It may sound strange, but I fear those with a gun available that have never seen what they do other than on TV. I believe any household that feels the need to house a gun, needs to take all household members to a target range and let them feel, see, and hear the reality, and be taught the responsibility and respect of a firearm.
This may seem wrong...
View attachment 97440
But this is much, much worse:
View attachment 97441
It is NOT to be left to be assumed a toy.
I agree with that.
I grew up in a house with guns. We hunted, target practiced, shot skeet, my father collected antique firearms, swords and knives. I had the benefit of parents familiar with guns. My father was a former Marine and instilled in me and my siblings several concepts that personally I think should be universally recognized and taught.
1. A gun is not a toy. Handle everyone of them as if they are loaded despite what you think you know. Don't play pretend with them. Don't point them at anything you don't intend to shoot or need to.
2. Never use one in anger.
3. Keep them in good, working condition.
4. Know your guns. How they work. What is needed for them to work.
5. Hope you never have to use it for defense, but be ready if that happens.
This wasn't like some sort of formal training, but knowledge handed down to us and rational rules to follow. He considered it a serious responsibility and one that he thought was important to share with us. My mother was of a similar mind and familiarity, though not through military training or combat.
I would add that a gun isn't some token to make you feel like a grownup or a man or whatever it is that some seem to equate to firearm possession.