My daughter came to me last week about a concern she had. It had to do with a comment made by a teacher.
Apparently in her English class the students are asked to bring in newspaper articles to discuss, and the class is encouraged to give their opinions and discuss the article in class. I think this is a wonderful exercise in learning how to read and interpret the news, understanding different perspectives, expressing your own opinions, and reasoning through your own thoughts... No complaints about the exercise!!
However, one of the discussions led to religion. It was entirely appropriate based on the article and the direction that the discussion went in. Again, I have no problem with this in general...
Then the teacher said that: "Islam only exists to justify war and pedophilia".
Apparently that resulted in an immediate end of discussion, the students were shocked and didn't know how to respond, many of them were bothered by the statement and discussed it among themselves after class.
I called the school to complain, and I wonder if I should have taken that step. What do you all think? Teachers have opinions too, should they be allowed to express them in class? Should that statement have been preceeded by a disclaimer, such as "my opinion is..."? Or should the teacher have kept his opinions to himself and just let the students discuss the topic?
Apparently in her English class the students are asked to bring in newspaper articles to discuss, and the class is encouraged to give their opinions and discuss the article in class. I think this is a wonderful exercise in learning how to read and interpret the news, understanding different perspectives, expressing your own opinions, and reasoning through your own thoughts... No complaints about the exercise!!
However, one of the discussions led to religion. It was entirely appropriate based on the article and the direction that the discussion went in. Again, I have no problem with this in general...
Then the teacher said that: "Islam only exists to justify war and pedophilia".
Apparently that resulted in an immediate end of discussion, the students were shocked and didn't know how to respond, many of them were bothered by the statement and discussed it among themselves after class.
I called the school to complain, and I wonder if I should have taken that step. What do you all think? Teachers have opinions too, should they be allowed to express them in class? Should that statement have been preceeded by a disclaimer, such as "my opinion is..."? Or should the teacher have kept his opinions to himself and just let the students discuss the topic?