They are the legitimate fulfillment of some of Old Testament Judaism, but not all of it, since not all the prophecies were fulfilled by Christ, and that is one reason Jews do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
They deny the second coming when the remainder of the Messianic prophecies are expected to be fulfilled.
Various rabbis of old considered Daniel 9 to be a prophecy of the Messiah:
Maimonides (Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon): "Daniel has elucidated to us the knowledge of the end times. However, since they are secret, the wise [rabbis] have barred the calculation of the days of Messiah’s coming so that the untutored populace will not be led astray when they see that the End Times have already come but there is no sign of the Messiah" (Igeret Teiman, Chapter 3 p.24.)
"Rabbi Moses Abraham Levi: "I have examined and searched all the Holy Scriptures and have not found the time for the coming of Messiah clearly fixed, except in the words of Gabriel to the prophet Daniel, which are written in the 9th chapter of the prophecy of Daniel (The Messiah of the Targums, Talmuds and Rabbinical Writers, 1971) p.141-142.
Daniel 9 has this passage: “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah ('anointed one') shall be cut off, but not for Himself....and war will continue until the end."
So even Daniel concedes the necessity of a 2nd coming for the Messiah to wrap things up. Same with Isaiah 53.