As far as the statement "based on the literal text of the Amendment(my correction) as well as contemporary sources" I find that to be invalid since other learned source disagree. Just who are these "contemporary" sources.? As if I didn't have a good idea.
Ah, so you didn't bother to read
@Nous's post:
"The parallels between the Second Amendment and these state declarations, and the Second Amendment’s omission of any statement of purpose related to the right to use firearms for hunting or personal self-defense, is especiallystriking in light of the fact that the Declarations of Rights of Pennsylvania and Vermont
did expressly protect such civilian uses at the time. Article XIII of Pennsylvania’s 1776 Declaration of Rights announced that “the people have a right to bear arms for the defence
ofthemselves and the state,” 1 Schwartz 266 (emphasis added); §43 of the Declaration assured that “the inhabitants of this state shall have the liberty to fowl and hunt in seasonable times on thelands they hold, and on all other landstherein not inclosed,”
id., at 274. AndArticle XV of the 1777 VermontDeclaration of Rights guaranteed “[t]hatthe people have a right to bear arms forthe defence
of themselves and the State.”
Id., at 324 (emphasis added). The contrastbetween those two declarations and theSecond Amendment reinforces the clearstatement of purpose announced in theAmendment’s preamble. It confirms that the Framers’ single-minded focus incrafting the constitutional guarantee “to keep and bear arms” was on military uses of firearms, which they viewed in thecontext of service in state militias."
The other state constitutions, written at the same time, explicitly stated the rights of hunting and defense using firearms. So why didn't the federal Constitution contain it? Why did they only talk about firearm rights in reference to a well-regulated militia? It's wasn't because they didnt have the foresight or didn't consider it, since after all, their contemporaries did include it.
I'll take the current SCOTUS ruling on the issue and with further appointments to possible vacancies on the Supreme Court I don't see any changes forthcoming.
Oh, and how many Framer's have the Supreme Court Justices spoken with?