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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


Veteran Member
The spooks had their own office at facebook and google .. in its efforts to "Engineer Consent" === for a policy driven by the Drug Lobby. .. was disturbing as it gets .. Forced medical treatment -- demonization and marginalization of dissenters as "Unclean"
Forced medical treatment? Where? Who?
Youtube is still censuring Covid Content .. and do you think this will change with this ruling .. I doubt it. Censuring Ukraine War content as well.
Pretty sure they're a private platform with a user agreement.


Veteran Member
Fauci is the Phizer spokesperson --- the long term relationship of these two love birds --- We have a pay to play system people ... when you play .. along with the "Donor Class" .. you get paid .. in one way or another hey hey hey .. and Fauci was front and center chasing that golden goose..

and the increased powers ... of course they never wanted to end ... Gov't loves power .. and more power corrupts more .. use these pumped up emergencies - ramp up the fear factor .. Cop City Protesters now "Domestic Terrorists" .. some massive threat to national security .. same as the Capitol protesters... need to Punish Dissent don't ya know .. Big Brother Blue gonna come for you .. instead of "We be Jammin" .. they be Jabbin !
Sounds like a bunch of fear-mongering nonsense that evaporated into thin air. :rolleyes:


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
I think not only did they pressure websites -- but also silenced opposing medical voices to maintain a narrative. IMV

I remember when people started being rushed to our ER because they were overdosing on ivermectin while trying to self administer it. Whatever happened to hydroxochloroquine? None of these had any real effect on covid

I got to work in a hospital from before the pandemic began up to the current time. I saw first hand hospital outbreak after outbreak that petered out after the vaccine was administered and the only people left who were employed were vaccinated minus the handful who got out of it due to religious exemption

The true "narrative" was that the vaccine helped keep people out of the hospital. That helped keep the hospitals from being too overwhelmed in high population density areas like I live. During the worst times, we had 4 floors full of COVID positive people (the ICU and CCU for the worst COVID cases, then pre-op and post-op for the rest since we suspended elective surgeries), and the thought of being hit with more than that all at once is far too terrifying for me to dwell on. Those were some dark days


Veteran Member
Fauci is the Phizer spokesperson --- the long term relationship of these two love birds --- We have a pay to play system people ... when you play .. along with the "Donor Class" .. you get paid .. in one way or another hey hey hey .. and Fauci was front and center chasing that golden goose..

and the increased powers ... of course they never wanted to end ... Gov't loves power .. and more power corrupts more .. use these pumped up emergencies - ramp up the fear factor .. Cop City Protesters now "Domestic Terrorists" .. some massive threat to national security .. same as the Capitol protesters... need to Punish Dissent don't ya know .. Big Brother Blue gonna come for you .. instead of "We be Jammin" .. they be Jabbin !
Sounds like a bunch of fear-mongering nonsense that evaporated into thin air. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
"MAGA Plan to Destroy the US - where Gov't punishes those who dare dissent" - Not sure why you want to tar me with this made up whacko conspiracy theory .. one that makes absolutely no sense .. just a desperate Ad Hom/Strawman fallacy Rant.

Fauci is a piece of human Garbage .. with no honor or integrity .. a corrupt scum bucket on the take.... a case of complete moral bankruptcy .. the evidence on full display during Covid .. a man complicit in the Biden Administration punishment of those who dare dissent.

Now my arguments against Trump are far better than yours .. but why are you projecting Biden's dirty Covid Deeds onto Trump .. engaging in Nazi like Punishment of those who dare dissent.

You got reality backwards Brother Son .. and living in fallacy land where if the message you can't bare .. just demonize the messenger .. It is not my fault that you bought into the lie .. the Lab Leak Conspiracy woven by Fauci .. in an attempt to deny .. cover his dirty tracks.

You don't have the faintest idea about Fauci -- yet wish to pretend otherwise .. cause someone dented some necessary illusion you bought into.. where life is beautiful all the time .. and Gov't is always God .. and we should Obey the Authorities in all things .. because they are there to protect us. .. and we gonna cancel anything - anyone say otherwise .. the land where personal politics and woke fallacy are not false logic.
What a disgusting post.
All you seem to have are bonkers conspiracy theories.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Behaving like a moron ... crying out invective .. without stating what you are claiming is crap .. and as such you are the one spouting "crap" and now projecting your failing onto others.

Not my fault you got duped by the Progressive Blue Nazi charade .. and save your Ad Hom Fallacy for someone it applies to ... my arguments against Trump are way better than yours.
As you just called someone a moron and a Nazi. :rolleyes:
Only need to look at covid numbers between Red and Blue to conclude what ? What is this amazing revelation you have come to .. clearly you are one with a case of "Stupidity" if you think this is justification for cops submitting to forced medical treatment ..

This will be a joke .. but look forward to the laugh ..
She just told you. Maybe spend less time on the attempted insults and more time on the reading skills. ;)


Veteran Member
My My Brother Shade .. a post consisting of nothing but personal invective ... unable to support your woke pablum induced Covid Prognostications .. surprise surprise !?

What about Red vs Blue covid death ... what are we to conclude other than Fatties tend be more prevalent on the Red side .. or is this not what you wanted to say and didn't consider the Fatty Factor .. Mr. "Whack a mole - Two Cent Troll - Flufferspeak" -- your words .. not mine -- in desperate attempt to totally project your failings onto others.

Speak -- the podium is yours .. Tell us what you have concluded about Covid from Red vs Blue .. one donut or two. Tell us about the Fatty Factor.
Are you okay?


Veteran Member
That is correct... age appropriate unless you don't mind three year olds playing with guns and elementary school children seeing porn.

Not to mention this site seems awfully biased.

Not censoring but rather putting the books at age appropriate levels. Thank you for supporting my position.
For high school students?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I remember when people started being rushed to our ER because they were overdosing on ivermectin while trying to self administer it. Whatever happened to hydroxochloroquine? None of these had any real effect on covid

I got to work in a hospital from before the pandemic began up to the current time. I saw first hand hospital outbreak after outbreak that petered out after the vaccine was administered and the only people left who were employed were vaccinated minus the handful who got out of it due to religious exemption

The true "narrative" was that the vaccine helped keep people out of the hospital. That helped keep the hospitals from being too overwhelmed in high population density areas like I live. During the worst times, we had 4 floors full of COVID positive people (the ICU and CCU for the worst COVID cases, then pre-op and post-op for the rest since we suspended elective surgeries), and the thought of being hit with more than that all at once is far too terrifying for me to dwell on. Those were some dark days
Yes they were very hard days... we have learned much since then... but did silencing the voices change anything? I don't think so... and now, of course, we have learned more such as

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review​

What we still have to quantify are long-term effects of anything that we do.

I remember when they said "the vaccine" will take care of it.
then it was "the booster" will take care of it..
then it was "a vaccine every year"..

We are still learning! :)


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Yes they were very hard days... we have learned much since then... but did silencing the voices change anything? I don't think so... and now, of course, we have learned more such as

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review​

What I know about hydroxochloroquine is that it's the medicine my mom uses to fight inflammation. She uses to combat her rheumatoid arthritis. When everyone was buying it up just like they bought up the toilet paper, she couldn't get it for several months. During that time the inflammation caused irreparable damage on her hands that has progressively gotten worse

Does it help fight COVID if taken early enough? The studies are largely inconclusive so far. Some say yes, others say no. Perhaps it did. I'd be more interested to see what the consensus is in 10 years or so when enough information comes together. In any case, people seemed to have forgotten about it and went after ivermectin instead due to how easy it was to get. That didn't end well for some folks who decided to DYI it and overdose

What we still have to quantify are long-term effects of anything that we do.

This is true. So far me and everyone else who have taken the vaccine at the place of my work seem to be doing A-ok, though. I got the moderna shots and boosters. On the other hand, I can't tell you how many people I saw dying alone in isolation rooms. I'd say a good 85% of the ones that didn't make it were unvaccinated from what I saw, according to what I saw in their records

I remember when they said "the vaccine" will take care of it.
then it was "the booster" will take care of it..
then it was "a vaccine every year"..

We are still learning! :)

There was a lot of misinformation as there always is when the news reports on scientific/medical things - especially when it becomes political. There certainly is a narrative that the news wants to report, right or left. At worst they lie and at best they take the parts they want and ignore the rest

From my place of work, what we were told was that the purpose of the vaccine was to limit how badly we got slammed. When we became overwhelmed with COVID patients, we had to pick and choose who got treatment. Our resources were limited even though we were a larger hospital. If someone were seriously ill/dying in their room due to COVID, that took care away from other patients that needed it. Not only that but constantly gowning up and going into isolation rooms, especially when every room on the floor is a COVID room, is very time intensive. Our medical staff wasn't large enough to handle whenever there was a bad outbreak, so we just had to do the best we could. This burned a lot of staff out

The "hoax" narrative was especially rough for me to see unfold. I remember one older man who's body was shutting down, and a friend of mine who's a nurse talked to him to let him know that he should contact his family and have final words with them before he passes. He got irate with her and told her he didn't have COVID and that he just had a flu and he'd feel better after resting up and taking a nap

After the guy passed away, it hit my friend hard. She quit and moved on to an outpatient clinic so she didn't have to deal with it anymore. I can't blame her. Last I heard she's doing great, but jeez... That wasn't the only time that happened for sure. Now everyone's moved on and doesn't want to even think about COVID anymore or say it was a hoax or overblown or whatever. Imma live with some of the things that I saw till the day that I die

Sorry to ramble, it's just a lot for me to parse through still


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
What I know about hydroxochloroquine is that it's the medicine my mom uses to fight inflammation. She uses to combat her rheumatoid arthritis. When everyone was buying it up just like they bought up the toilet paper, she couldn't get it for several months. During that time the inflammation caused irreparable damage on her hands that has progressively gotten worse

Does it help fight COVID if taken early enough? The studies are largely inconclusive so far. Some say yes, others say no. Perhaps it did. I'd be more interested to see what the consensus is in 10 years or so when enough information comes together. In any case, people seemed to have forgotten about it and went after ivermectin instead due to how easy it was to get. That didn't end well for some folks who decided to DYI it and overdose

yes... I agree that time will ultimately be the answer to "what works".

This is true. So far me and everyone else who have taken the vaccine at the place of my work seem to be doing A-ok, though. I got the moderna shots and boosters. On the other hand, I can't tell you how many people I saw dying alone in isolation rooms. I'd say a good 85% of the ones that didn't make it were unvaccinated from what I saw, according to what I saw in their records

That's GREAT! My son took the vaccine and he is doing ok. I didn't take the vaccine (they didn't have it when I contracted it along with a boat-load of people in our church. None died. I am thankful for that.

I guess it will still be a decision that everyone makes. As with hydroxocholoriquine, there are pros and cons to every effort.

It seems like the danger for a person has more to do with age and health constitution more than anything.

There was a lot of misinformation as there always is when the news reports on scientific/medical things - especially when it becomes political. There certainly is a narrative that the news wants to report, right or left. At worst they lie and at best they take the parts they want and ignore the rest

From my place of work, what we were told was that the purpose of the vaccine was to limit how badly we got slammed. When we became overwhelmed with COVID patients, we had to pick and choose who got treatment. Our resources were limited even though we were a larger hospital. If someone were seriously ill/dying in their room due to COVID, that took care away from other patients that needed it. Not only that but constantly gowning up and going into isolation rooms, especially when every room on the floor is a COVID room, is very time intensive. Our medical staff wasn't large enough to handle whenever there was a bad outbreak, so we just had to do the best we could. This burned a lot of staff out

The "hoax" narrative was especially rough for me to see unfold. I remember one older man who's body was shutting down, and a friend of mine who's a nurse talked to him to let him know that he should contact his family and have final words with them before he passes. He got irate with her and told her he didn't have COVID and that he just had a flu and he'd feel better after resting up and taking a nap

After the guy passed away, it hit my friend hard. She quit and moved on to an outpatient clinic so she didn't have to deal with it anymore. I can't blame her. Last I heard she's doing great, but jeez... That wasn't the only time that happened for sure. Now everyone's moved on and doesn't want to even think about COVID anymore or say it was a hoax or overblown or whatever. Imma live with some of the things that I saw till the day that I die

Sorry to ramble, it's just a lot for me to parse through still

No problem with the rambling... loosing anyone is always difficult. I didn't go with the "hoax" - but rather the narrative that came after (not to mention the silencing of ANY speech that didn't fit the narrative.

For an example... the push for vaccinating children... never understood it or why it is pushed.


Well-Known Member
What a disgusting post.
All you seem to have are bonkers conspiracy theories.
A speechless pile of invective and disingenuous oblivion you have mustered
Are you okay?
Forced medical treatment? Where? Who?

Pretty sure they're a private platform with a user agreement.

Forced medical treatment issue being debated in Congress as we speak .. Rand Paul speak on one side .. some Prog woke cancel wing-nut from the other .. and sad collectivist lies and fallacious utilitarianism that was.

Why would you cry out "Conspiracy" ?? The prog lefts Nazi program .. complete with the dehumanization propaganda and fear mongering .. is reality .. and obviously there was Planning involved but . what is this nonsense conspiracy rant ... when across information that conflicts with the necessary illusion ?

Sounds like a bunch of fear-mongering nonsense that evaporated into thin air. :rolleyes:

Absolutely the Nazi Blue engaged in major fear mongering .. its how they were able to implement their totalitarian agenda .. ... big propaganda and demonization of the dissenters ... branding them "Unclean" and all kinds of other nasty labels .. ..restricting freedom of movement .. taking away bodily autonomy .. no more "my body my choice" .. and forced medical treatment .. shold one wish to keep employed .. or fight to defend our freedoms .. exposing most - as Rand stated today .. to a Risk of harm far greater than facing covid unvaxed.

Evaporated for who .. You ? Canceled and out of your brain cause the Nazi train you were oblivious to was running your brain.

OH .. and PS.. just in case .. for the morons out in the crowd .. .. Bossman saying to your daughter " Suck this or lose job" = force-coercion Nazi Style .. a collectivist form of the Krystalnacht. Lets call them Neo-Nazi's instead of Nazi's to make a distinction for slight differences in wicked ideology.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
For an example... the push for vaccinating children... never understood it or why it is pushed.
Because it is hard on kids to. My best friend's son, not even 10 yet and he has a cardiologist because he now has afib after a terrible struggle against it.
Amd why? Gee. I winder why? Could it be they work so great that multiple generations of children have been born now and only know what an iron lung is from history books?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Because it is hard on kids to. My best friend's son, not even 10 yet and he has a cardiologist because he now has afib after a terrible struggle against it.
Amd why? Gee. I winder why? Could it be they work so great that multiple generations of children have been born now and only know what an iron lung is from history books?
But was it caused by the Covid? There are examples of people saying that after the vaccine, blot clots started.

Death rate for children is so small that one can wonder if the vaccines will do more harm since the natural covid contagion does the same thing as the vaccine. (some think even better)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But was it caused by the Covid?
Yes, it was due to covid. Covid related misc-c is what caused it.
Death rate for children is so small that one can wonder if the vaccines will do more harm since the natural covid contagion does the same thing as the vaccine. (some think even better)
Your side apparently is deaf and head burried deeply in the sand when it comes to the reality amd fact that it can seriously mess you up even if it doesn't kill you.
This is includes children.