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Tampons too "woke" for conservatives.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
And it never ends. And it isn't limited to just a few tampons. Others with the same attitude want this, and another wants that. Soon enough the chickens come home to roost and a nation is broken. But that doesn't matter as long as you feel good about "doing what's right".
billiins of dollars
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money."-Margaret Thatcher
OK, so we can spend billions of dollars each year on all sorts of project s, but helping those in need is "socialism" [stated with a snarl]? Tell us how that is in any way compatible with the 613 Commandments in Torah? Seems to me all you're doing is defending greed.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, there it is. There's the attitude. You want to virtue signal and spend other people's money to your heart's content to do it. And it never ends. And it isn't limited to just a few tampons. Others with the same attitude want this, and another wants that. Soon enough the chickens come home to roost and a nation is broken. But that doesn't matter as long as you feel good about "doing what's right".

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money."-Margaret Thatcher
Other people's money? I don't pay taxes?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Stupid poor people, amirite? :rolleyes:
Like Ice T said, No Lives Matter.
We say that 'Black Lives Matter'
Well truthfully they really never have
No one ever really gave a ****
Just read your bull**** history books
But honestly it ain't just black
It's yellow, it's brown, it's red
It's anyone who ain't got cash
Poor whites that they call trash

Secret Chief

So you are a male living as a female but with a penis. You have the best of both worlds. You can choose to stand or set to pee. You're special
All men choose to sit or stand to urinate, it's not a "special" person thing. You seem to have a presumption based on ignorance. Choices come because of habit, culture (apparently 70% of men in Japan sit), health (eg for men with low blood pressure it is advisable to sit down) and age issues.

- The splashback scandal: should all men sit down to urinate?
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
@Shaul , if you tell a person "I don't necessarily believe you, I don't necessarily like you, I don't necessarily think we can do that, etc" they are going to assume that you don't believe them, don't like them, can't do such and such, etc. Unless followed by a witty statement that says the contrary, I can't think of any situation in which a person isn't going to take it that way.

So, to say something like "I don't necessarily believe you" and expect a person or those around them to not pick up that you're insinuating dishonesty is simply twisting words to twist words, and it makes it hard to have an honest debate that way. Instead, it becomes an argument. What's the point of that? What gets accomplished with an argument? A debate, at least, is meant to bring up points that others may not have thought of, consider new points.

If I wanted to argue, there's a 200 dollar dress I've got my eye on... I'd order that, wait for my husband to object, and at least I'd have something to show for all the bickering...
If only you had the same concern about taking other people's money.


Veteran Member
I am not so sure. If it was a large restroom men could still make use of the urinals. Hopefully the women folk won't be coming up and trying to look over their shoulders. Men can get in and out of the bathrooms much more quickly. Especially if they do not wash up afterwards:tonguewink::tonguewink:
That is sometimes what they do in France, where they seem less uptight about the whole business.

Secret Chief

@Shaul , if you tell a person "I don't necessarily believe you, I don't necessarily like you, I don't necessarily think we can do that, etc" they are going to assume that you don't believe them, don't like them, can't do such and such, etc. Unless followed by a witty statement that says the contrary, I can't think of any situation in which a person isn't going to take it that way.

So, to say something like "I don't necessarily believe you" and expect a person or those around them to not pick up that you're insinuating dishonesty is simply twisting words to twist words, and it makes it hard to have an honest debate that way. Instead, it becomes an argument. What's the point of that? What gets accomplished with an argument? A debate, at least, is meant to bring up points that others may not have thought of, consider new points.

If I wanted to argue, there's a 200 dollar dress I've got my eye on... I'd order that, wait for my husband to object, and at least I'd have something to show for all the bickering...
Crumbs, you mean I was correct in my comprehension that he was insinuating dishonesty. Well I never.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Sod your money if you want to waste it. He means his.
Regardless of whose money it is, taking it via taxation is a necessity for only essential expenditures. For anything else it should be a last resort, not the first knee jerk response.


Staff member
Premium Member
After an appropriately timed song and some reflection, I'm rather filled with pity for any people who are so filled with anger and entitlement that they're concerned they might at some point be asked to spare a tampon for a girl caught on her period in school.

Period blood washes out easier than personal bitterness...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
How would I know? Regardless of whether you pay taxes or not, using that as justification for unlimited taxing someone else is nonsense.
Unlimited taxing? Ok, how about we stick to things I actually said instead of making up things about me amd assuming things? And you know what they say about assumptions, rught?