This is just based on lot of wish-washy superstitions.
Creationists like to wish that something that cannot be explain, therefore “god did it” isn’t an explanation, but just wishful thinking, that have bunch load of fallacies, from circular reasoning, to argument from ignorance, etc, and overkill in confirmation bias.
Both creationism and Intelligent Design creationism cannot even offer testable for their religious belief, except to say god must have did this or did that.
The Intelligent Design adherents are still using the same outdated, backwards “God did it” adage, but now they used “Designer did it”.
It is outdated, illogical, unoriginal and untestable adage that have been overused unimaginative creationists.
This is why ID adherents often used Universe or life is too complex, so must be designed, therefore it must have Designer.
They think that all that they need to say, but those so-called (ID) experts from Discovery Institute, are not known for their logic, nor for their intellectual honesty, nor for their scientific literacy & competency, PERIOD.
Because of their lack of testable explanations/predictions, Intelligent Design should be renamed Unintelligent Chaos, because they offered no intelligence in their concept.