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Tea Party Convention


And I don't see evidence that they have a thorough-going commitment to fiscal conservatism. They hate social programs, but it's military spending that's driven us to this point.

And I can't understand why none of seem to understand that, even some libertarians!


Self-appointed Lunatic
The independent voter elected Barack Obama and the independent voter can remove democrats from office during the mid term elections. :yes:

But the question is, why would any independent voter in their right mind vote republican? It's simply not a respectable choice anymore. People are still hurting from 8 years of republican lunacy. And more importantly, anyone with common sense knows that when you want things to change, you don't vote for the pro-status quo party.

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
I think? that I understand the "Teabaggers". (understanding doesn't mean agreement)
Baisically, the yelling, screaming & protest rallys are a way of telling Washington
Politicians of both parties "We've been asking nice for years & have been ignored!
Now we're in your Face!!"


Self-appointed Lunatic
I think? that I understand the "Teabaggers". (understanding doesn't mean agreement)
Baisically, the yelling, screaming & protest rallys are a way of telling Washington
Politicians of both parties "We've been asking nice for years & have been ignored!
Now we're in your Face!!"

Eh, both parties? No, they're all Republican. Where were they in the Bush years? Or the Reagan years? Not to mention that they love Fox News and want Sarah Palin to become president...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I think? that I understand the "Teabaggers". (understanding doesn't mean agreement)
Baisically, the yelling, screaming & protest rallys are a way of telling Washington
Politicians of both parties "We've been asking nice for years & have been ignored!
Now we're in your Face!!"
Asking for what, exactly? That's something I've never really been able to figure out.

It seems to me that this whole "Tea Party" thing is mainly about non-specific anger at government. Most of the time, people protesting something try to assert some sort of alternative position; I haven't seen any sort of coherent message about what they want, just what they don't want.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Eh, both parties? No, they're all Republican. Where were they in the Bush years? Or the Reagan years?
Good point. They seem to me to be very pro-Republican, or at least very anti-Democrat and anti-Obama. If they've been "asking for years" (whatever it is they've been "asking" for), they were asking Bush and the Republicans, not Obama and the Democrats.


Asking for what, exactly? That's something I've never really been able to figure out.

It seems to me that this whole "Tea Party" thing is mainly about non-specific anger at government. Most of the time, people protesting something try to assert some sort of alternative position; I haven't seen any sort of coherent message about what they want, just what they don't want.

I went to very first party. (I was an active anarcho-syndicalist at time, so my girlfriend and I went to carry our flag, and find libertarians to talk to.) I can tell you that the majority of people there are for reasons other than each other. If anything, that's why it is so big! Hardcore republicans were out with just signs that just attempted to diss Obama, complain about government pork, or insinuate he's a socialist. The libertarians I met out there were seemed to be against the banks and the Federal Reserve. Everyone is trying to make a point the government is corrupted, but they are taking what is already so obvious in so many ways, that's it is not targeted it all, but rather what you are going to get from driving by it is, "No Obama." Which is probably why no one takes it seriously.


Steel Magnolia
The only thing entertaining about the Tea Parties are that they scare the crap out of Washington, both Democrats and Republicans. That by itself speaks volumes to me.


The only thing entertaining about the Tea Parties are that they scare the crap out of Washington, both Democrats and Republicans. That by itself speaks volumes to me.


You honestly thing anyone is scared of that? Like I said in my original post, 30k people showed up all over the country for the original tea party. 60k people protested Bush coming into office in one city? Who's scared in Washington from a bunch of people who aren't suggesting do anything about it? They aren't violent.. they aren't stopping production.. there pose no threat to the system...


Steel Magnolia

You honestly thing anyone is scared of that? Like I said in my original post, 30k people showed up all over the country for the original tea party. 60k people protested Bush coming into office in one city? Who's scared in Washington from a bunch of people who aren't suggesting do anything about it? They aren't violent.. they aren't stopping production.. there pose no threat to the system...

You think any organized group of people who hope to see major changes in the existing structure does not pose a threat to "the system"? And you honestly think that big-government politicians aren't scared of any threat to their system? The reason Washington is ignoring them is because they're terrified that the rest of America will follow. It's not about physical actions like violence or strikes. They're scared that America is undergoing a huge shift in thinking. Which we are. I've met everyone from radical Republican nutjobs to moderate Democrats at conventions. People want a real change they can believe in, and as much as Obama's administration likes the word change, they are only interested in it if it fits their own agenda.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Just an informal poll: Which participants of this thread have actually attended a 'Tea Party" event?


Steel Magnolia
Just an informal poll: Which participants of this thread have actually attended a 'Tea Party" event?

Me. It was very interesting. I saw some people I could really relate to, as well as some real psychos. Basically your average protest, I didn't note any differences from any other protest I've been to besides subject matter.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The only thing entertaining about the Tea Parties are that they scare the crap out of Washington, both Democrats and Republicans. That by itself speaks volumes to me.

The fact that such a large amount of people have no shame when it comes to publicly displaying their ignorance and hypocrisy scares me, too.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I've attended two "Tea Party" gatherings. The first was on July 4 and it was very dynamic - and also very typical of political protests - lots of interesting people from all walks of life, some weirdos, some rednecks, some intellectuals, some suits, some dreds, some independent thinkers, housewives, trash collectors, office managers, students, retirees, teens, thirty-somethings pushing strollers - you name it, they were there. The atmosphere was positive, respectful, but a little chaotic. People seemed unsure of themselves. The courthouse square in my midsize town was jam packed. The security officers were in a jovial mood. There was no sign of any counter demonstrators. It felt like a big high school pep rally, but with a serious undertone to it.

The second event was a few months later. It was as large as the first one and more orderly. The same variety of people, but fewer oddballs. People were more serious - and more frustrated. There was definitely more organization. Though the Republican Party was out in full force, I met a lot more people who were ADAMANT that they were independent voters and were not aligning themselves with any one particular party. Generally speaking, the second set of people seemed more knowledgeable about history, legal issues, and the basics of sound economics.