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Teachers opinions in public schools


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Were I the teacher's boss, I'd explain why the statements about a religion were wrong, & order no further such sins.
If the problem persists, only then is stronger action necessary.


Premium Member
People do have a right to their opinions, even if most others find them erroneous (a milder term than I am really thinking, ;) ). But, as I am repeating, teachers shouldn't give out their opinions to children in a class or to any children at all. I think that most people would do well if they just kept some of their opinions to themselves period, even to other adults and peers. I don't go around announcing to everyone everything I believe and don't believe in because it isn't wanted and it isn't appropriate. (I do give my opinions here during a debate, though :p )


I think our society is far too litigious. I would count on the school authorities to have the common sense to either fire or discipline the teacher.

Ever heard the old phrase, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me"? Maybe parents should start teaching that again.

If a teacher told his or her class something just as negative and unfounded about Catholicism, what harm is done to me? Nothing. What am I suing for? Fire the teacher or discipline the teacher, but give the courts a rest already.

Words kill.


Well-Known Member
...We teach our children to view teachers as authority figures, ....

Perhaps here`s where the real problem lies.

I have never taught my children ANYONE was an "authority figure".
I have taught them teachers are human and humans are quite often wrong, stubborn, biased, and dangerous.

But concerning the OP I agree with your actions and would be interested in reading what the result of your complaint is.
I think our society is far too litigious. I would count on the school authorities to have the common sense to either fire or discipline the teacher.

Ever heard the old phrase, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me"? Maybe parents should start teaching that again.

If a teacher told his or her class something just as negative and unfounded about Catholicism, what harm is done to me? Nothing. What am I suing for? Fire the teacher or discipline the teacher, but give the courts a rest already.
Words kill.

If words killed, I would have been dead several times over my first hour in this forum. You should see the foul posts aimed at me in a couple of threads I have started.



If words killed, I would have been dead several times over my first hour in this forum. You should see the foul posts aimed at me in a couple of threads I have started.


Have you ever heard of Iraq? It was lies - made of words - and brutal commands from leadership that killed more than a million Iraqis.

Or maybe Afghanistan?

Perhaps the Rwandan genocide? It was started by a radio broadcast.

What about the kids who have been killing eachother and themselves because they have been bullied online.

Words are far more effective killing machines than sticks and stones.

The lie "sticks and stones" is passed on by those in power to keep the powerless down.


If words killed, I would have been dead several times over my first hour in this forum. You should see the foul posts aimed at me in a couple of threads I have started.


That's because you're a self-made martyr.


Perhaps here`s where the real problem lies.

I have never taught my children ANYONE was an "authority figure".
I have taught them teachers are human and humans are quite often wrong, stubborn, biased, and dangerous.

But concerning the OP I agree with your actions and would be interested in reading what the result of your complaint is.

I am baffled by this response. And I am typing this on my phone, so please overlook and typos and such...

"Authority figure" is not synonymous with "perfect". There are many people who fall into the category of an authority figure, and I don't see how you can avoid that fact. Police officers would be one. Your boss at work might be another. And, for kids, teachers. Those of us who do not homeschool... we send our children to a school everyday and they are expected to listen to and show respect for the teachers and school administrators. That makes them am authority figure. And we expect authority figures to hold themselves to a slightly higher standard. We expect them to set an example. That doesn't mean they never make mistakes.

The school addressed the situation by talking to a few students to get a better idea of exactly what happened and they then had a conversation with the teacher about being a role model. It was addressed and is now on record as having happened in case it happens again. I am happy with that. And the wellher did apologize to the class as well.


Premium Member
Have you ever heard of Iraq? It was lies - made of words - and brutal commands from leadership that killed more than a million Iraqis.

Or maybe Afghanistan?

Perhaps the Rwandan genocide? It was started by a radio broadcast.

What about the kids who have been killing eachother and themselves because they have been bullied online.

Words are far more effective killing machines than sticks and stones.

The lie "sticks and stones" is passed on by those in power to keep the powerless down.

I agree! The tongue has been compared as a double edge sword.


Oldest Heretic
I am somewhat surprised at the reaction to the teachers statement.

Then the teacher said that: "Islam only exists to justify war and paedophilia".
I am sure those were the sentiments expressed, but I doubt they are all of the words.

I know my school days ended some half a century ago, but then, the teachers often added statements of "popular sentiment" to stir the pot, and encourage thought around real points of view.

If the teacher had said I have seen on the web that "Islam only exists to justify war and paedophilia" what do you think?

Such ways of teaching may not exist in the USA, I do not know. But they can be very effective.

As the point of view, as expressed, is hardly defensible, I doubt very much it was the Teachers actual belief.

It they are truly of such extreme convictions, it would be unlikely to be the only such incident.
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Veteran Member
I am somewhat surprised at the reaction to the teachers statement.

Then the teacher said that: "Islam only exists to justify war and paedophilia".
I am sure those were the sentiments expressed, but I doubt they are all of the words.

I know my school days ended some half a century ago, but then, the teachers often added statements of "popular sentiment" to stir the pot, and encourage thought around real points of view.

If the teacher had said I have seen on the web that "Islam only exists to justify war and paedophilia" what do you think?

Such ways of teaching may not exist in the USA, I do not know. But they can be very effective.

As the point of view, as expressed, is hardly defensible, I doubt very much it was the Teachers actual belief.

It they are truly of such extreme convictions, it would be unlikely to be the only such incident.
Thing is, making up what-ifs is pointless, or at least very boring. But that's just me. :D


Empirical Curmudgeon
Perhaps here`s where the real problem lies.

I have never taught my children ANYONE was an "authority figure".
I have taught them teachers are human and humans are quite often wrong, stubborn, biased, and dangerous.

I teach my pupils to question everything, including, perhaps especially, me. :)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not the OP but I'll answer. I would have complained if a teacher made a crass remark about any religion, including Catholicism, because it is inappropriate.

The teacher's intent could not have been to spark a debate or bring about rebuttals. If she addressed terrorism as an issue, perhaps that could have fueled the responses she wanted from her class. That's nothing new, it's all over the media anyway, and is actually a real life debate.

She should be disciplined and possibly fired. Please don't waste the court's time on this...and for God's sake, no violent reactions please?!?

May I ask a question? This is an honest question:

If the article was about the Pope and teacher had said something negative about the Catholic Church, would you have called and complained?

I ask because there is a definite trend in this nation that no one can deny which makes Catholicism - and Christianty in general I suppose - a big fat target for attacks & negative speech, and yet anything negative said about Muslims autonatically brings out the PC Police. So I am curious to know if you would have reacted the same.

BTW: The teacher WAS out of line.



Empirical Curmudgeon
I am a theist, but I am also a born skeptic. I question everything and it helps me grow. So I particularly like the fact that you teach your pupils to do that. :)

One of my proudest moments was in a class about atoms and molecular bindings, and one of the kids asked me if we had any evidence for the existence of atoms, a valid question since none of them had ever actually seen an atom.
I spent the next two classes explaining about spectrography and electron microscopes.

Good times. :D


Active Member
What does ‘TEACH’ …mean…
in a Climate of
Thunderous Clouds
….and relatively Calm Seas
Tsunamis and …
and almost absent Clouds?

Is TEACHING about the Violence or Non-Violence of Existentiality?
Or in Terrain Terms …Right & Wrong?


Empirical Curmudgeon
What does ‘TEACH’ …mean…
in a Climate of
Thunderous Clouds
….and relatively Calm Seas
Tsunamis and …
and almost absent Clouds?

Is TEACHING about the Violence or Non-Violence of Existentiality?
Or in Terrain Terms …Right & Wrong?

No offence, but what the hell is that supposed to mean? :sarcastic