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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The spooks had their own office at facebook and google .. in its efforts to "Engineer Consent" === for a policy driven by the Drug Lobby. .. was disturbing as it gets .. Forced medical treatment -- demonization and marginalization of dissenters as "Unclean"

Youtube is still censuring Covid Content .. and do you think this will change with this ruling .. I doubt it. Censuring Ukraine War content as well.
You should see the left wing portfolios that made a whopping gold mine off of this stuff.

They never wanted it to end.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
So, if I understand you correctly, you are all for pornographic materials for elementary school?

PS... If they want to take the bible out... ok by me! You can get them free if you want one.
If you looked at the bans, many were at the high school level. Have you looked at what is being banned or are you merely repeating what you've been told?
  • Overwhelmingly, book banners continue to target stories by and about people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals.In this six-month period, 30% of the unique titles banned are books about race, racism, or feature characters of color. Meanwhile, 26% of unique titles banned have LGBTQ+ characters or themes.
  • Due to cases where long lists of books are removed for further investigation, bans this school year are increasingly affecting a wider swath of titles, including those that portray violence and abuse (44%), discuss topics of health and wellbeing (38%), and cover death and grief (30%).This illuminates how censorship impacts a wide array of books, particularly as school districts respond to vague legislation by removing large numbers of books prior to any formal review.
  • The process behind book challenges and bans is evolving. During the 2021-22 school year, parent-led groups coordinated to advance book censorship. These groups pressured districts to remove books without following their own policies, even in some cases, removing books without reading them. That trend has continued in the 2022-23 school year, but it has also been supercharged by a new source of pressure: state legislation. School districts in many states are reacting to new laws that dictate the types of books that can even bein schools, or what kinds of policies they have to follow to add new books and review their collections.
  • Books are more frequently labeled “pornographic” or “indecent.” Dozens of books were targeted for removal in the 2021-22 school year on the basis that they contained sexual content. But since last summer, this framing has become an increasing focus of activists and politicians to justify removing books that do not remotely fit the well-established legal and colloquial definitions of “pornography.” Rhetoric about “porn in schools” has also been advanced as justification for the passage or introduction of new state laws, some of which would bar any books with sexual content and could easily sweep up a wide swath of literature and health-related content.
    • The full impact of the book ban movement is greater than can be counted, as “wholesale bans” are restricting access to untold numbers of books in classrooms and school libraries. This school year, numerous states enacted “wholesale bans” in which entire classrooms and school libraries have been suspended, closed, or emptied of books, either permanently or temporarily. This is largely because teachers and librarians in several states have been directed to catalog entire collections for public scrutiny within short timeframes, under threat of punishment from new, vague laws. These “wholesale bans,” have involved the culling of books that were previously available to students, in ways that are impossible to track or quantify.


Well-Known Member
You should see the left wing portfolios that made a whopping gold mine off of this stuff.

They never wanted it to end.

Fauci is the Phizer spokesperson --- the long term relationship of these two love birds --- We have a pay to play system people ... when you play .. along with the "Donor Class" .. you get paid .. in one way or another hey hey hey .. and Fauci was front and center chasing that golden goose..

and the increased powers ... of course they never wanted to end ... Gov't loves power .. and more power corrupts more .. use these pumped up emergencies - ramp up the fear factor .. Cop City Protesters now "Domestic Terrorists" .. some massive threat to national security .. same as the Capitol protesters... need to Punish Dissent don't ya know .. Big Brother Blue gonna come for you .. instead of "We be Jammin" .. they be Jabbin !

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Fauci is the Phizer spokesperson --- the long term relationship of these two love birds --- We have a pay to play system people ... when you play .. along with the "Donor Class" .. you get paid .. in one way or another hey hey hey .. and Fauci was front and center chasing that golden goose..

and the increased powers ... of course they never wanted to end ... Gov't loves power .. and more power corrupts more .. use these pumped up emergencies - ramp up the fear factor .. Cop City Protesters now "Domestic Terrorists" .. some massive threat to national security .. same as the Capitol protesters... need to Punish Dissent don't ya know .. Big Brother Blue gonna come for you .. instead of "We be Jammin" .. they be Jabbin !
An honorable man is being despicably subjected to crap with ZERO evidence.

As to the rest of that, you are repeating the MAGA plan to destroy the US and institute a dictatorship where the government decides what is true and punishes those who dare dissent just like Putin and Xi. They want to see America become like them and MAGA is on their side with a cult of personality around Trump.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Technically it is not Ok to silence the media, because that power does not belong to the executive branch. In times of disaster the president's powers do expand. He has special powers under martial law, but martial law has to be declared. Under normal circumstances he may not go through the news and censor what he thinks is not appropriate. It is up to citizens to get the word out. It is unfortunate that misinformation got so much play in 2021. It doesn't at all justify giving the executive branch power to shush.

"Free speech" has it's limitations, such as "shouting fire in a theater" if there's no fire. Or how about those who passed on classified information to the Soviets or, later, the Russians? Or preventing reporters from seeing detained "illegals".
Yes, you are right.

It's not an either/or thingy, so it has to be handled with kid gloves and why we have courts.

Free speech is an important thing to consider, but so is watching millions of people dying because of misinformation, such as vaccines and masks don't work.
Dying to keep one's nation free is a civic duty. The executive branch does not have the right gloves for the job of censorship. Its equipped for other things, and it doesn't need this power. Definitely someone ought to have reigned in the liars though. Someone is liable and ought to be punished for assuring people they could cure this with bleach or ivervectin or for assuring people that various placebos would work. These were unethical or criminal lies spoken to millions of people. Its too bad that the public expected the US President to somehow become an information czar. Its not the job.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Who are you getting these lies from?

It's only lies to you as being in denial is certainly contagious.

Republicans did as well, but Democrats wanted the gravy train to never ever end.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

It's only lies to you as being in denial is certainly contagious.

Republicans did as well, but Democrats wanted the gravy train to never ever end.
It's obvious that the Jews created the virus,
& bought all the stock in pharma companies.
With their filthy lucre, they bought the Pope
& 51% of Trump.


Well-Known Member
An honorable man is being despicably subjected to crap with ZERO evidence.

As to the rest of that, you are repeating the MAGA plan to destroy the US and institute a dictatorship where the government decides what is true and punishes those who dare dissent just like Putin and Xi. They want to see America become like them and MAGA is on their side with a cult of personality around Trump.

"MAGA Plan to Destroy the US - where Gov't punishes those who dare dissent" - Not sure why you want to tar me with this made up whacko conspiracy theory .. one that makes absolutely no sense .. just a desperate Ad Hom/Strawman fallacy Rant.

Fauci is a piece of human Garbage .. with no honor or integrity .. a corrupt scum bucket on the take.... a case of complete moral bankruptcy .. the evidence on full display during Covid .. a man complicit in the Biden Administration punishment of those who dare dissent.

Now my arguments against Trump are far better than yours .. but why are you projecting Biden's dirty Covid Deeds onto Trump .. engaging in Nazi like Punishment of those who dare dissent.

You got reality backwards Brother Son .. and living in fallacy land where if the message you can't bare .. just demonize the messenger .. It is not my fault that you bought into the lie .. the Lab Leak Conspiracy woven by Fauci .. in an attempt to deny .. cover his dirty tracks.

You don't have the faintest idea about Fauci -- yet wish to pretend otherwise .. cause someone dented some necessary illusion you bought into.. where life is beautiful all the time .. and Gov't is always God .. and we should Obey the Authorities in all things .. because they are there to protect us. .. and we gonna cancel anything - anyone say otherwise .. the land where personal politics and woke fallacy are not false logic.
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Well-Known Member
It's obvious that the Jews created the virus,
& bought all the stock in pharma companies.
With their filthy lucre, they bought the Pope
& 51% of Trump.

I didn't know Fauci was a Jew ? .. and certainly the Biden Admin are not all Jewish .. but, I am certain that at least a few Jews have money in Pharma but, don't think these Jews in particular created this virus .. never mind the whole of the Jewish people.

Got some very mixed up thoughts going on there friend .. Fauci turns out to be an Italian Catholic .. and not a Jew..

Now the Pope .. he don't like the Jew much ..so don't know why any Jew would give money .. Trump on the other hand had more than a few rich Jewish Friends .. but let us not blame the actions of all Jews on the few rich Jews ones that own banks and buy off politicians .. assuming it is the Wilbur Quid Pro Quo you are referring to.


Well-Known Member
It is hard not to favor the left when the right is so enthusiastic about self-delusion and worse.

What is with the random comments to the wall ... being enthusiastic about self-delusion and worse ?

What is this delusion has you so troubled friend ?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I didn't know Fauci was a Jew ? .. and certainly the Biden Admin are not all Jewish .. but, I am certain that at least a few Jews have money in Pharma but, don't think these Jews in particular created this virus .. never mind the whole of the Jewish people.

Got some very mixed up thoughts going on there friend .. Fauci turns out to be an Italian Catholic .. and not a Jew..

Now the Pope .. he don't like the Jew much ..so don't know why any Jew would give money .. Trump on the other hand had more than a few rich Jewish Friends .. but let us not blame the actions of all Jews on the few rich Jews ones that own banks and buy off politicians .. assuming it is the Wilbur Quid Pro Quo you are referring to.
It’s all plans within plans within plans.


Well-Known Member
It’s all plans within plans within plans.

What is this Plan Stan .. to hop on the Bus Gus .. no need to be coy Roy .. just listen to me :) Har har

What plan you talkn about Len ? What did you want to tell me about Wilbur and Donald .. and the Rich Banker .. bailed out his broke assinign persona ?