ratings before the 2014 election, now you have even more obstructionism and dysfunction. Congrats to the ignorant! The writing was on the wall before the election