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The 1000 year reign of Christ


Veteran Member
Indeed , man has polluted this earth to a hellish deep level and God will cleanse it accordingly with fire so nothing remains to remind him of it. He is not about to build a new world on human decadence.:no:

What does Revelation 11v18 B say about what God will do regarding earth?

In Scripture 'fire' can mean as a 'cleansing fire' used in being refined.

There are three [3] earths mentioned at 2nd Peter 3 vs5,7,13.

Verse 5 is in connection to the flood of Noah's day. [old earth]
Did God build that new world on human decadence, no, but
first didn't God get rid of decadent humanity?

So, the planet earth was not re-created or created again.
Nothing was wrong with God's creation but corrupted human creation
Unlike Noah, they corrupted themselves. Deut 30v19; 32v5.

Verse 7 the heavens and earth of 'now' [now earth] which is the time from after the Flood until the time of verse 13 when as God promises at Rev 21vs4,5 that he will make all things new. As there was a new earthly society after the Flood giving mankind a fresh or 'new' start, so too at the time of Jesus glory [Matt 25vs31,32] mankind will be given a fresh or 'new' start in a 'new earthly society' [new earth] comprised of the separated living sheep-like ones who without having to die can gain everlasting life, not on a fired earth, but right here on a cleansed earth. Cleansed from wickedness.

Jesus referred to that millennial time of his reign as a regeneration or renewal in that recreation time. Matthew 19v28. Not a literal new earth but new from decadent humanity, and new from Satan because he will be abyssed.
Unlike the days after Noah because at that time Satan was not abyssed.

As Isaiah wrote [45v18] God made and established the earth to be inhabited.
Earth's foundation is firmly established according to Psalms 78v69; 104v5,30
There is No expiration date for the earth. -Psalm 119v90; 93v1
Jeremiah agrees the earth is solidly fixed, stable.
-Jer 10vs11,12; 1st Chron 16v30.
Psalm 115v16 assures God gave the earth to mankind.
King Solomon agrees because he wrote the earth abides forever. Ecc 1v4 B.

So it is not the earth [planet] that is at fault but the wickedness on the planet.
If you had a beautiful house that became rat infested would you burn up your beautiful house or bring in an exterminator ?

Look who God will call in to get rid of rat-like wicked people.
Isaiah 11v4; Rev 19 vs11,14,15;
Psalm 92v7; Proverbs 21v18; 10v30; 2vs21,22