Jesus in me
Okay Muffled, the reason why it pleased the Lord to bruise Israel, the Suffering Servant by rejecting him according to Psalms 78:67-70 is because, by doing so, He would fulfill His promise to David to confirm Judah as a Lamp in Jerusalem forever. (Kings 11:36)
Daniel 12:2 has nothing to do with bodily resurrection. If you read Isaiah 53:8,9, when the Jews are forced into exile, it is as if they have been cut off from the Land of the Living aka Israel and, graves are assigned to them among the nations. At the end of the exile, the Lord opens up those graves and brings them back to the Land of Israel. (Ezekiel 37:12) That's called Aliyah. In the case of Daniel 12:2, those who decide to return, it is as if to eternal life in the Land of Israel which is an euphemism. Those who decide to remain in exile, it is as if to condemn themselves to reproach of eternal abhorrence and shame. That's what Daniel 12:1-3 is all
Now, with regards to Martha, rather the opposite is true. She was Jewish no doubt, and for that
matter, she had no idea about bodily resurrection. The point is that the author of that gospel was a Hellenist and he forged the text to insert the Greek doctrine of bodily resurrection.
I believe Israel was dead when this prophecy was given. You do realize that the pronoun "his" refers to a person and not a group don't you?
I believe you think you have the ability to read minds of people long dead. How do you manage that?