Hi Folks..
Mestemia; Do try to keep it real - if you can....Indeed, HOW do you even cope out in the real world..?...Its a mystery given some of the conclusions you often jump to here...lol...
Nobody is saying she is asking to be raped - foolish statement aimed at ridicule and nothing more...Just shows you only use this surface mind for guidance with its built in knee jerk reaction...as I say - foolish...So, as said keep it real...
Go LOOK at her picture - and understand she is "hot" for lack of a better term, would you agree..??....Would ALLl you guys agree..??....
And see then there is no way in a high school enviroment that she does NOT know this about herself is there..?...Boys will be constantly telling her and hitting on her and she will be well and truly USED to the attention.....Probably even seeks it out and craves it probably gets all kinds of social kudos becauseo fit - yes..??....She WILL know full well without question what her dress code is provoking in the guys around and that will be her aim and intent TO provoke that response when she CHOOSES to do that....Keep it REAL Folks - no way does she NOT realise she is good looking and no way does she NOT realise the affect she may have....
Indeed - seems to me - intuitively - she did it on purpose and specifically FOR the teacher and FOR the reaction - as clearly this was not a one off issue but a "repeat offence", for after all if it was FIRST time then the teacher would have confronted HER directly yes..?....Let it sink in...Student does something you dont agree with in YOUR class, you tell them DIRECTLY to stop - its YOUR responsibility as head of that class......
But look, he went to HIS superior and had THEM intervene - tells us - if we are smart and honest - that yes indeed this IS a repeat episode and the girl has probably been told many times previously, politely and quietly in all probability, but has chosen to refuse the advise and sought out the attention once again..
I remind you all - she is quite hot yes..?..She is indeed a SEXUAL CREATURE and look she is indeed FULLY AWARE of her status AS that....UNDENIABLE if we are honest and forget all that pc nonesense