1. Homosexuality destroys families; many things do.
I would say it isn't the homosexuality that's destroying families, but those in a family who have been brainwashed into believing it's an unacceptable sexual orientation, and lash out against it. All homosexuals want to do is be left alone to live out their lives in peace the best they can.
2. Homosexuality is a temptation and acting on it is a choice.
Then heterosexuality must also be a temptation, and acting on it a choice. I'm sorry your lack of understanding of sexual orientation has led you astray. Educate yourself.
3. Homosexuality is unnatural to men as lesbianism is to women.
Unnatural in the uncommon sense, yes. But so is handedness. You know, dominant right hand vs dominant left hand. Now what?
Unnatural, since I don’t accept that human beings are animals.
Well, that's the answer that will earn you an
F in science class.
4. The purpose of sex is procreation, to “be fruitful and multiply”, though that command isn’t likely exclusive to sex in my opinion.
So why didn't god disable the sensuality wiring in the brain once the procreating was all over with, or leave it in the OFF position to begin with for those incapable of procreating? After all, he is all-knowing and is certainly aware of who will be needing it or not. OR, could it be that god purposely designed sex to be fun and exciting? I know god is continually creating evil (even says so in your Bible) but maybe, just maybe, he has a generous side to himself. Possible?
5. God forbids homosexuality because it’s a perversion.
Nope, it's considered to be a perversion by some because that's what a lot of up-tight, sex-fearing, mean-spirited preachers have been telling their congregants. And the congregants, unable to think for themselves, fall for it.
It is a curse, connected to the fall of man and the world. It’s unnatural, counter to reproduction, and its fruits are sour, even rotten.
All part of god's great plan (he could stop it if he wanted to) to bring unhappiness to the human species. Thanks god. You're quite a guy. Just don't bend over to pick up the soap when you're in the shower. One of your chosen few might just want to . . . . .oh hell, you know what might happen, you designed it into them.
Please look into this yourself without bias. You may learn much, though resources are scarce.
Thanks, but I'd rather follow Mein Kamph than rely on the Christian religion for my standards and ethics.