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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Yes. And it does a lot of damagee that doesn't involve death or dying, such as leaving people disables for life.

I actually got to see some of this up close with some of my co-workers. Most of the time it was something minor like loss of taste and smell, but I knew a guy who used to be into sports and was very athletic. After getting COVID he got winded even after going up a flight of stairs. Can't do sports anymore, which really bummed em out

I've also seen people's symptoms clear up randomly after a few weeks/months. Gives me hope that we will discover some breakthroughs in the future to treat these people


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I remember when people started being rushed to our ER because they were overdosing on ivermectin while trying to self administer it. Whatever happened to hydroxochloroquine? None of these had any real effect on covid

I got to work in a hospital from before the pandemic began up to the current time. I saw first hand hospital outbreak after outbreak that petered out after the vaccine was administered and the only people left who were employed were vaccinated minus the handful who got out of it due to religious exemption

The true "narrative" was that the vaccine helped keep people out of the hospital. That helped keep the hospitals from being too overwhelmed in high population density areas like I live. During the worst times, we had 4 floors full of COVID positive people (the ICU and CCU for the worst COVID cases, then pre-op and post-op for the rest since we suspended elective surgeries), and the thought of being hit with more than that all at once is far too terrifying for me to dwell on. Those were some dark days
One of my best friend's daughter works in an e.r. north of Detroit, and she went through the same thing. She monitored those on ventilators for one year, and that was tough, but she is tougher.

Here in the Detroit area, we go hit hard early in 2020, and that scared people enough so as many of us had to wait months to get a vaccine. Our kids worked frantically by calling pharmacies trying to get us in because of our age, but it was a local pharmacist we know who succeeded as someone dropped out at another pharmacy. About a year later, my wife and I both caught covid but our symptoms were minor.

God bless you and those who work with you for those like you saved hundreds of thousands of lives.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Most of the time it was something minor like loss of taste and smell, but I knew a guy who used to be into sports and was very athletic. After getting COVID he got winded even after going up a flight of stairs. Can't do sports anymore, which really bummed em out
This also happened to a friend of mine who's quite athletic who got covid before the vaccines came out, and he was so bad he said he wished he was dead. He couldn't walk more than about 20 feet without gasping for air, and it lasted five weeks.


Veteran Member
This has "what" to do with free speech?
It was in response to your post about shouting fire in a movie theatre.

This is much worse than that, given that over one million Americans died (over 7 million people worldwide!) many unnecessarily from COVID and the misinformation that many were quite content to spread. I.e. Some of the people who died did not have to die at all - their deaths were preventable. Never mind the ones that became ill or died from ingesting ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and the shortages that resulted in the drug being available for people who actually needed it for other ailments.

So, if there are limitations to free speech, like yelling fire in a movie theatre that isn't actually on fire, then speech that misleads people about a disease that's caused a worldwide pandemic that harmed or killed millions of people could/should have some limitations on it as well.

Now that I've walked you through it, I await your hopefully thoughtful response.


Veteran Member
porn is a gun! It kills, maims and destroys lives
This was in response to, "Did you just compare books to guns?"

So you did.

Guns actually take human life. Books do nothing of the sort. Rather, they expand and open the mind in all kinds of beneficial ways. More people should put their guns down and read some books.

Your comparison is ludicrous.


Veteran Member
Yes they were very hard days... we have learned much since then... but did silencing the voices change anything? I don't think so... and now, of course, we have learned more such as

Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review​

What we still have to quantify are long-term effects of anything that we do.

I remember when they said "the vaccine" will take care of it.
then it was "the booster" will take care of it..
then it was "a vaccine every year"..

We are still learning! :)
The vaccine did work. Notice how we're all walking around normally again like we were before COVID?
You can thank the vaccine and the boosters for that.
Perhaps if more people hadn't been so badly misinformed about the vaccine and COVID during the pandemic, then it might not have become something we have to take every year. Instead, a ton of people didn't get vaccinated (in the US) and continued to spread COVID and create all these new variants we're now stuck with.

So thank you for helping demonstrate how detrimental the spread of misinformation and lies about the vaccine can be.


Veteran Member
yes... I agree that time will ultimately be the answer to "what works".

That's GREAT! My son took the vaccine and he is doing ok. I didn't take the vaccine (they didn't have it when I contracted it along with a boat-load of people in our church. None died. I am thankful for that.

I guess it will still be a decision that everyone makes. As with hydroxocholoriquine, there are pros and cons to every effort.

It seems like the danger for a person has more to do with age and health constitution more than anything.

No problem with the rambling... loosing anyone is always difficult. I didn't go with the "hoax" - but rather the narrative that came after (not to mention the silencing of ANY speech that didn't fit the narrative.

For an example... the push for vaccinating children... never understood it or why it is pushed.
Because children are known disease spreaders.
I'm sure everyone notices that when September comes and the kids go back to school, that all of a sudden everyone is sick with something because the kids bring it home.
This isn't news to anyone who has kids, knows about kids or has been around kids.


Well-Known Member
Some say Covid was a conspiracy, but I disagree, I had it twice! Got the first vax etc. However, I do wonder, whatever happened to the flue????

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
This also happened to a friend of mine who's quite athletic who got covid before the vaccines came out, and he was so bad he said he wished he was dead. He couldn't walk more than about 20 feet without gasping for air, and it lasted five weeks.
Individual responses were extremely varied. I got my case before the vaccines came out as well. After three days of misery I felt much better. When I went back to work I had to tell them that I thought that I caught covid and the test confirmed that. Back home I went. A coworker caught it at the same time as I did. Very likely from the same sources. She ended up gong to the hospital and not going home. It is a disease that one still should not take lightly.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
It's still around. :shrug:
Quite a few of them in fact:


I am still wondering what this has to do with covid:p


Veteran Member
A speechless pile of invective and disingenuous oblivion you have mustered
Yes, I agree that's what your posts were brimming with.
Forced medical treatment issue being debated in Congress as we speak .. Rand Paul speak on one side .. some Prog woke cancel wing-nut from the other .. and sad collectivist lies and fallacious utilitarianism that was.
Sorry I can't make any sense of this.
Why would you cry out "Conspiracy" ?? The prog lefts Nazi program .. complete with the dehumanization propaganda and fear mongering .. is reality .. and obviously there was Planning involved but . what is this nonsense conspiracy rant ... when across information that conflicts with the necessary illusion ?
Ahh those gold old Nazi references again. But you're not pushing conspiracy theories right? :D
Were the Nazis really big on public health?
Absolutely the Nazi Blue engaged in major fear mongering .. its how they were able to implement their totalitarian agenda .. ... big propaganda and demonization of the dissenters ... branding them "Unclean" and all kinds of other nasty labels .. ..restricting freedom of movement .. taking away bodily autonomy .. no more "my body my choice" .. and forced medical treatment .. shold one wish to keep employed .. or fight to defend our freedoms .. exposing most - as Rand stated today .. to a Risk of harm far greater than facing covid unvaxed.
This is a pile of nonsense.
Evaporated for who .. You ? Canceled and out of your brain cause the Nazi train you were oblivious to was running your brain.
These vast conspiracy claims all evaporated when the vast majority of people got vaccinated and we all returned to normal life.
The big scary predictions about concentration camps and forced vaccinations and sinister global government takeovers evaporated into thin air.
OH .. and PS.. just in case .. for the morons out in the crowd .. .. Bossman saying to your daughter " Suck this or lose job" = force-coercion Nazi Style .. a collectivist form of the Krystalnacht. Lets call them Neo-Nazi's instead of Nazi's to make a distinction for slight differences in wicked ideology.
Uh yeah, sure. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
But was it caused by the Covid? There are examples of people saying that after the vaccine, blot clots started.

Death rate for children is so small that one can wonder if the vaccines will do more harm since the natural covid contagion does the same thing as the vaccine. (some think even better)
You know what's a giant risk for getting blood clots?
Being infected with COVID. And not just while you have COVID, but in the long-term.


Here's a study showing that the risk of blood clots for a person who had COVID is much, much higher than it is for those who got vaccinated:

" A study led by University at Buffalo researchers has confirmed that contrary to claims by anti-vaccine proponents, COVID-19 vaccines pose only trivial risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), or blood clots. In addition, the study found that becoming infected with COVID-19 poses a significant risk of blood clots.

The paper was published online Feb. 1 in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science.

“This population-based study found only a trivial risk for VTE following COVID-19 vaccination,” said Peter L. Elkin, MD, first author on the paper and UB Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB.

“Given the large risk of VTE from COVID-19 infection, the risk-benefit ratio strongly favored vaccination,” said Elkin, also a physician with UBMD Internal Medicine.

The study was launched in order to investigate whether or not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine put one at higher risk for developing VTE, a claim that had circulated widely on social media and in mainstream media.

... “The excess risk was about 1.4 cases per million patients vaccinated,” said Elkin. “Given the fact that the rate of VTE with COVID-19 is several orders of magnitude greater than the trivial risk from vaccination, our study reinforces the safety and importance of staying current with COVID 19 vaccinations.”

Once again, thanks for pointing out how detrimental COVID misinformation can be to one's health.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Some say Covid was a conspiracy, but I disagree, I had it twice! Got the first vax etc. However, I do wonder, whatever happened to the flue????

Never mind, I found some answers.

The Flu Vanished During Covid. What Will Its Return Look Like?

Flu Has Disappeared for More Than a Year

This year's flu season was virtually nonexistent. That could be bad news for next year.

With everyone masking up and social distancing, it really stopped the flu from spreading as much as it normally did by a lot



Veteran Member
Some say Covid was a conspiracy, but I disagree, I had it twice! Got the first vax etc. However, I do wonder, whatever happened to the flue????

Never mind, I found some answers.

The Flu Vanished During Covid. What Will Its Return Look Like?

Flu Has Disappeared for More Than a Year

This year's flu season was virtually nonexistent. That could be bad news for next year.
I had the flu a couple of months ago.

I always find this question to be rather strange.

The whole world masked up and social distanced for like, 2 years to slow the spread of a virus, and people can't seem to figure out how instances of the flu also decreased? Seriously?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I had the flu a couple of months ago.

I always find this question to be rather strange.

The whole world masked up and social distanced for like, 2 years to slow the spread of a virus, and people can't seem to figure out how instances of the flu also decreased? Seriously?
How odd. Steps taken to prevent the spread of an extremely virulent disease are even more effective when the disease is only moderately virulent in comparison.