You are conflating all religion traditions in a single group. And then making it appear as if this single group was being attacked. That is not the case. A particular religious teaching is being singled out for a very specific reason that doesn't apply to many other religious teachings.
LOL. I'm not conflating anything. For religious traditions that include the teaching of Bible-based literalistic creationism, removing that dilutes that specific sort of tradition. I'm not sure where you got the strange idea that I felt this applied to all religions somehow. Clearly this thread is discussing Bible-based literalistic creationism, and I kind of assumed it was understood that this discussion
only applies to that narrow subset of religious traditions. Their traditions kind of
are being attacked and defamed by calling their teachings "child abuse."
And yeah, the constitution definitely protects some kinds of "child abuse" that aren't actually child abuse. You know, like the freedom and liberty of raising your kids in your religious tradition even if it *gasp* contradicts science and secular values! I mean, seriously, that's the worst that's being done here. It's not as if these kids go on and become worthless social reprobates. Good grief. Again, I understand folks being mad about the nutters who try and force their agenda onto everyone else (specifically, the public school system) but private families? Really, now. Yelling at your kid every day and telling them how worthless they are is abuse. Repeated violence used to "discipline" them that leaves bruises and shattered bones is abuse. Sexually molesting them is abuse. Tying them to a leash in the basement with a doggie bowl of food and water for two weeks is abuse. Teaching them creationism is NOT abuse. Sorry.