First, you artfully dodged the questions re the sabbath and why God allowed the system he mandated to be destroyed. No matter I understand. You really think I am inconsistent because I said Noah, and Job and others were righteous without keeping the law ( there was no law) ? Lets see, Go back to Genesis, and look at the man who got the whole thing started, Abraham. Was Abraham righteous, without keeping the law ? You betcha !, how does that work ? Gen 15-6 : "And he (Abraham) believed in the Lord ( had faith) and He (God) accounted it to him for righteousness." Imputed righteousness, no works, no law, purely on faith. So then those pre law righteous people were righteous BY FAITH, not by anything they did, not by law, because there wasn't any. I can be, and am more righteous than you, because my faith in Christ IMPUTES his righteousness to me, and after being declared righteous by his imputed righteousness, I am being changed by his IMPARTED righteousness, not for salvation, but because I have salvation. Your definition of repentance is wrong, you made it up to suit your own strange view. To repent means to recognize you have lost your way, or to recognize your sinfulness leading to seeking forgiveness. If you repent, are forgiven, then fall back to cherish sin, habitually commit sin, your repentance counted for nothing. You tell me you are A-OK because you keep the law, you are dead wrong. You DO NOT KEEP THE LAW. Go back to Leviticus. You seem to think animal sacrifices were for sinners and only for atonement. WRONG. There were animal sacrifices required for a number of reasons that had nothing to do with atonement, you do not do them, you do not keep the law. Are you more righteous than Aaron? He and ALL the priests were to offer sacrifices for themselves. On the day of atonement, sacrifices were made for ALL THE PEOPLE, it doesn't say the bad people, it says ALL. Are you receiving the benefit of this required sacrifice ? No ? You don't keep the law, you have failed, by your own standard, you are unrighteous. Ever had a boil, or bad burn, or any skin condition ( saraath in Hebrew) ? if so, or if you do, you are required by the law to go to a priest, not a doctor, If you didn't, or don';t you have or will break the law. Ever had a discharge, say from a sinus infection, or do you think that any of the sinless women you know who get the very common yeast infection, went to a priest ? No ? the law was broken, there are no priests, that system is done, YOU CANNOT KEEP THE LAW. So, Like Christ said YOU preach your foreign Gospel, and make your hearer ten times more suited for hell than when he hadn't heard you. What did the Christ say about you ?" If you keep my teachings, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Fathers commandments, and abide in his love" John 15-9, This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. ibid. v 11, If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin ( because of the system of atonement), but now they have no excuse for their sin............. but this happened so that the word might be_ FULFILLED_ WHICH IS WRITTEN IN __THEIR__ LAW. ibid v22-24. The law is fulfilled, it is done, it has no meaning. It cannot be kept as it was given by God because he allowed the system to keep it to be destroyed because it was fulfilled in Christ. YOU CANNOT KEEP THE LAW, to believe you can and trying to to be good before God will send you straight to hell. There is only ONE way. " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES ( just like Abraham) in him will have everlasting life " John 3:16. The law ended at the cross, now there is only one way to be righteous, by faith in the imputed righteousness of Christ. You quoted "faith without works is dead", a very right and correct verse but it isn't addressing the law. Imputed righteousness will lead to a change in ones life, one will love to do good things. If your faith by which you are saved does not lead to doing good, then your faith, and your salvation has died