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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


My own religion
Bill Gates was a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express"

In fact, beginning in 2011, Mr. Gates met with Mr. Epstein on numerous occasions — including at least three times at Mr. Epstein’s palatial Manhattan townhouse, and at least once staying late into the night, according to interviews with more than a dozen people familiar with the relationship, as well as documents reviewed by The New York Times.

Yeah, I hope you cope well enough in the everyday life.


Well-Known Member
It appears that you're arguing that it's
better to avoid vaccination for polio.
Some of the polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with a virus, called simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from the monkey kidney cell cultures used to produce the vaccine. Most, but not all, of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Once the contamination was recognized, steps were taken to eliminate it from future vaccines. Researchers have long wondered about the effects of the contaminated vaccine on people who received it. Although SV40 has biological properties consistent with a cancer-causing virus, it has not been conclusively established whether it might have caused cancer in humans. Studies of groups of people who received polio vaccine during 1955–1963 provide evidence of no increased cancer risk. However, because these epidemiologic studies are sufficiently flawed, the Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Review Committee concluded that the evidence was inadequate to conclude whether or not the contaminated polio vaccine caused cancer.

Two children contracted poliomyelitis shortly after being inoculated with Salk vaccine manufactured by defendant. On the premise that defendant's vaccine caused the illness it was designed to prevent, an action for damages was brought in behalf of each child. The actions were consolidated for trial. Jury verdicts were in favor of the two children for a total of $139,000, and for their parents for $8,300 in special damages.

There is substantial evidence to sustain a finding that the vaccine contained live virus of poliomyelitis, and that the injected vaccine caused the disease in each child. The essence of plaintiffs' claim is not that the vaccine failed to prevent polio, but that it actually and directly caused it.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Some of the polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with a virus, called simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from the monkey kidney cell cultures used to produce the vaccine. Most, but not all, of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). Once the contamination was recognized, steps were taken to eliminate it from future vaccines. Researchers have long wondered about the effects of the contaminated vaccine on people who received it. Although SV40 has biological properties consistent with a cancer-causing virus, it has not been conclusively established whether it might have caused cancer in humans. Studies of groups of people who received polio vaccine during 1955–1963 provide evidence of no increased cancer risk. However, because these epidemiologic studies are sufficiently flawed, the Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Review Committee concluded that the evidence was inadequate to conclude whether or not the contaminated polio vaccine caused cancer.

Good it is that you don't work in public health.


Well-Known Member
On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients.

More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up being around $250,000.

This revelation was discovered through a leaked Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield document.



Veteran Member
You don't know what your are talking about.
No, you don't. And it's because you use extremely poor sources for information. I've pointed this out numerous times.
Not for me it didn't.


  • The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time
  • One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus. It’s caused by toxins. Poliovirus is a commensal virus that is completely harmless in the absence of toxic onslaught
  • The changing of definitions is part of the vaccine industry’s playbook. The definition of a “vaccine” was radically altered to allow for the use of experimental modified RNA gene therapy
  • Another part of the fraud is using another vaccine as the control in lieu of a true placebo. You simply cannot prove a vaccine is safe by comparing it to another, most likely unsafe, vaccine
  • According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries, there are no worthwhile vaccines, not even smallpox or tetanus. Tetanus can be successfully treated using high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other essential nutrients
  • Vitamin C works because tetanus is a bacterial disease caused by an obligate anaerobe that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Other oxidative therapies that could be used if the infection is related to a wound include hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy
Unsubstantiated nonsense from bogus conspirational sources trying to sell you unregulated supplements and "therapies."
My Uncle tried this nonsense to treat his cancer and big surprise, it didn't work He almost died. The guy was drinking hydrogen peroxide on a daily basis for goodness sake. Thanks to quacks like this Suzanne Humphries person. This is harmful nonsense that hurts people!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients.

More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up being around $250,000.

This revelation was discovered through a leaked Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield document.

What you're committing is the ad hominem fallacy.
Finding some malefactors who vaccinate doesn't
mean that vaccines aren't valuable.
Anti-vaxers have many evil death dealers who
convince the gullible to take their untested potions
by pretending that vaccines are ineffective & even
The nation’s oldest anti-vaccine advocacy group often emphasizes that it is supported primarily by small donations and concerned parents, describing its founder as the leader of a “national, grass roots movement.”

But over the past decade a single donor has contributed more than $2.9 million to the National Vaccine Information Center, accounting for about 40 percent of the organization’s funding, according to the most recent available tax records. That donor, osteopathic physician Joseph Mercola, has amassed a fortune selling natural health products, court records show, including vitamin supplements, some of which he claims are alternatives to vaccines.

In recent years, the center has been at the forefront of a movement that has led some parents to forgo or delay immunizing their children against vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles. Health officials say falling vaccination rates contributed to the infectious virus sickening more than 1,200 people in the United States this year, the largest number in more than 25 years. Measles outbreaks are surging worldwide, including in Samoa — where nearly 80 people have died since mid-October, the great majority of them young children and infants.
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Well-Known Member
What you're committing is the ad hominem fallacy.
Finding some malefactors who vaccinate doesn't
mean that vaccines aren't valuable.
Anti-vaxers have many evil death dealers who
convince the gullible to take their untested potions
by pretending that vaccines are ineffective & even
The nation’s oldest anti-vaccine advocacy group often emphasizes that it is supported primarily by small donations and concerned parents, describing its founder as the leader of a “national, grass roots movement.”

But over the past decade a single donor has contributed more than $2.9 million to the National Vaccine Information Center, accounting for about 40 percent of the organization’s funding, according to the most recent available tax records. That donor, osteopathic physician Joseph Mercola, has amassed a fortune selling natural health products, court records show, including vitamin supplements, some of which he claims are alternatives to vaccines.

In recent years, the center has been at the forefront of a movement that has led some parents to forgo or delay immunizing their children against vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles. Health officials say falling vaccination rates contributed to the infectious virus sickening more than 1,200 people in the United States this year, the largest number in more than 25 years. Measles outbreaks are surging worldwide, including in Samoa — where nearly 80 people have died since mid-October, an ad hom because the great majority of them young children and infants.
Wrong, its not an as him because the quacks have a duty of care, and the jabs have serious adverse effects.

HHS Suspends Funding to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, Halts All Active Grants, and Proposes Formal Debarment in Connection with COVID-19 Lab Leak Allegation​



Odd it is that only bogus sources claim this.
Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, CDC, etc don't.
Maybe that is because Johns Hopkins, the CDC among others are financially compromised and have revolving door positions with pharmaceutical CEO’s.

Johns Hopkins has a particular financial motivation for pushing mRNA technology…

Many have experienced detrimental health consequences…

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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Look at other countries! Australia didn't suffer like America. New Zealand did not suffer like America. Lots of places didn't, but America is stuffed full of scientifically illiterate idiots who selfishly declared they knkw better than real experts and proclaimed their selfishness takes precedence over combating a deadly pandemic that has claimed millions.
Now, try again when you're ready to acknowledge the severity that was the situation and why it really is like shouting fire in a crowded people (both got people needlessly killed and severely injured).

It's worth looking at us (Australia) in more detail though. I live in Melbourne, which was the most locked down of all Aussie cities (indeed, one of the most locked down on the planet) and it's hard to quantify how many lives were saved by that versus how many were lost, just comparing us to say Sydney...a like-sized Aussie city.

I say that as someone who broadly supported the state government.

The other thing that is hard with this topic is that it seems to me there was an element of curbing informed opinion as well as uninformed. That basically the 'cost' of unclear messaging or public confusion was seen as too high when compared to public safety. Again, whilst I get it, that's less of a legal problem in Australia (as long as a State of Emergency is declared) than in the US, I believe.

One point of contention here was around where the government tried to extend the length of the State of Emergency.

Finally...whilst this all made some sense to me in relation to Covid, I think there has been actions from the left, or from governmental bodies during the last 8 years or so that have amounted to interference in social media and messaging. I'm yet to decide how contrived or impactful that was, but still...


Well-Known Member
Your claim isn't demonstrable using the
appropriate method, ie, epidemiology.
I think you may have confused me with some who cares about your opinion.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has come forward with serious allegations against health agencies, claiming they suppressed information about significant side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in younger populations.

According to Dr. Redfield, the potential risks associated with the vaccines were deliberately downplayed, which has led to severe health complications for some individuals.

During a televised discussion with Chris Cuomo, a COVID vaccine-injured himself, Dr. Redfield expressed his concerns about the lack of transparency from major public health institutions such as the NIH, FDA, and CDC.

Dr. Redfield suggested the establishment of an independent review commission, akin to the post-9/11 commission, to thoroughly investigate the decisions made during the pandemic across both the previous and current administrations.
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