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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
OK. My doctor calls it a flu shot.
Perhaps with his patients, but not when dealing with other physicians and not when ordering it for his office:



Well-Known Member
Subject: Are You Investigating the "White Fibrous Clots" and Their Potential Link to the COVID-19 Vaccines?

To the FDA, CDC, and NIH,

As you can see below, I submitted a written package on 19 Jan 2023 to the FDA to alert the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to a very serious potential link between the COVID-19 vaccines and the formation of these new, large, and unusual "white fibrous clots/structures" that embalmers across the United States and the world are seeing in their corpses, most since 2021 and continuing to present.

The embalmers that I am in contact with are still seeing these "white fibrous clots" in a high percentage of their corpses in Fall 2023. Keep in mind that most of these embalmers have been embalming bodies for over ten or twenty years, yet they have never seen these white fibrous clots before until 2021, which just happens to be the year that the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out.

Attached to this email are the original files that I submitted to the FDA on 19 Jan 2023, including a PowerPoint presentation with the results of an online survey that I conducted in Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 which solicited responses from 30 state funeral director associations and over 800 funeral homes in major cities across the United States. Also included is an "updated" version of the PowerPoint presentation that now also includes the survey results from Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand that were collected in March 2023.

My hope is that you have reviewed the information that I sent to you in January, and that you are already thoroughly investigating these new and unusual "white fibrous clots" that embalmers are still seeing in the veins and arteries of the deceased, and their potential link to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Please feel free to contact me at <redacted> if you have any questions.

This is a serious problem, and it deserves your immediate attention.


Thomas F. Haviland
USAF Major, Retired
Beavercreek, OH
<e-mail redacted>

Phone: <redacted>



Veteran Member
Subject: Are You Investigating the "White Fibrous Clots" and Their Potential Link to the COVID-19 Vaccines?

To the FDA, CDC, and NIH,

As you can see below, I submitted a written package on 19 Jan 2023 to the FDA to alert the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to a very serious potential link between the COVID-19 vaccines and the formation of these new, large, and unusual "white fibrous clots/structures" that embalmers across the United States and the world are seeing in their corpses, most since 2021 and continuing to present.

The embalmers that I am in contact with are still seeing these "white fibrous clots" in a high percentage of their corpses in Fall 2023. Keep in mind that most of these embalmers have been embalming bodies for over ten or twenty years, yet they have never seen these white fibrous clots before until 2021, which just happens to be the year that the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out.

Attached to this email are the original files that I submitted to the FDA on 19 Jan 2023, including a PowerPoint presentation with the results of an online survey that I conducted in Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 which solicited responses from 30 state funeral director associations and over 800 funeral homes in major cities across the United States. Also included is an "updated" version of the PowerPoint presentation that now also includes the survey results from Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand that were collected in March 2023.

My hope is that you have reviewed the information that I sent to you in January, and that you are already thoroughly investigating these new and unusual "white fibrous clots" that embalmers are still seeing in the veins and arteries of the deceased, and their potential link to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Please feel free to contact me at <redacted> if you have any questions.

This is a serious problem, and it deserves your immediate attention.


Thomas F. Haviland
USAF Major, Retired
Beavercreek, OH
<e-mail redacted>

Phone: <redacted>

"The problem is that embalmers and funeral directors are not medical professionals. Don’t take it from me, but from the National Funeral Directors Association in the United States, whose representative told me as much, and from Ben Schmidt, a funeral director and embalmer with a bachelor’s degree in natural science. Schmidt wrote a detailed explanation of what is happening here. Clots can easily form after death, as the liquid and solid parts of blood separate and as formaldehyde and calcium-containing water used in the embalming process catalyze clotting. Refrigeration can also be to blame, especially when a rapid influx of bodies due to COVID necessitates longer stays in the cooler as embalmers make their way through their backlog.

Then there are the clots that happen prior to death. Embalmers do not typically know that someone who died was “in normal health,” as is often claimed in the documentary, nor do they reliably know someone’s vaccination status. Blood clots do happen in life, for a variety of reasons. The COVID-19 vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson were indeed associated with rare—and I must repeat, rare—cases of blood clots, but risk factors for blood clots in general include obesity, cancer, a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, family history, and smoking. Oh, and COVID-19 itself, which you won’t learn from Died Suddenly. This may surprise you, but an American dies of a blood clot every six minutes. Clots, either before or after death, are common.

As anatomical pathology specialist Irene Sansano told a fact-checking website, the clots shown by Hirschman do not look different from the ones pathologists regularly see in blood clot autopsies at the hospital. To know if there really was an uptick in clots seen during embalming, we can’t rely on a scattering of anecdotes. We would need a database to monitor trends, and as Schmidt points out, this database does not exist."

"But there is no evidence that the clots are related to vaccination, nor are they necessarily abnormal. Many of the clots shown, in fact, appear to be postmortem clots, or blood clots that form after death, which would have nothing to do with vaccination or why someone died.

Burnett, the Columbia physician, explained in a TikTok video debunking the “documentary” that the clots have many features characteristic of postmortem clots.

“If you look at postmortem clots just with the naked eye, they’re gelatinous and they’re rubbery. And if you listen to the embalmers on this documentary, that’s exactly how they’re describing these new, strange clots,” he said. “Postmortem clots typically take the shape of the blood vessel they’re in, and that’s exactly how these embalmers describe these newfangled clots that they’re finding. They’re pulling out these perfect casts of blood vessels.”

Other experts have come to the same conclusion when asked before by fact-checkers about such claims from funeral service providers, including Hirschman and O’Looney.

“The images look to me more like postmortem clots, mainly due to the color, the shape, and particularly because of the amount,” Nikolaus Klupp, an associate professor of forensic medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, told Health Feedback in September.

“The blood clots are from refrigeration. It happens to many bodies,” embalmer Monica Torres, of NXT Generation Mortuary Support, told AFP the same month. “It’s just that there were so many bodies to process, many of them sat in refrigeration for long durations so they got blood clots. It’s not a big deal and these people are trying to make it a thing.”

Some of the clots could be ones that formed prior to death, as blood clots are relatively common, but there is no evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccination causes them, as we’ve written.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine can very rarely cause a very particular blood clotting problem involving low levels of blood platelets, known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, or TTS. But the condition has not been linked to the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, and there is no evidence that the vaccines raise the risk of blood clotting generally.

Research suggests vaccination prevents blood clots by protecting against COVID-19, which raises the risk of clotting and associated health problems."



Well-Known Member
The problem is that embalmers and funeral directors are not medical professionals.
Yet another ad hominem.

Clots can easily form after death, as the liquid and solid parts of blood separate and as formaldehyde and calcium-containing water used in the embalming process catalyze clotting.
Misdirection. The clots were found as the blood was drained prior to formaldehyde being added.

John O'Looney, peer reviewed author and funeral director at Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, England, discusses strange blood clots he has been seeing in the embalming process ever since the Covid-19 vaccine was introduced



Veteran Member
Yet another ad hominem.
That's not an ad hom. It's just a fact.

Do you hire lawyers do the plumbing in your house?
Misdirection. The clots were found as the blood was drained prior to formaldehyde being added.
Good thing they gave several different reasons that the blood clots could be present then:

"Refrigeration can also be to blame, especially when a rapid influx of bodies due to COVID necessitates longer stays in the cooler as embalmers make their way through their backlog. ...

Then there are the clots that happen prior to death. Embalmers do not typically know that someone who died was “in normal health,” as is often claimed in the documentary, nor do they reliably know someone’s vaccination status. Blood clots do happen in life, for a variety of reasons. ...

As anatomical pathology specialist Irene Sansano told a fact-checking website, the clots shown by Hirschman do not look different from the ones pathologists regularly see in blood clot autopsies at the hospital. To know if there really was an uptick in clots seen during embalming, we can’t rely on a scattering of anecdotes. We would need a database to monitor trends, and as Schmidt points out, this database does not exist."

John O'Looney, peer reviewed author and funeral director at Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, England, discusses strange blood clots he has been seeing in the embalming process ever since the Covid-19 vaccine was introduced

Not a medical professional, as noted above. That's not an ad hom anymore than it's an ad hom to state that a plumber isn't qualified to do the electrical work on your home.

Your link provides absolutely zero information and appears to just be a link to the documentary mentioned in my response to you, via an IMDB page.


Veteran Member
Same old BS from you, calling a fallacy a fact. It's an ad hom because whether they're a "medical professional" all not doesn't affect the relevance of their observations.

It's called having standards so you just don't believe whatever anybody says.

It's not a fallacy to point out that someone is not a medical professional and thus not qualified to make medical determinations. Lack of education in the medical profession does affect the relevance of their observations and the conclusions they've drawn from them. As noted in the articles I provided for you, as well. . Notice how you ignored the entire rest of my post where I pointed out how you don't call a plumber to do your electrical work in your house? Thus avoiding the point. You most likely don't call a funeral director when you need brain surgery either, right? I'm not saying anything controversial here. Anyone familiar with the sciences knows what I'm talking about.

Notice also, that you didn't provide a link to anything the funeral director said or found or anything at all. The link took me to an IMDB page about a documentary. Perhaps you think that's evidence of something but it isn't.

If they guy was able to publish his findings somewhere, let's see them. Otherwise, he's sharing uninformed anecdotes.


Well-Known Member
It's called having standards so you just don't believe whatever anybody says.
No, it's called scientism, not believing anyone unless the information is approved by orthdoxy.

It's not a fallacy to point out that someone is not a medical professional and thus not qualified to make medical determinations.
Straw man. O'Looney was not making "medical determinations", his was recounting his observations.

If they guy was able to publish his findings somewhere, let's see them. Otherwise, he's sharing uninformed anecdotes.
Another straw man. "Uniformed anecdotes" are witness testimony.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yet another ad hominem.
You've misused this term. You seem to mean insult, which the comment also was not. Ad hominem refers to a particular informal fallacy, namely, that a person's argument is wrong or should be rejected because of something about the person. For example, one might reject the argument of an 8-year old on the grounds that's he's too young to make a sound argument based in his age without critical analysis of the argument.
it's called scientism, not believing anyone unless the information is approved by orthdoxy.
And you've misused this term, as well. It has two meanings, one descriptive and one derogatory, but your usage is neither of those. What it is is a straw man fallacy:

[1] "Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality"

This is a correct statement. If it weren't, it could be rebutted (falsified), which means giving a counterexample - something that deserves to be called truth or correct knowledge about reality - that wasn't discovered empirically. You can't do that.

[2] "excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques."

Although this might also be descriptive rather than derogatory, as when somebody believes that we can cook the planet and science will rescue us from our folly. It can't and won't.

But the commonest usage in these threads is bemoan the critical thinker's rejection of soft thinking about gods and spirits for lack of sufficient evidence to support such claims. Such people want their ideas respected just because they believe them sincerely and call them truth, but they don't get that, resent the rejection, and call those rejecting them guilty of scientism.


Well-Known Member
You've misused this term.
No, I haven't. I pointed out that it was about about relevance in this post.

And you've misused this term, as well.
You don't know what you're talking about. Scientism is worthless because the scientific method is incapable of providing an explanation for non-repeatable phenomena such as the interaction of divine beings with mankind. This is particularly relevant for modern medicine because of the conflict of interests that exists between natural medicine and the the state due the the religious prejudice of the union of the state and the church.
Last edited:


Veteran Member

2013 definition of VACCINE: “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease

2021 definition of VACCINE: “a preparation or immunotherapy that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against noninfectious substances, agents, or diseases”

What do you think is implied by this? "Because you know flu shots are also called flu vaccines by pretty much everone else, right?"
The changed definition looks to me as if it has been adapted to include the new mRNA vaccine technology, which also achieves the same goal, viz. stimulates an immune response, but not by means of weakened or deactivated whole pathogens.


Well-Known Member
The changed definition looks to me as if it has been adapted to include the new mRNA vaccine technology, which also achieves the same goal, viz. stimulates an immune response, but not by means of weakened or deactivated whole pathogens.
It doesn't achieve the same goal because of the extraordinary level of harm caused by the new technology, as evidenced by the mortician testimony and the the correlation between injection of the new technology and death.

From Steve Kirsch, November 24th:

Will anyone qualified challenge me in a public debate at MIT on Nov 30 on what the record level data shows about the safety of the COVID vaccines?

I'll provide you the data in advance. You agree to publicly debate me at MIT on November 30. I'll pay your expenses plus a $2,000 speaking fee. Any takers?​



Veteran Member
It doesn't achieve the same goal because of the extraordinary level of harm caused by the new technology, as evidenced by the mortician testimony and the the correlation between injection of the new technology and death.

From Steve Kirsch, November 24th:

Will anyone qualified challenge me in a public debate at MIT on Nov 30 on what the record level data shows about the safety of the COVID vaccines?

I'll provide you the data in advance. You agree to publicly debate me at MIT on November 30. I'll pay your expenses plus a $2,000 speaking fee. Any takers?​

Ballocks. These RNA vaccines have been used all over the world with negligible ill effects.

Kirsch is a businessman, with no medical expertise, who tried and failed to make money out of alternative covid treatments and resented his lack of success. Nobody's interesting in wasting their time debating with a clown like that. Who does he think he is? The guy's an irrelevance. :laughing:


Ballocks. These RNA vaccines have been used all over the world with negligible ill effects.
A 1.3 severe event ratio is not negligible.
Kirsch is a businessman, with no medical expertise, who tried and failed to make money out of alternative covid treatments and resented his lack of success. Nobody's interesting in wasting their time debating with a clown like that. Who does he think he is? The guy's an irrelevance. :laughing:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Subject: Are You Investigating the "White Fibrous Clots" and Their Potential Link to the COVID-19 Vaccines?

To the FDA, CDC, and NIH,

As you can see below, I submitted a written package on 19 Jan 2023 to the FDA to alert the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to a very serious potential link between the COVID-19 vaccines and the formation of these new, large, and unusual "white fibrous clots/structures" that embalmers across the United States and the world are seeing in their corpses, most since 2021 and continuing to present.

The embalmers that I am in contact with are still seeing these "white fibrous clots" in a high percentage of their corpses in Fall 2023. Keep in mind that most of these embalmers have been embalming bodies for over ten or twenty years, yet they have never seen these white fibrous clots before until 2021, which just happens to be the year that the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out.

Attached to this email are the original files that I submitted to the FDA on 19 Jan 2023, including a PowerPoint presentation with the results of an online survey that I conducted in Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 which solicited responses from 30 state funeral director associations and over 800 funeral homes in major cities across the United States. Also included is an "updated" version of the PowerPoint presentation that now also includes the survey results from Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand that were collected in March 2023.

My hope is that you have reviewed the information that I sent to you in January, and that you are already thoroughly investigating these new and unusual "white fibrous clots" that embalmers are still seeing in the veins and arteries of the deceased, and their potential link to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Please feel free to contact me at <redacted> if you have any questions.

This is a serious problem, and it deserves your immediate attention.


Thomas F. Haviland
USAF Major, Retired
Beavercreek, OH
<e-mail redacted>

Phone: <redacted>

One of our local funeral home workers told me about this recent phenomenon of white fibrous clots in the veins of some corpses. He said he'd never seen this prior to covid. Is this due to the virus itself or a vaccine injury? Years ago, I worked for a time at a funeral home and never saw anything like this myself.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
One of our local funeral home workers told me about this recent phenomenon of white fibrous clots in the veins of some corpses. He said he'd never seen this prior to covid. Is this due to the virus itself or a vaccine injury? Years ago, I worked for a time at a funeral home and never saw anything like this myself.
I was talking to my dermatologist last year, and he said that ever since covid he's seen all sorts of effects probably from it, and I am one of those people: psoriasis, which I never had previously for 77 years.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I was talking to my dermatologist last year, and he said that ever since covid he's seen all sorts of effects probably from it, and I am one of those people: psoriasis, which I never had previously for 77 years.
Covid might or might not be responsible for your psoriasis, but it shouldn't be surprising that there are both short-term and long-term sequelae to this infection, which is common with viruses. Short-term complications include long Covid, as well as various organ dysfunctions. Here are some links I collected earlier:

New study into long-term impacts of lung damage after COVID-19 – UKRI
Study examines the effect of long COVID on lung health (medicalnewstoday.com)
Kidney Damage Another Consequence of 'Long COVID' (webmd.com)
Long-term effects of Covid-19 on the kidney | QJM: An International Journal of Medicine | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
The COVID Heart—One Year After SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Patients Have an Array of Increased Cardiovascular Risks | Cardiology | JAMA | JAMA Network
COVID-19 (coronavirus): Long-term effects - Mayo Clinic
Severe COVID-19 can trigger drop in IQ similar to aging 20 years, study shows - UPI.com
Study Finds COVID-19 May Lower Intelligence (webmd.com)

Long term sequelae are common with viruses (appearing years later). Most people realize that AIDS is long HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), but they might not be aware that cervical cancer is long HPV (human papillomavirus), Multiple Sclerosis is long EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus), Alzheimer's is long HSV (herpes simplex virus), and liver cancer is long HCV (hepatitis C virus).

These are factors frequently overlooked when considering the vaccine versus no vaccine debate. It's simply not enough to look at a 99% survival rate among the unvaccinated, the group that did the most dying after vaccines became available. A look at the death rates between the two cohorts tells another story.

And the above analysis is only the medical consequences of this infection. Life savings were exhausted with hospitalization, and children were orphaned or lost caregivers.

And to be complete, one must consider short-term and long-term sequelae to vaccination. Long-term side effects from vaccine are practically unknown, the glaring counterexample being the influenza vaccine that caused Guillan-Barre paralysis in some, but all of those cases manifested within six months, and most withing two. Short-term morbidity with the vaccine is a real thing. I know two people who became very ill for months following vaccination. Neither died, but both were harmed significantly.

Still, looking only at things like that and the high survival rate among the unvaccinated is simply an incomplete analysis of the cost-benefit ratio of vaccination. And somebody will attribute the psoriasis to the vaccine, which is just as unscientific as attributing it to the virus. Both are possible, but neither has evidentiary support.