Bill Starr
My Russian Blue cat I have never had a pet like him always stays within 2 feet of me most loyal animal I have ever had I will never be alone as long as he is with me.
I got him from a man I was visiting when I was a hospice palliative care volunteer I did a match service with him and went on his journey to his death. We became close friends and he asked me to take his cat and look after it I would do anything for him so I said yes. Looking back its almost like this cat was destine to be mine.
So this cat no only made one old man happy he's working on a second old man.
I got him from a man I was visiting when I was a hospice palliative care volunteer I did a match service with him and went on his journey to his death. We became close friends and he asked me to take his cat and look after it I would do anything for him so I said yes. Looking back its almost like this cat was destine to be mine.
So this cat no only made one old man happy he's working on a second old man.